"Oh? I remember that I responded to him in person. Hasn't the news already spread?" Ye Cheng spread his hands.

The expressions of the three reporters suddenly lit up, and they raised their hands almost at the same time and asked, "Then you said that Xiaotong will go bankrupt within ten years, do you really mean that?"

"Do you really think Snapdragon will go bankrupt within ten years?"

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "Of course I didn't say this as a joke, but I can't predict the future. Let's look at this matter in ten years. If what I said is true or false, it will be natural at that time." revealed."

The three reporters were taken aback for a moment, and finally gave up asking questions.

No one can predict what will happen ten years from now.

Afterwards, a reporter from Oriental Daily asked a question.

The reporter from Dongfang Daily was the reporter named Xiao Ying who interviewed Ye Cheng last time. She smiled and asked: "Mr. Ye, I am very glad to interview you again. I would like to ask you about the recent semiconductor industry chain in China. What do you think about the adjustment? Is it related to Zhiqi?"

Ye Cheng smiled and said: "What can I think, everyone is a different company, and I can't control it, just like what the official media said before, this is just an adjustment, and it must have nothing to do with Zhiqi. "

Of course he wouldn't admit it.

Although this major adjustment, more than half of it has something to do with Zhiqi.

Xiao Ying nodded and did not continue to ask.

The Youth Daily reporter continued to ask other questions.

In this way, almost an hour has passed.

It's time for the interview.

"Leave the last question to Xiao Ying." Ye Cheng looked at Xiao Ying.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." Xiao Ying nodded, and then asked: "Recently there are rumors on the Internet that Zhiqi is developing chips with a 3nm process, and the rumors were revealed from Zhiqi Company. I want to know if there is such a thing? Is it convenient for Fang to disclose some details?"

Hearing Xiao Ying's question, Ye Cheng couldn't help but sit up in his original posture of leaning directly on the back of the sofa.

Finally got the point.

Thirteen days have passed since the tape-out started, so far, all processes have not had any problems.

But there was no problem in the front, and it is estimated that there will be no problem in the future, so Ye Cheng has been thinking about when to spread the news these days.

Now that the female reporter asked about it, it happened to be what he wanted.

He smiled and nodded: "It is true that we are indeed developing a 3nm process Soc chip."

Xiao Ying's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately asked: "To what extent has it been developed?"

The other two reporters were also curious.

This is a chip with a 3nm process, and mobile phones are closely related to everyone. Although half of the people may not care what kind of chip the mobile phone they buy, half of the people will still pay attention to this.

The more advanced the chip, the better the performance.

Obviously no one would say no to a phone with better performance.

So they also took a lot of interest in this matter.

Ye Cheng replied with a smile: "The filming has already started, um... It should take less than a week, and the filming will be successful."

"Screen out?"

The three reporters were stunned for a moment.

The technical term stumped them.

Xiao Ying asked: "Excuse me... what does tape-out refer to?"

Ye Cheng was also taken aback, so these people still don't understand?

Then he said with a smile: "Taping out is the trial production of the chip, which is used to verify whether the chip is feasible. If the tape-out is successful, it means that the chip can be mass-produced, and it is a qualified chip."

After Ye Cheng's explanation, the three reporters suddenly realized.

Xiao Ying asked: "You just said that within a week, Zhiqi's 3nm chip can be successfully taped, that is to say, it can be mass-produced, right? Then it can be officially listed and sold to the outside world?"

Ye Cheng smiled and nodded: "That's right."

As soon as his words of affirmation came out, several reporters immediately realized that this was big news!

This is equivalent to saying that another company that can design its own chips has appeared in Huaguo!

Even, this company directly designed a chip with a 3nm process, which is no longer at the same level as the mainstream 5nm chip in the current market!

In other words, this is the best in the world!

Xiao Ying hurriedly asked: "Then may I ask, how much has this chip improved compared to 5nm process chips?"

"According to our estimation, its performance is about 50% stronger than the most powerful mobile phone Soc currently on the market. Of course, this is only our estimation. The actual performance needs to wait for the results later. The adaptability of the system has something to do with it. The more tuned the mobile phone system is to the chip, of course, there are other factors that need to be considered through practical considerations. I won’t say more here. After all, our company’s chips have not yet been produced. , saying these are empty words.”

The three reporters were all stunned.

50% stronger than the current most powerful mobile phone Soc?

Doesn't it mean that it is 50% stronger than the current fruit A15 series!

It's just hanging up!

Is this thing so powerful?

"Is what you said true? I have learned that the performance of 5nm chips is only about 20% higher than that of 7nm chips. The 3nm chips you mentioned are directly 50% higher than 5nm chips? This is really true. It's unbelievable."

Ye Cheng smiled and said: "So I said it before, this needs to be verified in the future, and I will say a few simple words now, you may not believe it, right?"

Then, he looked at his watch and said, "Okay, let's end today's interview. It was supposed to be the last question, but I've been chatting with you for so long without knowing it."

Several reporters obviously wanted to ask for more details, but Ye Cheng said so, and they had no choice but to give up.

"Then thank you Mr. Ye for taking so long to accept our interview."

"Thank you for the hospitality."

"Our Oriental Daily will try our best to release the press release before tonight."

Ye Cheng nodded with a smile: "Okay, that's a hard work for everyone."

Then he glanced at Xiao Ying, and said, "By the way, Reporter Xiao, the press release you wrote was about this morning. I read it, and it was well written."

Xiao Ying smiled and said, "Mr. Ye thinks it's good if he likes it."

Afterwards, the reporters said no more and left.

Watching them leave, Ye Cheng also began to look forward to how netizens would react after the news of Zhiqi's 3nm chip spread.

However, the name of this chip, he still has not made a decision.

After all, this is their company's first chip, so they have to think of a fancy name, right?

So it has been delayed until now.

Like Qilin, Gao Long, and Tianji.

He glanced at the computer screen.

You can't really listen to Xiaobai, call it Xiaobai chip, right?

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