Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 77 Replacing Japan And Mastering The World's Semiconductors

"The U.S. government will not allow dumped products to enter its own market, but the government controlled by U.S. capitalists will not care so much."

"Besides, ours is not dumping. We definitely want to make money. It's just that our prices are much lower than those of other factories in Japan."

This is where the advantages of a big industrial country lie. As long as the technology is realized, everything from upstream raw materials to the final finished product can be fully included for you to achieve the optimal cost.

The person in front continued to introduce the current situation.

"When all the semiconductor materials in the world are imported from my country, the situation will be completely reversed, and the lifeline of semiconductors will be completely under our control."

The people below all nodded, and they couldn't help looking forward to the arrival of that day.

Ye Cheng couldn't help feeling amused, remembering that in October 2021 last year, when the Japanese government changed, the newly appointed Minister of Economy and Security was planning to use the semiconductor industry to gamble on the country's fortune, the old tradition of devils.

As a result, less than half a year later, Hua Guo planned to replace them.

The lifeline of Japan's semiconductor industry lies in their absolute advantage in semiconductor materials. Once this lifeline is replaced, their semiconductor industry will definitely collapse, and it will also be a major blow to Japan's economy.

Because they are facing Huaguo, which is 9.6 million square kilometers, today's largest industrial country, and they have no resistance to increase production capacity.

Japan is short of resources. If it wants to produce semiconductor materials, it must import raw materials from abroad and transport them from distant overseas countries. Transportation costs, tariffs, etc., increase the cost of these raw materials.

Then you need to understand that Japan's industrial electricity consumption is more than twice that of China!

The semiconductor industry chain can be said to be a big consumer of electricity, so the electricity bills for Japanese companies to produce semiconductor materials are quite high.

In contrast, Huaguo has low industrial electricity costs and can provide almost all raw materials by itself. Take the rare earth raw materials necessary for chip material production as an example. As the king of the world's rare earth industry, Huaguo can also achieve independence.

In the past, Huaguo did not ban the sale of rare earths to Japan to hit their semiconductor industry chain, because the world still needs semiconductor materials produced in Japan. If Huaguo banned the sale, it would be tantamount to economic suicide.

But now, Huaguo can replace Japan's industrial chain, so it can naturally supply less or no rare earths, so that Japan can only choose rare earths from other countries.

However, the reason why Huaguo is the king of rare earths is not only because of the high content of rare earths, but also because Huaguo's rare earth refining technology is unmatched by any country. It is the only country in the world that has a complete rare earth industry chain technology.

This is why Huaguo supplies 80% of the world's rare earth demand.

Therefore, even if Japan chooses to import rare earths from other countries, it still cannot compete with China.

This is the real suppression based on strength and status, not the kind of "suppression" that is just talked about.

Therefore, Huaguo will replace Japan, or Huaguo will occupy the leading position in the world's semiconductor industry chain in the future, which is almost an unchangeable ending.

This is why in the past, foreign countries did not want Huaguo to master semiconductors so much.

It is precisely because they are afraid, afraid that this technology that affects everyone in the world will be controlled by Huaguo!

But now, no matter how afraid they are, this ending is about to become an established fact.

"...So, I think the national departments should also discuss how to gradually control the global semiconductor industry, and we should worry about whether the West will be anxious about it."

"However, this point can also be used as a bargaining chip in our negotiations in early March, such as asking the United States to stop the ban on the sale of EUV lithography machines." After saying this, the person shook his head again: "However, this possibility is estimated to be zero. .”

Everyone nodded, knowing why.

Give them a lithography machine, so they can't control everything from upstream to downstream?

Now, there are only 15 Zhiqi units, which is enough to supply Huaguo. It is estimated that this is the upper limit accepted by foreigners. If the chip supply is controlled by Huaguo mainland in the future, it will be over.

"Okay, then I just analyzed the current and future semiconductor situation for everyone. As for what we can exchange through negotiation, we need everyone to brainstorm."

After saying a word, the man returned to his seat.

Soon everyone began to discuss what the future negotiation conditions would be.

From CNC machine tools to aero engines, from tariffs to Gulf Islands issues, everyone has a focus, and everyone has their own views.

However, during this period, Ye Cheng did not speak, just quietly listening to their discussion.

At this time, the second elder glanced at Ye Cheng who had been silent all this time, and asked, "Mr. Ye, do you have any thoughts?"

Ye Cheng raised his head, glanced at the second elder, and then said with a smile: "Well, I don't have anything to say for the time being, what I hope is that we can buy various components of the lithography machine in the future, so that, We at least have a chance to make it."

When the others heard what he said, they were taken aback for a moment, and then shook their heads: "I'm afraid it won't be easy for the US to agree."

"Also, even if we can buy components, we may not necessarily be able to manufacture them."

Ye Cheng spread his hands, "Don't worry if we can make it or not. As long as we can buy it, we will always have a chance to make it. Otherwise, it is really difficult for us to make a lithography machine with our own country alone." An impossible thing."

There are 100,000 components in a lithography machine, and the complexity of them is simply unimaginable.

No country can manufacture EUV lithography machines based on the technology of one country alone.

Huaguo's ability to occupy the semiconductor industry chain is already the limit of what it can do.

Everyone thought about Ye Cheng's words and felt that what he said made sense.

With the development of science and technology, the importance of EUV lithography machines is also constantly developing. Now that you have the opportunity but do not occupy the territory of this technology, you can only be yourself when you suffer a big loss in the future.

What's more, the lithography machine made by yourself must be safer, and you don't have to worry about any foreigners' back doors in it.

The Second Elder frowned slightly, then nodded: "Okay, this matter can be put into negotiation."

The meeting continues.

The morning meeting ended quickly, and in the afternoon, it was the highlight. After all, it involved lithium-air batteries, a technology that has only existed in theory in the past.

It is a technology completely controlled by the Chinese people.

And the Huaguo who controls it is also the youngest person present.

At the beginning of the meeting, everyone looked at Ye Cheng. Ye Cheng stood up with a smile, walked to the front, and began to present.

"I don't think I need to go into too much detail about the performance of lithium-air batteries. Everyone here should know that I will briefly introduce our company's research and development arrangements for lithium-air batteries, and analyze whether our technology can be cracked."


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