above Earth orbit.

A huge spaceship rushed out of the blue planet's atmosphere, and began to orbit the earth, but at this moment, five aerospace fighters also rushed out from behind, chasing the spaceship in front, and at the same time these The spaceship is constantly firing energy beams, trying to attack the spaceship.

However, the attack did not materialize.

Because Xiaobai always controls the weapons of these aerospace fighters, they always have some deviations.

"Why can't you hit it?! What about the intelligent aiming system? Is it not working well?"

Among the five Tianxuan fighter jets, the pilots watched the energy beams launch out one after another, and all of them deviated from the target, and almost failed to break the defense. The intelligent aiming they were proud of in the past was actually useless now. It's just outrageous.

"What's going on? Can't you hit it?"

Message from Ground Command.

"Miss! Every time it's a little bit short, it feels like... the spaceship is stroked, and it can't go up at all."

said a driver.

After a sound of discussion came from the ground command, another order was conveyed: "Then don't use the intelligent targeting system, you can directly aim manually! Full firepower, don't get entangled in energy!"


The pilots responded, and immediately turned off the automatic aiming system of the spacecraft, and began to launch manually. At the same time, they no longer worried about the energy consumption, and directly fired at full power, and the energy beams continued to fire like money.

However, what made them stare was that they still missed, and even their energy cannon tracks changed strangely, as if they were deliberately bypassing each other.

This scene made them all feel horrified.

Does this mean that their spaceships are all under the control of each other?

They quickly passed the news to the ground command.

In the ground command headquarters, the chief of the space army heard the news, immediately slapped the table, and cursed: "Zhiqi Company, actually tampered with the plane it sold to us?!"

"Check all the operating systems of our aircraft, check whether there is a problem with the system, or a problem with the aircraft component."

"You keep chasing, bite each other tightly, and see what the other party wants to do?!"


After receiving the order, the Tianxuan fighter plane continued to chase the spaceship ahead, but not long after, the spaceship accelerated again, broke through the second cosmic speed, and began to fly deeper into the universe.

Seeing this scene, the Tianxuan fighter lost the ability to chase. The Tianxuan fighter can only perform close-orbit combat missions, and has no way to fight beyond the orbit, because their battery life cannot support the next operation.

With no other choice, they were also ordered to return to Earth.

At the same time, the space army also began to conduct a comprehensive inspection of all Tianxuan fighters in service. Facing this situation, they all felt terrified. If the other party could directly control their planes to crash, how much would they have to lose?

But no matter what, the chief of the space army was extremely furious, and immediately ordered, "Global search, even if you dig three feet into the ground, I must find Ye Cheng!"


African bases.

"Have you entered the route? There are still 120 days to reach Mars, I know."

Ye Cheng nodded slightly after hearing the news from Xiaobai.

"However, it still makes them aware that we can control their aircraft. Fortunately, what they don't know is that we have the lowest level of control authority. They just think that we control their automatic targeting system."

Thinking of this, Ye Cheng shook his head, this is also an inevitable thing.

But at the same time, the scope and efficiency of the other party's search for them has also been strengthened. Almost every continent in the world has begun to search for them, including electromagnetic waves, grounds that can be built, and places where the influence of Zhiqi Company has been affected. Let them discover some secret locations. Of course, these are relatively easy to be discovered, including the secret base where the Mars spacecraft was launched this time. Of course, due to the long-awaited staff and the internal key The reason why the equipment had already been destroyed, so the other party didn't find anything.

Like their quantum communicator.

Since quantum communication can be realized on Mars, of course quantum communication can also be realized on Earth.

This quantum communicator also prevents them from being discovered when using electromagnetic waves to communicate.

"Okay, let's wait slowly now, and wait for them to go to Mars."

Thinking of that thing on Mars, Ye Cheng's heart sank even more, because he had already realized that that thing was related to the dream he had forgotten, or in other words, that thing had appeared in his dream.

"So, what the hell is that?"


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