Talking to Xiaobai, Ye Cheng also saw a research institute appearing in front of him.

Magic City Zhiqi Research Institute.

This research institute was bought by Zhiqi New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. for more than 2 billion yuan, including everything in it.

From the land to the equipment and instruments, to the people inside.

This is also the biggest expense in Dianchi's money, but it is relatively worth it. After all, so many instruments and equipment are ready-made, so there is no need to waste too much time waiting for the purchased instruments and equipment.

At the door, Dianchi was already waiting.

Although he doesn't have much research on scientific research, it is more than enough to manage a research institute.

"Has the battery been tested successfully?"

Entering the research institute, Ye Cheng also asked Dianchi at the same time.

"The first step was successful." Dian Chi nodded: "According to the steps in the document, our researchers have basically completed the construction of the battery. After measuring the circuit, they confirmed that the discharge capacity and power have met expectations. Measure the energy density."


Ye Cheng nodded: "By the way, are those researchers credible?"

"A non-disclosure agreement has been signed, and Xiaobai is always monitoring all their conversations and chat records. Once something is leaked, Xiaobai will notify me immediately."

"That's fine."

Ye Cheng nodded.

Regarding lithium-air batteries, nothing can be sloppy. Those researchers are newcomers to the company, and the issue of loyalty cannot be guaranteed, so they can only resort to some extreme measures.

This is also where Xiaobai can play a role.

Although monitoring is somewhat immoral, Ye Cheng will not be limited to this kind of thing, he is a boss after all.

In this way, they entered the materials laboratory.

Ye Cheng also put on a brand new white coat.

And just as they entered, the people inside burst into cheers.

"it is good!"


"The legendary lithium-air battery is cowhide!"

"This energy density is absolutely incredible."


"What's wrong?"

Dianchi's voice sounded, and the researchers inside all turned to look at him.

"Director, we have already tested the energy density. Counting the oxygen mass that participated in the reaction, the energy density is now measured at 2714 watt-hours per kilogram."

A young researcher immediately said excitedly to Dianchi.

"That's fine."

Dianchi nodded.

These days, he didn't eat, drink or sleep. When he got off work, he also made up some knowledge about this aspect, so he knew what the researcher meant.

"Then what value do you expect to be able to stabilize the energy density in the future?" Ye Cheng asked from the side at this time.

Obviously, 2714Wh/kg is not the expected value. The theoretical energy density of lithium-air batteries should be 3400Wh/kg. Even if this is a theoretical value, it should not be that much worse.

These researchers couldn't help looking at Ye Cheng, not knowing who he was.

Dian Chi first introduced: "This is the boss of our company, and also the boss of Zhiqi Technology Company."

These people were taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

In other words, he is their boss!

Then, someone recognized Ye Cheng immediately, and couldn't help getting excited: "Mr. Ye! I saw what you said to that foreigner in court the other day. To be honest, you are so domineering!"

Ye Cheng looked at this person, smiled and said, "Thank you."

At this time, an old researcher came over, wearing a pair of glasses, looking very qualified, he looked at Ye Cheng, and said, "Are you that Chairman Ye?"

"Are you?" Ye Cheng asked.

Dianchi immediately introduced: "This is Professor Liang from Jiaotong University in Shanghai, Liang Feiyun, and also a specially-appointed researcher of our research institute. Our lithium-air battery project is led by Mr. Liang."

Ye Cheng suddenly realized, it seems that this person should be a master in the field of materials, and he should also be one of the most senior researchers in the institute.

A smile appeared on his face: "It turned out to be Professor Liang, thank you for staying in the institute."

"Hehe, it's okay. I planned to leave at first, but then I heard that Zhiqi Company bought it, so I stayed. I also watched the lawsuit between you and Miguo Company. I support you very much, those foreign devils. It's all uneasy and well-intentioned things." Liang Feiyun said with a smile, speaking highly of Zhiqi.

Ye Cheng nodded and said with a smile: "Haha, it seems that what I did was quite correct at the beginning, and Professor Liang can be so supportive."

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this is the effect of a good reputation.

It made everyone in the academic world willing to stay.

"Okay, I won't say that much." Liang Feiyun waved his hand: "You just asked to what extent we can stabilize the energy density of the battery, right? We need to realize this more times and adjust the relevant The proportion, if estimated, will definitely not be lower than 3000 watt-hours per kilogram."

"Then thank you for your hard work."

But at this time, Liang Feiyun couldn't help asking: "Actually, Mr. Ye, I also want to know how you developed this lithium-air battery technology? The carbon film that directional screens oxygen molecules, I dare Said, this is definitely a major discovery in the materials industry, and it is estimated that it can win awards in the materials industry!"

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about it, you just need to realize its complete technology."

Hearing what Ye Cheng said, Liang Feiyun nodded: "Of course I know, I believe no one can refuse to lead such a cutting-edge research, but I really want to meet who can research this technology, I also want to learn and learn."

Ye Cheng waved his hand: "There will be a chance in the future, but that one is not convenient."

"That's fine." Liang Feiyun nodded, no longer entangled.

Ye Cheng felt helpless.

Therefore, there are always some problems when technology emerges out of thin air. I can only hope that the system can give him an expert in this field in the future.

Then they stopped talking, and Ye Cheng followed Liang Feiyun to the original battery they built.

A primary battery is a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. Anyone who has studied high school chemistry knows it.

In the primary battery in front of me, the negative electrode material is lithium rod and electrolyte solution with lithium salt. The positive electrode has no material, but has a gel-like aqueous electrolyte, and a black film is in contact with the air.

The battery is still reacting, and various values ​​are flashing on the computer screen monitoring the circuit.

Ye Cheng looked at the negative reaction chamber at this moment.

He said, "Has your negative pole not changed?"

He remembered that in the information he gave, a special treatment was required for the negative lithium rod.

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