Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 90 Build A Supercomputer With 3Nm Process Core, And The Chip Architecture Is Completed

After the court trial last year, Ye Cheng gained a good reputation in China because of the photo of driving away alone. Everyone thought he was very low-key, so he must be a good person.

Coupled with the matter of him being the president of Xiaotong, and Zhiqi Company's repeated efforts to turn the tide, it makes people think that he is a high-spirited person.

Now that Yue Ning saw it, he couldn't help feeling that it was so.

But Ye Cheng basically didn't care much about these things.

Just buy more of his company's products in the future, and earn him more points.

After a brief acquaintance with the people in the supercomputing center, they stopped talking nonsense, walked into the center, and showed Ye Cheng around.

Supercomputers are huge, let alone the Sunway TaihuLight with more than 10 million cores.

Looking at the rows of chassis, Ye Cheng couldn't help but compare it with the house he lives in now, and finally found that the computer is bigger than his house.

And a few minutes after he entered the center, the phone vibrated.

The first vibration means that Xiaobai has connected to the supercomputing network, and has successfully implanted the transfer anchor into the supercomputing.

Next, Xiaobai will start to transfer. After the transfer is completed, the task of prostitution for free supercomputing has been accomplished, and it can almost be regarded as permanent prostitution. As long as the supercomputing center is not closed, the Sunway TaihuLight project will not be cut off Lose.

It is estimated that if it is cut off, it will have to wait for the birth of quantum computers, and then naturally there will be no need for supercomputers.

Without thinking too much, Ye Cheng visited with Yue Ning and several senior executives of the supercomputing center.

"Our supercomputers now use 40960 Shenwei 26010 processors, but after all, they are processors from several years ago, and there is a gap in performance between the latest three foreign supercomputers."

"However, in view of the domestic chip manufacturing capacity, we have never had the opportunity to update our supercomputing, or restart a new supercomputing project."

"Of course, after learning that your company can produce more cutting-edge process chips last year, we had relevant discussions and hoped to cooperate with your company."

Listening to Yue Ning's words, Ye Cheng nodded: "Well, I have been looking forward to the cooperation with you for a long time, but I don't know what specification processor chip you plan to ask for?"

"7nm." Yue Ning said: "Japan's Fu Yuechao is 7nm, we can't lose them."

Ye Cheng nodded, but then said: "Not considering 5nm, or 3nm?"

Yue Ning spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "Let's not talk about 3nm, it's too expensive, 5nm is within the budget, but I don't know if it's stable or not, besides, whether our self-developed architecture can be used in the 5nm process or not Another problem is that Fuyue uses an architecture specially designed by ARM, and we can't use it."

"So 7nm is enough, and 7nm should be relatively stable, and it is best to be stable for supercomputing."

Ye Cheng smiled: "The current process of our factory can fully guarantee that 5nm is more stable than Bay Semiconductor's 7nm."

Yue Ning and the others were taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help staring at Ye Cheng.

"Boss Ye, are you telling the truth?"

Ye Cheng spread his hands: "The Qilin9K we OEM for Huawei, 5nm process, has already had a lot of test results, and it is more stable than the chip they found for Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., so it can fully meet your stability requirements. requirements."

Yue Ning thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "However, the architecture is the most important issue, and we don't have any excellent architecture to use."

Ye Cheng was taken aback, and couldn't help but glance at Yue Ning and the others.

It seems that they don't know that Zhiqi will release a new architecture in April.

He smiled and said, "The structure is not a problem either."

"not a problem?"

"Our company will release a new architecture next month, which is guaranteed to be no worse than ARM's architecture, so you can rest assured."

Yue Ning and the others were stunned, and one of them opened his eyes wide: "Mr. Ye, so the rumor is true."

Ye Cheng was also taken aback for a moment: "What rumors?"

"That is to say, you Zhiqi plan to single out all the chip industries. After getting the chip manufacturing done, and EDA software was released some time ago, there are rumors that you plan to also develop the chip architecture. It seems to be true."

Ye Cheng smiled helplessly, "It's true."

Yue Ning was pleasantly surprised: "Mr. Ye, you mean that Zhiqi will be able to take out this new structure next month?"

Ye Cheng nodded: "Yes."

Yue Ning couldn't help feeling: "Zhiqi, it's really amazing."

Ye Cheng smiled, "Fortunately, that's it."

Yue Ning patted him on the shoulder and said: "Well, we expect your company to come up with the new structure. In addition, after I go back, I will report this matter to my superiors and try to get financial support. We will give it to you." He made a 5nm one!"

Someone next to him said: "Why don't you just build a 3nm chip? Anyway, 5nm is already built, and it's not bad for the 2nm chip. Zhiqi's 3nm chip should be fine."

Yue Ning glared at him: "It's not worse than that 2nm?! It's 40% smaller, okay?"

But after he finished speaking, he turned his head and thought for a while, "However, it is not impossible to consider, but it still needs to be allocated by the superior."

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "Our Zhiqi can also guarantee that there will be no problems with the 3nm process."

"Okay." Yue Ning nodded.

At this time, Ye Cheng felt the phone vibrate again.

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, it seemed that Xiaobai had already transferred.

I don't know how powerful Xiaobai will be when he uses a supercomputer.

However, now he has to continue this visit.

Without further ado, he continued to visit other parts of the supercomputer under the guidance of Director Yue Ning.

After the visit, the cooperation intention was quickly reached, and the next step is to wait for the approval of their superiors.

And Ye Cheng didn't say any more, and drove back to Shanghai.


Time passed in a blink of an eye, and April came.

The cold spring has completely dissipated, and the land of Huaguo has begun to warm up.

And the temperature in Modu has already reached the limit of 15 degrees to 20 degrees.

But for most people, there is no change except that the clothes can be worn more refreshingly.

Ye Cheng came to a room where various hosts were built, and looked at the clock core that was typing on the keyboard rapidly.

With this hand speed alone, Ye Cheng can guarantee that Lang Lang is not one-tenth as powerful as him.

If only we had such a fast speed when coding.

"Clock core."

He made a sound, which caught Zhong Xin's attention.

Zhong Xin raised his head, glanced at Ye Cheng, nodded and said, "Boss."

Then he handed a USB flash drive to Ye Cheng and said, "Fortunately, the chip architecture is completed."

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