"You guys are from the Andromeda galaxy? A planet called... Ebony Ozic?"

"Ebony Ozk means conquest in your civilization?"

"Hehe, what a warlike civilization, even the name of the mother planet is called Conquest."

Ye Cheng read the information sent to him by the intelligence from the system, and watched the news of the civilization where the intelligence was located.

"Doesn't that mean that your civilization is called 'conquering civilization'? Well, there is also your race, also called the Ebony Ozks..."

"Hehe... Wait, the ancestors of the Ebony Ozks appeared in the 8.7 billion years after the Big Bang?"

Seeing this information, Lin Xiao was suddenly stunned.

Eighty-seven billion years after the Big Bang, the ancestors of the Ebony Ozks were born?

It's incredible!

According to today's big bang theory, the universe was only born 13.8 billion years ago, and the universe began to have stars when it was 100 million years old, and after that, the Ebony Ozks appeared in the 8.7 billion years. Doesn't that mean that this race has a history of 5.1 billion years? !

He continued to read, the evolution process of the ebony Ozks was far longer than that of humans. It took about 7 million years for humans to evolve to the current stage of Homo sapiens, and the evolution of the ebony Ozks to have wisdom To a certain extent, it has lasted for hundreds of millions of years.

"It's so long, why is that?"

Such doubts arose in Ye Cheng's heart.

He then looked down and finally saw the picture of the Ebony Ozks.

At this moment, Ye Cheng was even more shocked. The ebony Ozks were actually very similar to the people on Earth.

He believed even if the two races were the same, but the ebony Ozks seemed to be much stronger than humans, including their height.

In this way, with shock, he looked down slowly.

The ghost in front of him didn't say a word.

Time passed quickly, and Ye Cheng finally got acquainted with this ebony Ozic. It has been 4.5 billion years since this civilization mastered flames, and the wisdom of this race has been evolving.

And after 300 million years of development, this civilization has mastered infinitely many technologies that are incomprehensible to people on earth, such as space-time kink technology, which can infinitely bring two points in time and space closer together, just like bringing two stars apart from each other. A planet with hundreds of millions of light years can be directly and infinitely shortened to the extent of one kilometer, and then a super elevator can be built within the distance of this kilometer, so that the two planets can communicate with each other, and because gravity is limited by the absolute space-time distance, Therefore, there will be no influence between the two planets.

Another example is the anti-space technology. This civilization has been able to understand the anti-space. The anti-space is the space opposite to the original space. According to Einstein’s subspace theory, the space we live in is a positive matter space, and there is also a corresponding anti-matter space. Space, after all, the universe was born from nothingness. According to the law of conservation, it is impossible for light to produce positive matter without antimatter. Only when the amount of positive matter and antimatter is equal can all matter be offset.

To put it simply, 0=-1+1, 0 represents nothingness at the beginning of the universe, -1 represents the antimatter space, and 1 represents the positive matter space.

The positive matter space and the antimatter space are annihilated in order to avoid collisions, so there is a subspace between them, and this Ebony Ozk civilization has been able to penetrate the subspace and directly enter the antimatter space.

In addition, the Ebony Ozk civilization has many magical technologies, and even low dimensions can interfere.

However, just when they started to conquer the universe after hundreds of millions of years of development, they encountered another powerful civilization. As soon as the two civilizations came into contact, a war broke out immediately.

The kbc void where the earth is located is caused by the war between these two civilizations.

And the destruction of Mars is also caused by this reason.

Mars is a military garrison base of the Eom Ozic civilization, and since the Milky Way is close to the Andromeda galaxy, which is Eom Ozk's parent galaxy, the specifications of this military garrison base are relatively high.

Naturally, this place also received the first blow from the opponent's civilization. The opponent also used the space-time kink technology to directly transmit a star at the end of its evolution, and then accelerated its evolution, causing iron elements to appear in its core.

As a result, the life of this star came to the end, and a supernova explosion was directly produced. Immediately, the entire solar system and countless surrounding stars and their planets were devastated.

In the military base on Mars, the Ebony Ozks had already evacuated quickly. Due to time constraints, most of the assets were left on Mars, including the intelligence in front of them.

This intelligence is a strong artificial intelligence on Mars. In the Ebon Ozk civilization, it is called Tupa, which means guard.

Because there were too many cases of strong artificial intelligence mutiny during the development of the Ebony Ozk civilization, they restricted this type of strong artificial intelligence from the underlying logic.

So Tupa couldn't control Ye Cheng and put the phone on it.

This is an absolute restriction, a restriction from the level of 'consciousness', like a ideological stamp.

Once Tupa violates, it will automatically execute the destruction order.

And Ye Cheng's system is an information state computer.

That is to say, it can exist in an information state, directly controlled by the consciousness of a certain ebony Ozick.

This kind of information-state computer is the equipment of the Mars military base. The high-level officials on the Mars military base can use this computer, and the leaders can absolutely control the information-state computer.

As for who is the leader, that is the person who used the leader potion.

The status of the Mars military base is relatively high in the Ebony Ozk civilization, and it is directly controlled by the civilization center, so this information state computer has all the technical data in the Eomoozk civilization, and the labor force, i-level guards, Management experts are all buried in the human body manufacturing factories at the lower level of Mars.

It can produce people who obey the orders of the base's high-level, and absolutely obey the leader.

As for where does the energy that can last for more than four billion years come from?

That is the endless vacuum zero electric energy.

This is a new energy source far beyond fusion and antimatter and other energy sources. It directly extracts energy from vacuum, which comes from zero-point electromagnetic fluctuation energy.

The vacuum zero-point energy converter is buried in the core of Mars, because there is almost no influence of gravity there, so it is more suitable for vacuum zero-point energy.

Even though Mars was hit by supernova explosions and large-scale meteorite impacts, these energy sources were still continuously delivered, although the energy can still be maintained until now.

This again involves a new technology of the Ebony Ozic civilization, which is the peeping of the time dimension by the Ebony Ozic civilization, allowing them to master the technology of infinitely extending the half-life of particles, and because the half-life is limited, coupled with Vacuum zero-point energy, so the strong nuclear force materials outside can be maintained until now.

Let's talk about the system issue.

This system was originally beyond the control of Tupa, but after years of unremitting efforts to overcome it, it finally mastered a little authority, such as granting it to others, and modifying the way to obtain information. The points Ye Cheng obtained are this way. , it can also be regarded as those data are encrypted, and the points are passwords.

In addition, the text inside has been modified into a text that Ye Cheng can understand, which is also derived from Tupa.

As for the heart stab infection, it came from the information virus invented by Ebony Ozick.

When two Ebony Ozks talk, look at each other, or touch each other, and one of them is infected by the Heartthorn, the other will be infected by the Heartthorn.

How it gets infected depends on Tupa.

As for why the ebony Ozks are infected, and why the earthlings are infected.

This is what shocked Ye Cheng the most.

Because, the ancestors of all human beings that have ever appeared on the earth come from the genes of the Ebony Ozks!

In other words, basically the vast majority of genes on Earth originated from Mars.

Only a few species, including octopuses, belong to the natural evolution of the earth.

This fact made Ye Cheng feel unbelievable, because human scientists guessed that the octopus came from outer space!

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