Go to Beijing.


This is an office with a white floor and mahogany bookcases and tables.

Behind the large mahogany desk stands a five-star red flag, and in front of the red flag sits an old man handling documents.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

A middle-aged man walked in and respectfully said to the old man, "Elder Elder, here is a video for you to watch."

The old man raised his head, stopped what he was doing, and nodded without any surprise, "Let it go."

Then the middle-aged man took a remote control, turned on a screen in front of him, operated it a little, and a video appeared on it.

The video has not yet started playing, but it can be seen that the protagonists in it are a Chinese and a foreigner, and they should be in the court.

It was Ye Cheng and Christian.

The old man quickly recognized Ye Cheng, "Is that young man's name Ye Cheng?"

"Yes." The middle-aged man nodded: "There is also this foreigner, who is the president of Xiaotong in the United States, named Christian."

He began by briefly introducing the background of the video.

"This morning, the trial of Xiaotong, Sansang, and Ailixin sued Zhiqi Technology Company was over, and Zhiqi Technology Company won the lawsuit, but after the trial, Christian and Ye Cheng had a conversation, showing that Wall Street is willing to invest in Zhiqi and help Zhiqi get listed on the Mi stock market.”

"Ye Cheng refused and said that the company would not go public, so Christian threatened Zhiqi."

After listening to the middle-aged man's brief account of what happened, the old man frowned deeply, and he relaxed after a while.

He sighed under his breath.

In recent months, he has often been able to receive movements about this young man.

A chip, a small cube of less than 100 square millimeters, has touched the nerves of all major countries.

Especially Huaguo.

And this old man is also deeply aware of how important this gadget is.

How many times has the United States held this gadget to stop them and make them angry, but there is nothing they can do.

Fortunately, that all changed two months ago.

This young man's company has brought the hope of chip development to Huaguo.

Created a high-end chip belonging to Huaguo.

This enterprise deserves Hua Guo's full protection.

However, when foreigners are oppressing it openly, the old man finds that he can do nothing to help, and there are obstacles everywhere, except for a few words of condemnation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Recalling that more than a hundred years ago, foreigners were blatantly bullying Chinese people. A hundred years later, foreigners have restrained themselves, but they are still bullying Chinese people.

Just changed the form.

Essentially, nothing seems to have changed much.

Even Huaguo has to abide by the so-called agreements and agreements made by foreigners, such as the WTO agreement that prevents Huaguo from banning foreign products from entering the domestic market at will, but the United States can use the method of banning sales to ban Huaguo. China's technology keeps up with foreign countries.

So much so that Huaguo could only think of various ways to deal with such restrictions.

The old man was a little distressed, wondering if he would see the day when the people of Huaguo stood up completely in the last year of his life.

It's better for me to go down and report a letter to the seniors who used to be in my position.

He waved his hand, "Play the video."

"Okay." The middle-aged man nodded and played the video.

Listening to the conversation in the video, the conceited attitude of the Americans, and the ugly faces that were torn apart because they failed to achieve their goals, the old man frowned again.

But then, Ye Cheng's words of retaliation made him feel comfortable again.

Although a big man like him has to maintain a calm attitude towards everything, he also has his own emotions, but he never shows them on the surface.

At the end of the video, the middle-aged man turned off the screen, looked at the elder, and waited quietly for his instructions.

After all, it is his own order to report to the Great Elder any movement about Zhiqi.

The Great Elder pondered for a moment and asked, "How is the implementation of the semiconductor strategic plan going?"

"All the plans are being carried out in an orderly manner, with the full cooperation of the first, third, and sixth construction bureaus. The construction should be very simple. The main problem is the construction of assembly line equipment. However, the information provided by Zhiqifang is more detailed, and the production of these equipment is also difficult. Not particularly difficult."

"So according to estimates, it will take about two months and ten days to complete all the factories and related equipment."

"How about starting production?" the Great Elder asked again.

"It is estimated that it will take another month."

"Hmm." The Great Elder nodded, suddenly remembered something, and asked again: "Also, how about the investigation on the Zhiqi chip production line? And their technologies."

The middle-aged man said helplessly: "Nothing has been found out. Zhiqi doesn't even have a decent research center. It's really hard to imagine how those things came from. It's like... It seems like it just appeared out of thin air."

"But obviously it can't just come out of nowhere, can it?"

"Well...in theory." The middle-aged man was a little ashamed, "This...is a question worthy of further study, but there is a saying. It's called 'Exclude all possibilities, and the rest, no matter how incredible, is the truth' .”

The Great Elder couldn't help laughing, "Do you still read detective novels?"

"Look at it before."

The Great Elder waved his hand, and then said: "Okay, for a company like Zhiqi, we must vigorously protect it. We will try our best to agree to Zhiqi's request, as long as it is reasonable."


"Also, stop all investigations on Zhiqi."

"Yes." The middle-aged man responded immediately, but he still couldn't help asking the question: "But... Great Elder, why is this?"

The Great Elder smiled: "Zhiqi can do whatever he wants. No matter what, their things are also produced for the country of Hua. What's the point of us digging into how they came here? It's impossible to grab other people's things."

"The United States can force GSMC and Sansang to hand over confidential data, but we can't do that."

"Oh, okay." The middle-aged man could only nod.

"Well, all the investigation files should be archived and set as top secret. No one can access them without the permission of the elders. In addition, you must also remember that we are materialists. You must believe that nothing can appear out of thin air. "

Obviously, the last sentence is the point.

The middle-aged man nodded, respectfully replied: "Yes, Great Elder!"


"Master, those who investigated the company seem to have stopped investigating."

At this moment, Ye Cheng was driving on the road.

Xiao Bai's voice came from the car's stereo.

Ye Cheng was taken aback: "Stop?"

"Yes, suddenly stopped."


"It seems to have been ordered."

Ye Cheng nodded: "Then don't worry about it."

"Oh fine."

Xiao Bai's voice disappeared.

Ye Cheng felt relieved.

The company will attract official investigations, that's for sure.

And Xiaobai told him about this very early on, but there was nothing he could do about it.

However, now that the investigators have left, he doesn't have to worry about it.

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