"I don't know, is what I said right?"

Ye Cheng looked at the ghost in front of him with a calm smile on his face.

The ghost's body flickered faster and faster. It stared at Lin Xiao coldly and said, "It seems that I still underestimated the effectiveness of the leader's potion."

"Leader potion?"

Ye Cheng repeated, and then came to his senses: "Could it be that the so-called evolutionary virus is the leader potion you mentioned?"

The ghost didn't answer, just said: "It seems that you chose a wrong decision, but what I have to admit is that you have found my lifeblood."

Ye Cheng also didn't answer, and continued his own topic: "The name of the leader's potion is obviously better than the evolutionary virus."

"However, what you also need to know is that your life is now under my control. If you don't want to die, then just listen to me honestly. Otherwise, you will stay on Mars forever. In addition, I will also destroy your earth civilization, and let your family and your friends all die."

"However, it's no wonder that after injecting the leader potion, I feel that my thoughts are becoming more and more considerate of human beings. It seems that it will allow me to think like a leader?"

Hearing Ye Cheng still talking to himself, the ghost said coldly again: "Enough! Did you hear what I said, do you want all human beings to die?"

Ye Cheng finally stopped talking, looked at the ghost calmly, still did not answer its question, but asked instead: "You have existed for more than four billion years, you must be very tired?"

"What do you want to say?"

"After more than four billion years, you have not chosen to give up, and you have still lived tenaciously to this day. Believe you, you should be very afraid of death, right?" Ye Cheng said calmly, "Oh no, for something like you , should be unconscious."

"And now, your hope can only be placed on me. You are so afraid of losing consciousness, you must not dare to kill me, am I right?"

The ghost said coldly: "You guessed wrong, I dare to kill you now, we, die together, or maybe you, someone on the earth will appear to complete this step."

Ye Cheng stared at the ghost and said, "But, you still haven't killed me now."

"You really think I dare not do it?"

The ghost said coldly, and then, Ye Cheng only saw its arm wave, and he suddenly felt his left hand lose consciousness, and at the same time, an extremely cold feeling was transmitted from his wrist to his entire arm.

His left hand, necrotic, was pierced by the -273.15c hand of the ghost, the blood in the blood vessel was frozen into ice, the blood vessel was squeezed, all the water in it was also frozen into ice, the nerves died completely, and he lost everything vitality.

Ye Cheng frowned, but he still endured the pain and said calmly, "So? You still didn't kill me."

"You..." The ghost's cold eyes showed killing intent, it swung its hand again suddenly, Ye Cheng suddenly felt that feeling coming from the forearm of his left hand again, the coldness that penetrated into the marrow of the bone, the severe pain, in exchange As an ordinary person, he would have wailed a long time ago.

But he just said: "Oh, I understand, maybe my identity is quite special, and only one of my identities can complete the last step."

"Let me guess, is it my 'system' host identity, or the 'leader' identity? After injecting the leader potion, for your Martian civilization, I should be the so-called 'leader', right?"

"So, should you listen to me?" Ye Cheng had this guess, and then said, "You, stand at attention."

"You're dreaming!" The ghost said coldly, and then it passed through Ye Cheng's right calf again, and Ye Cheng's right leg gave way suddenly, and he knelt down.

"It seems that I guessed wrong and can't control you."

Ye Cheng shook his head, propped himself on the ground with his right hand, and dragged himself to stand up.

"However, you still dare not kill me, so now I have a few guesses. My previous guess is correct. You dare not kill me because my identity can save you. Second, you can't kill me because My identity, but you can hurt me... It's not right, when I was on the Xianzhou before, the people in your control of the Qiankun Army issued an order to kill me, but it is also possible that you know that the Xianzhou is impossible Being shot down by a fighter plane of the Qiankun Army means that I will not be 'dead', so you can completely regard this 'hurt me' command as a test."

"Well, it's getting more and more complicated."

Ye Cheng shook his head again, finally stood up again, and then said: "But all in all, you have something to ask of me."

"So, let's make a deal."

Hearing Ye Cheng's words, the ghost said: "What deal?"

"I'll build you another spaceship 'Xiantian', and then arrange a thousand artificial wombs and five thousand fertilized eggs on it, and then I will transfer you to this spaceship, and you will leave the solar system from now on, how about it?"

"Go to another planet by yourself and develop a civilization of your own. Those 5,000 fertilized eggs can also cultivate a new civilization, which is completely dominated by you."

The ghost said coldly: "Then, after the spaceship takes off, you destroy the spaceship again, right? I won't accept it."

"Then there's no way."

Ye Cheng spread out his right hand. As for his left hand, his arm can still move, "You kill me, look at you, I'm afraid it won't be long before you really die, right? Let me guess, how long do you have?" Will it die completely? Three years, one year, or even six months?"

Ye Cheng captured that when he said he was six months old, the ghost body in front of him flickered very frequently.

"It seems that I guessed it right. It's almost six months. I just don't know if it's six months on Mars or six months on Earth. Oh, it should be six months on Earth. A month on Mars is only half a day. Not yet."

"No wonder you are so anxious, you directly let the earth humans besiege all my bases, just to force me to come to Mars, it turns out that your time is running out."

"However, one thing you need to know is that there is no "Xiaotian" spacecraft on the earth. Only the "Xiaotian" spacecraft can go back and forth between the Earth and Mars in a short period of time, and the spacecraft on the Earth want to come to Mars. Considering that Mars is now far away from the Earth It has reached nearly 300 million kilometers, so the next time I come back, I am afraid it will take six months or even seven months."

"That is to say, only I can save you now."

Listening to Ye Cheng's words, the ghost fell silent.

It was starting to feel a little scared.

Facing Ye Cheng's calm state, and his terrifying analytical ability, he guessed all of its situations accurately, and even after being touched by it.

According to its data, when this kind of life body touches absolute zero, the degree of pain it suffers is quite terrifying. As a result, Ye Cheng not only endured it, but was even able to conduct such an analysis.

It regretted that it wanted to give the leader potion to Ye Cheng.

However, the life that can be transferred out is limited by the life level of the civilization it once loyal to, and the leader potion can give Ye Cheng a leader level, which is a high-level identity in the civilization it is loyal to. Through the judgment, it is transferred into the quantum computer.

So it had to give the leader potion to Ye Cheng at that time.

"what do you want to do?"

"It's not what I want to do, but what you want to do. Now, you either agree to the conditions I just said, or we die together."

The ghost's body flickered, and after a while, he said, "But how can you guarantee that you won't cross the river and tear down the bridge?"

Ye Cheng laughed, it seems that now is the time to turn the offensive.

He said: "It depends on you. First, I will not hand over the quantum computer to you unless you can give me a quantum computer. Second, your information flow and the earth cannot have any contact again. In addition, we You must know everything about you and the civilization of Mars."


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