Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 76 Advantages Of Huaguo Semiconductor Industry Chain

Soon, the Hongqi car arrived in front of the State Council and stopped.

Under Sun Qing's guidance, Ye Cheng entered the State Council and came to a conference room.

The meeting room is quite large, but there are only a dozen seats inside.

Of course, this meeting is not open to the public, even the outside world does not know that such a meeting is held.

However, this does not mean that the importance of this meeting is not high.

A negotiation between two of the most powerful countries in the world today cannot be overemphasized.

In the conference room, seven or eight people were already seated, and seat cards were placed in front of their seats.

Because Sun Qing had given Ye Cheng information, he also knew who these people were.

There are experts who study international politics, some technicians, government leaders, and most importantly, the name of the second elder is written on the seat plate on the first place.

This meeting is presided over by the second elder.

But this one hasn't come yet, so the people present are still relatively casual, chatting with each other.

Ye Cheng looked away, and under Sun Qing's guidance, he sat in his seat, which was very close to the first seat, with only one seat in the middle.

After seeing him, the people who were already present knew that he was the protagonist of this meeting. The convening of such a meeting was inseparable from Zhiqi. Negotiate with the United States.

Therefore, these people greeted Ye Cheng, expressed their goodwill, and wanted to get to know him.

Of course, Ye Cheng never refuses anyone who comes. Getting to know these people can be regarded as expanding his network, maybe he can use it in the future?

Soon, time passed, and the door of the meeting room was opened again, and an old man wearing glasses walked in. After seeing it, everyone in the room got up and shouted: "Second Elder."

The second elder smiled, came to his seat, and said, "Hi everyone."

He glanced at Ye Cheng again, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Ye Cheng quickly said: "It is my honor to meet you."

The second elder waved his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, I'm just an individual, it's no honor to meet me, but Mr. Ye and Zhiqi brought us a lot of surprises."

Ye Cheng nodded, without denying this.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense, everyone sit down, let's start this morning's meeting."

Everyone was seated, and the meeting room fell silent.

After the Second Elder said a few words, he declared the main purpose of the meeting. After the agenda for this morning's meeting, he let others speak.

One person got up, turned on the multimedia screen in front of him, and began to say: "Today is February 21st, the new semiconductor industry chain has basically been completed, only the last three special gas production lines have not been completed, but on March 3rd At that time, the construction can basically be completed, and at that time, the initial production capacity of all factories will be used to supply the chip production line of the Smart Semiconductor Center in Shanghai."

"After ensuring the supply of Zhiqi Semiconductor Center, we can continue to expand the production line, expand production capacity, and start selling abroad." The man smiled slightly: "Our ships can directly arrive at Bangzi Country and Bay Island Province, and the freight in the middle Low, the possibility of accidents is lower, and the domestic supply of raw materials can basically be realized, so the cost of our production of semiconductor materials can also be lowered, coupled with the reduction of marginal costs in large-scale sales, we can completely sell at almost the same level as dumping supply semiconductor raw materials to Bangzi Country and Bay Island Province.”

"The two largest wafer foundries in the world are located in Bangzi Country and Bay Island Province. Their demand for our semiconductor materials must be huge."

Everyone present nodded. Sansang is in Bangziguo, and GSMC is in Bay Island Province. These two foundries account for 70% of the world's orders.

Of course, this will probably change in the future.

Because in the past few months, Zhiqi's chip factory has proved their strength, and their manufacturing process is even comparable to that of Bay Semiconductor.

This is something that anyone can't believe.

Why is Gulf Semiconductor able to occupy more than 50% of the orders, and the second-placed Sansang has directly opened up a gap of more than 30%?

This is because the manufacturing process of Bay Semiconductor is very good. The chips they produce have a high yield rate, and there will be no problems with the chips, while Sansang is much worse.

Contact the Snapdragon 888 chip known as the Fire Dragon 888, and you can know about the Gaolong 888.

The Gaolong 888 chip was produced by Xiaotong to Sansang OEM, and Sansang's 5nm process still has certain problems, which largely caused it to be prone to heat.

However, Bay Semiconductor's technology is excellent enough, and the foundry chips rarely have problems, which establishes that it is the unique overlord in the foundry industry.

Even in the past, without Bay Semiconductor, chips could not break through the 7nm threshold. Bay Semiconductor was the first foundry to realize the production of 7nm process chips with DUV lithography machines.

However, Zhiqi recently showed a side that shocked everyone.

Consumers who have bought a Huawei mobile phone equipped with Qilin9K are pleasantly surprised to find that the Qilin9K manufactured by Zhiqi has an average performance score of about 5% higher than that of the Qilin9K manufactured by Bay Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. .

Although it is only five percent, it clearly proves that Zhiqi's manufacturing process is very powerful.

However, the reason why Zhiqi has not attracted too much attention is because only one Qilin9K can reflect Zhiqi's current performance. More people are willing to believe that it is just their luck. can show.

Of course, everyone here still believes in Zhiqi.

After all, Zhiqi has created many miracles.

However, the problem of the foundry is only one aspect, and everyone's focus is not on it for the time being.

The person in front continued: "In this way, we can almost make Japan's semiconductor industry chain unsustainable."

Some people raised their hands and asked, "Will Sansang and GSMC choose not to buy our semiconductor materials?"

The man sneered, and said disdainfully: "Don't forget, they belong to the capitalist world. The shareholders of Sansang and Wan Semiconductor are all Americans. They will only choose cheap things, not expensive ones." Why don’t they want something that can keep the cost down?”

"Are they going to do anti-dumping?"

"If Sansang and Wanji were developed in the United States, they might do the same. As for Bangzi Country and Bay Island Province? Just kidding, it is a paradise for American capitalists.

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