Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 82 No Need To Be Stuck Again, Japan's Fear

None of the netizens expected that the official media would suddenly announce such a sensational event.

Huaguo's semiconductor industry chain has achieved the world's top?

No need to be stuck abroad anymore?

Under the news about the bib, the comments are almost about to explode.

"Damn it! real or fake! 』

"Are we so awesome? 』

"I have nothing to say except shit. 』

"The official said so, it must be true! 』

"The industrial chain adjustment that was agreed at the beginning has turned into an industrial chain upgrade now? 』

"Overseas: Rabbit, play me! 』

"Foreigners are in a hurry"

"If you want to know the situation, hurry up and watch the live broadcast!" 』


In the live broadcast room, millions of onlookers poured in.

The content of the live broadcast was a reporter interviewing an old academician with gray hair.

The old academician is Ning Dekai, an academician of the Huaguo Academy of Engineering. His research direction is integrated circuit manufacturing research, and he has been engaged in this industry for decades.

At this time, the old academician had a smile on his face, and he looked happy.

And what he said made the audience in the live broadcast room even happier.

"You ask us how far Huaguo's semiconductor industry chain has been realized?"

He clapped his hands: "Let's put it this way, we have what foreigners have, and we have what foreigners don't have, and that's it."

The barrage in the live broadcast room began to flash.

"Haha, Academician Ning looks so happy!" 』

"Of course I am happy. I have been stuck by foreigners before, but now I don't have to be stuck. I must be happy." 』

"Academician Ning has been researching and engaging in the semiconductor industry for more than 30 years, and he has not achieved much before. Now he is finally free from the restrictions of foreigners. Can you be unhappy?" 』

"He's laughing and I want to cry. 』

"I want to laugh along with you too. 』

"I heard that the Japanese people have been dumbfounded recently. 』

"The Japanese must be dumbfounded. 』

Netizens on the bullet screen were discussing enthusiastically, celebrating this scene like a prosperous age.

And the live broadcast is still going on.

The female reporter who interviewed Ning Dekai was also amused by Academician Ning's appearance, and continued to ask with a smile: "Then you can go further, what kind of situation is this situation, is it okay?"

Academician Ning laughed a few times, and after thinking about it, he said: "Let's talk about wafers, that is, silicon wafers. In the past, our domestic silicon wafer production capacity was extremely limited, and we could not achieve self-sufficiency at all. This is because our Insufficient technical reserves lead to a low yield rate, so we can only rely on foreign imports. But now, we have built three large-scale wafer production plants in China, and it is expected that the production capacity will be fully opened in July and August this year. For 12-inch silicon wafers, we can achieve a monthly output of 3 million pieces, and our domestic demand for 12-inch silicon wafers is almost 3 million pieces per month."

"However, in the future, we will continue to expand production capacity according to demand, so as to supply goods to foreign countries."

"Except for silicon wafers, photoresists and various other materials are the same. Our production capacity has reached the level of supplying the whole country, and we don't need to import foreign things anymore."

Speaking of this, Ning Dekai had a proud expression on his face: "Especially in the past, we had to import the semiconductor materials from Japan...uh, the Japanese semiconductor materials, their production plants, the cost is high, so they sold us The price is also high, but now, we make our own, and the final price is about twice as cheap as that in Japan, which is great!"

Hearing the old academician's words, the barrage exploded even more.


"Classic reappearance"

"I'm sorry, a small RB is a small RB, I just said that, when the king of heaven comes, he is also a small RB"

"Little RB is probably crying out of anger"

"Good job! 』

"That's great, does this mean that our mobile phones will be cheaper in the future?" 』

"Awesome! 』


Of course, the female reporter didn't care about the almost gaffe in Academician Ning's words. She couldn't help but continued to ask, "Then why can our production cost be doubled?"

Academician Ning replied: "First of all, in terms of raw materials, think about it, Japan is an island country with scarce resources. If they want to produce these things, they can only import them from abroad. Even if they ship them by sea, it will cost money, and they still have Tariffs have to be collected several times, but what about us? We can provide the raw materials in our own country, the cost is low, and the price is naturally low. In addition, the factories are all built along the coast, and the distance between them is only a few cities. That is not so convenient. The freight is cheap, and after the production is completed, it will be shipped directly to those chip foundries, and it will be produced directly. Do you think Japan can do it?"

"In addition, our production technology can be regarded as leading in the world. Our yield rate, production speed, etc. have been greatly improved compared to before, which also allows us to greatly reduce production costs."

"This is an advantage that foreign countries cannot compare with."

The female reporter nodded and asked other questions, and Academician Ning naturally answered them as well.

And the netizens in the live broadcast room also enthusiastically posted barrage, feeling that their country's technology has gradually become stronger.

Everyone felt a kind of spontaneous pride at this time.


Japan, the official residence of the Prime Minister.

"Prime Minister, the Americans still rejected our request!"

The Minister of State came to the Prime Minister's Office to report the information, and his words were very solemn.

The new prime minister, who had just taken office for less than a few months, frowned.

He angrily stood up from his seat and slapped the table: "Cunning Americans! Never trustworthy!"

The face of the Minister of State was also full of anger.

They have been in a state of rage since February.

The neighboring country, the behemoth with the third largest land area in the world, is the largest industrial country in the world today, and the only country that can have a direct dialogue with the United States economically and militarily.

Suddenly, a complete semiconductor industry chain has been established, and all technologies have reached the world's top level. According to the news announced by neighboring countries, it is even better than them.

For Japan, this is simply something that they have to be extremely shocked and worried about.

Facing Huaguo's industrial system and labor force, any advanced industrial technology is mastered by them, and no country in the world can compete with them.

Otherwise, made-in-flowers would not be all over the world.

The same is true for Japan. Facing such a powerful enemy, if they are not restricted, they can only be wiped out.

You must know that the semiconductor industry is one of Japan's three major economic pillars, and it has provided an unknown amount of tax revenue, jobs, and the resulting world status.

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