Japan has three pillar industries, automobiles, comics, and semiconductors.

Comics belong to the soft industry and have little impact on the country's strength, unless they are two-dimensional obsessed.

Automobiles belong to heavy industry, and Japanese automobiles occupy a considerable market in the world. Therefore, based on the world's demand for automobiles, Japan occupies a certain international position.

As for Japan's semiconductor industry, it occupies a more important position in the world. In a way, it has brought Japan a greater international status than the automobile industry.

The world's demand for semiconductors is huge, and with the development of the industrial scale, this demand will only increase.

Mobile phones need chips, cars need chips, and even real estate needs chips. The demand for chips in those smart homes is the demand for chips in real estate.

Thinking about the shortage of chips in the world, countries have introduced policies to deal with it. Even the United States requires those chip foundries to hand over confidential data, apparently because of this reason.

From this we can see what Japan, which accounts for almost half of the world in the production of semiconductor raw materials, means to the world.

Therefore, Japan's dependence on semiconductors is very large, otherwise, it would not be thinking about using chips to gamble on the country's fortune.

This is also why Japan is so frightened by the menacing Flower Country, and does everything possible to prevent Flower Country from developing semiconductors.

Huami is about to start a new negotiation, and they naturally want to take this opportunity to rescue them, so they hope that the United States can make a request to Huaguo, so that Huaguo's semiconductor industry chain can only supply the needs of the domestic market, and is not allowed to export to foreign countries. for.

Although the loss of the Huaguo market is relatively large for them, it is not unacceptable, and it is better than losing the global market.

However, the United States did not agree to their proposal, which naturally disappointed them.

They usually listen to the words of the United States, but they don't help them at all in this regard?

Isn't it in their common interest?

It was simply unacceptable to them.

However, no matter how angry they were, they were powerless in the end.

Usually, Huaguo is disgusted because the country of Mi is supporting it behind the scenes. Now that the country of Mi doesn't support it, what else can they do?

The Secretary of State said: "Prime Minister, what shall we do?"

The Prime Minister's face was uncertain, and he said: "Didn't the US shareholders of those semiconductor companies let them put pressure on the US government? They didn't respond at all? I don't believe it, they will just watch their companies go bankrupt!"

The Secretary of State said helplessly: "Prime Minister, I talked with them on the phone before, but they said that including Bay Semiconductor, Sansang, Guoguo, Xiaotong, and other chip foundries and chip design companies, they all expressed their opposition. , the interest groups they represent are not as powerful as the interest groups represented by these companies, so they are helpless."

"Objection?!" The Prime Minister couldn't believe it, and was confused for a moment: "Why do they object?! Isn't it their goal to deal with Huaguo?"

The Minister of State sighed: "Huaguo's semiconductor materials are cheaper than our materials. For their chip foundries or chip design companies, the cost has been greatly reduced. Their shareholders are all big Capitalists, people who have no concept of a country at all, how can they care that they are from Huaguo!"

Listening to the words of the Minister of State, the Prime Minister suddenly thought of a sentence.

As long as the capitalists have a 300% profit, they are even willing to sell their noose.

He once thought this sentence was a joke, and thought that capitalists were not that stupid, but now it seems that this sentence is being verified.

"What a fool!"

He was very angry.

This time, Japan Semiconductor was cheated by the Americans again!

Just like the last century, Japan's world-leading semiconductor technology was suppressed by the Americans to the point where it could only produce semiconductor materials.

But this time is even more serious. Their semiconductor industry will be completely abolished.

But what else?

Can they still resist the United States?


Magic City, Expo Center.

The negotiation is about to start, and now we are waiting for all the representatives of the flower side to be present.

On the other hand, people in the United States are whispering.

A person came up and said, "Secretary of State, the Japanese side has once again made a strong request."

The Secretary of State looked cold and said disdainfully, "What do they do?"

It is impossible for him to agree to the demands of the Japanese, or those interest groups, because there is another interest group behind him.

Now that Huaguo's semiconductor industry chain has been built, they can receive such news everywhere this morning.

It can be imagined that this is the Hua Guo people's blow to them.

The people of Hua Country must be well prepared to hold negotiations today and then release the news today.

Are they angry after watching these news?

Of course angry, but what can be done with anger.

What should be done.

This is already a trend.

The United States can only find a way to try its best to reduce the impact that Huaguo may have on the semiconductor industry in the future.

As for Japan.

Who cares about Japan?

When President Roosevelt commented on the Japanese, he always felt that he was right.

Instead of thinking about the Japanese, the Secretary of State continued to think about the key points of the negotiation, and finally squinted his eyes, waiting for the negotiation to start.

Not long after, a group of people walked in at the door, and the representative of Huafang officially arrived.

The two sides shook hands to express friendship, as if they were old friends, but everyone knew that when they really got to the negotiating table later, the swords would probably be on the verge of breaking out.

Soon, everyone entered the large conference room and sat down one by one.

Negotiations between the two parties began.


In Zhiqi headquarters, Ye Cheng is looking at the computer, and the computer is playing the Huami negotiation scene.

Originally, this negotiation was not broadcast to the outside world, but Xiaobaihei entered a certain camera at the scene, so he could naturally watch the live broadcast.

On the screen, the negotiation between the two parties has officially started. Huaguo first put forward a request and gave two lists, which included various demands from Huaguo, which naturally included the issue of lithography machine production components, and the problems of Miguo. The issue of banning the sale of flowers, and the issue of Wanwan Island, etc.

The United States naturally refuted them one by one, and at the same time raised their demands.

However, that's how negotiations are done, back and forth, and finally gradually approaching the bottom line of both parties.

But it was okay at the beginning, because the United States was concerned about Huaguo's current semiconductor power and the upcoming lithium-air battery, so it let go of certain aspects, such as some banned technologies and some tariff issues.

However, in the end, the two sides reached a deadlock on the issue of lithography machines.

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