Time passed quickly, and the search for Zhiqi Company on the earth was still ongoing, and Zhiqi Company also launched a secret battle with the Earth Joint Search Team. During this process, some former employees of Zhiqi Company were found hiding places. Some of them were beaten severely and finally died, but it was probably because this employee was also infected by the heart stab and became the same kind of infected person, so he was sent to the hospital for treatment, and these people also joined the rebellion against Zhiqi Company in the ranks.

However, it was unavoidable that some people were directly beaten to death on the spot.

Regarding these situations, Ye Cheng had no choice. He had already arranged for these Zhiqi employees, but because some of them disclosed their hiding places when they contacted their family members, their family members directly sent the news to them. It was revealed to the search party, which led to their discovery.

So he has already restricted the external communication channels of other employees who have not been exposed through Xiaobai, so that they cannot contact their family members.

Of course, it is not that their people have resisted. Because of the presence of several I-type guards, the other party has paid a relatively high price. The combat effectiveness of the I-type guards is still very strong, but they will also sacrifice. So after sacrificing ten I-type guards, the opponent suffered more than 300 casualties.

This is also the first firepower conflict between Zhiqi Company and the search team.

Afterwards, the search headquarters was naturally even more angry, and more people were sent to search and arrest. At the same time, they were equipped with more powerful forces, such as exoskeleton combat troops, or lethal autonomous weapons.

However, to deal with lethal autonomous weapons, you only need to use similar EMP weapons. This is not a big problem, but it is more troublesome to face real troops.

Ye Cheng doesn't want to kill people, because it's the 'heart stab' after all, but he has no choice but to kill people in this situation. confidence.

But all in all, I believe that after the spacecraft sent this time arrives on Mars, there should be good news.


Time passed quickly.

120 days later.

Mars, Phoenix Base.

The four Martian team members looked at the huge spaceship flying from the sky, and three of them couldn't help feeling: "It's finally here, otherwise there will be almost no food to eat."

"That's right, I heard that my officer in the army has also come over. It's been a long time since I saw him."

"Coincidentally, one of my officers is also here."

"Haha, I am one of my comrades in arms."

Except for Lingu, the other three were talking, but Lingu didn't say anything.

The representatives of these three countries said they were their officers or comrades-in-arms, but they were actually Zhiqi's I-type guards, but they just made them look like their officers, in order to convince them in subsequent operations.

Soon, the spaceship stopped in front of them, and then the hatch opened, and the people on it came down.

"Mr. Chen!"

"Hi Captain Chris."

"Oh, Jack, you're up too."

When the three team members saw familiar faces, they smiled and greeted them, while the three Zhiqi people also greeted them with smiles on their faces.

After they greeted each other, they began to move the supplies, and there were also robots to assist them in carrying them.

After a lot of work, they finally moved all the supplies into the base.

At this time, the officer Chen came to Lin Gu, took out a document from his uniform, and said, "Lin Gu, I will be your captain now. This is an order document from the Earth and Mars Command."

Lin Gu took the document, pretended to glance at it, and immediately saluted and said, "Yes! Captain Chen."

When the three foreign team members saw this scene before, they were stunned. Did they actually remove Lin Gu's captain directly?

Could it be that Zhiqi Company doesn't want to take care of it?

At this time, that Chief Chen turned to everyone again, and said, "Okay, according to the request of the Earth Mars Command, our purpose this time is to explore that Martian building!"

"Let's see if there are any aliens inside!"

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