It is said to be slow, but it is actually a very time-consuming thing. After all, this thing is too strong. After the six of them grinded against the six points for about a day, they only got a little hole. In this case, they can only take it slowly.

However, as time slowly passed, the situation on the earth has become somewhat out of Ye Cheng's control.

"They seem to know our base, and then come directly?"

After Ye Cheng heard the news from Xiaobai, he showed a serious expression on his face.

Xiaobai said: "I don't know what's going on. The source of their information is very strange. The only source I can find now is from the Huaguo Tianyan Base! They passed the news on there."

"Eye of the sky?"

Ye Cheng's complexion suddenly changed.

The news that Tianyan got?

What news can the sky eye get, it comes from the noisy electromagnetic waves of the universe, or something like background radiation. From those cosmic electromagnetic waves, they can find out where his bases are?

"Are you kidding me!"

"But, it is indeed the case, and this is relevant information."

Xiaobai said, and then sent the information it investigated to Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng began to browse from the beginning, and finally his face became serious.

Although it cannot be determined from the data that the Sky Eye received the news after receiving the electromagnetic waves from the universe, however, this is the only explanation he can think of.

"what 's wrong?"

Ye Cheng stood up from his seat and began to pace back and forth.

"Now if the news they received really came from the universe, then there is a high probability that it came from Mars."

"Then this proves that there must be a conscious being on Mars doing this on purpose."

"Then what is its purpose?"

Countless thoughts flashed through Ye Cheng's brain, and finally stayed on the dream he had when he injected the evolutionary virus a few years ago.

When he woke up, he only remembered that he had one purpose, and that was to go to Mars.

It's just that Xiaobai said that he talked in his sleep during the process and told himself not to go to Mars, so he never went.

But now this situation...

"Could it be that that thing wants me to go to Mars?"

There was a flash in his mind, and this guess emerged.

"Let me go to Mars? Is that thing..."

Just as he was thinking in his mind, Xiaobai suddenly exclaimed: "The master is not good! The joint search department knows about Fort Hermes! It's also the news from Tianyan!"

Fort Hermes was the palace-like big house that Ye Cheng first entered when he brought his family here.

Ye Cheng couldn't help being surprised: "When will they come over?"

"They have already begun to gather troops, and they will arrive in about six hours!"

Ye Cheng frowned, finally sighed, and said, "At this point, we can only resort to the last resort."

Originally, he didn't want to confront human beings head-on. Zhiqi Company sold a lot of advanced technology to various countries, but Zhiqi owns more advanced technology, which is completely worthy of their encirclement and suppression.

In addition, there are many secret bases. Zhiqi Company has more than 30 secret bases all over the world, which means that it can release more than 30 spaceships to fly to Mars, so he can take his time and see if he can Solve the heart thorn problem.

But now, the other party started to be unreasonable, and knew directly where his lair was.

That can only, "control all their weapons and equipment, and warn them not to act rashly, otherwise they will let their own nuclear bomb explode."

This is just a threat, of course it is impossible for Ye Cheng to actually activate the nuclear bomb.

And soon, the Joint Search Department got the news from him. Immediately, the Joint Search Department was all furious, and put down their words: "Traitors of mankind, we will never succumb to your threats. Tens of thousands of people on the earth Tens of thousands of people will not accept the threat of an evil company like yours!"

After getting this reply, Ye Cheng sighed, the impact of the heart thorn is really too great.

This thing makes people forget their fear.

Ye Cheng had no choice but to say: "Follow the plan. Now they probably won't be able to use anything except pure mechanical guns. In addition, destroy all the production lines of weapons and ammunition on the earth. I want them to fight until the end and they can only fight hand-to-hand." Fun Court

"Yes, master."


six hours later.

Outside Hermes Fort, the first firefight broke out.

Fort Hermes has long been built into a super fortress. Hundreds of muzzles and muzzles protruded from the walls, underground, and buildings, and then faced the joint search forces surrounded from outside. launched an attack.

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