After the arrangement of Chief Chen, former Huaguo player Zhang Fu, Xiongguo player Yinov, Yingguo player Davis, and Zhiqi's Lin Gu, and two other Zhiqi employees will all be fully armed to attack the mysterious building. to explore.

Soon, they put on the new mechanical exoskeleton equipment that they brought up. This kind of exoskeleton equipment covers the whole body, so they can carry a lot of things, and the defense is high enough.

So they can carry compressed food, drinking water, and oxygen tanks for three days on their backs. Because there is oxygen in the air of Mars, although the content is extremely low, but relying on the effect of the oxygen carbon membrane to sieve, they can still save a little, so oxygen It is enough to last for four or five days.

The only thing they can hope now is that they will not encounter danger, such as alien attacks and the like. They cannot guarantee that they will be fearless when facing aliens.

After getting dressed, they set off.

The former members of the Three Kingdoms felt a little breathless in their hearts, but Zhang Fu had to obey the orders of Chief Chen, and the people from the other two countries saw that their comrades and officers they knew also came, so naturally they didn't say anything in their hearts. The most important thing was Well, Lin Gu, the representative of Zhiqi Company, was deprived of the position of captain, so they naturally had nothing to say.

"I wish you good luck. Lin Gu is in charge of leading the team. I will keep in touch with you all the time at the base, and the Earth Command is also in smooth communication with us at all times."

"Yes, Captain."

The six people responded, and then walked to the distance, where was a hole they dug.

And that mysterious all-metal building suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Is this the door?"

"Yes, we don't know how to open this door at all now, so if we want to go in, we have to open this door first."

Lingu replied.

"Can it be opened?"

"No, we have tried various methods, but they all failed."

"Scan it with an electronic microscopic display."

Then Chris stepped forward and took out an instrument from the side of his mecha. This instrument can detect the structure of microscopic particles and determine what its composition is. It is similar to a metal detector, but it has higher technical content.

Chris held the instrument, pressed one end against the metal door, and then pressed the detection button.

In this way, after about two minutes, the test results came out.

"What is this...?! It's not metal!"

Chris looked down at the result, and immediately exclaimed in disbelief. .seven

"What did you find?" The person next to him asked quickly.

"These metals... or these particles contain a large number of neutrons inside. These neutrons are somehow confined in the particle nucleus, and the electrons outside the nucleus are almost entangled together. Even the probability cloud It doesn't exist anymore, what the hell is this?"

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Fu, Yinov, and Davis all looked confused. They are obviously not high-energy physicists, and they don't know anything about it. They are either geologists or It's a medical scientist or something.

Chris didn't answer, and said directly: "I'm going to pass this news to the captain now, and wait for the captain's response."

Soon, the news was passed to Chief Chen, and then Chief Chen sent the analysis results to Earth.

Ye Cheng, who received the news, frowned when he saw such a result.

This thing has undoubtedly exceeded his imagination.

Unsurprisingly, this is a super material realized by using the strong nuclear force to hold the nuclei of all atoms together, and the strong nuclear force is the most powerful force among the four fundamental forces, which is naturally Let this material become extremely strong, because it is no longer a force maintained by electromagnetic forces such as chemical bonds.

There is also a kind of matter that exists naturally, that is, neutron star. The strong gravitational force of neutron star makes all kinds of atoms on its surface become neutron degenerate state under the strong gravitational force, and its density will be as high as 8^14 to 10 per cubic centimeter. ^15 grams, which is equivalent to a cubic centimeter of matter, can reach a mass of 1 billion tons.

However, this kind of neutron degeneracy is supported by strong gravitational force, which can overcome the degeneracy pressure, and the thing in front of us obviously does not have strong gravitational force to achieve this, so that is to say, to create The civilization of this thing has mastered the technology to control the strong nuclear force.

"No wonder, even an electric drill can't destroy this thing."

Ye Cheng frowned. From this point of view, it would take some time to break through that door.

They're just grinding away at that thing now, because they obviously don't have the technology to break the strong nuclear force yet.

"Then let them take their time. Anyway, don't we have a lot of equipment for them? Take your time."

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