Ye Cheng nodded and took the USB drive.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Zhong Xin didn't respond to the boss' condolences, but continued to ask: "Boss, what is my next task?"

Ye Cheng thought for a while, and said: "Recently, your main task is to answer questions. Customers who have purchased our new architecture will definitely need some help. In addition, you will also give an explanation about the instruction set of this new architecture, so as to facilitate us in the future. customers use."

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Zhong Xin nodded.

Ye Cheng added: "In addition, the government is preparing to build a new supercomputing center. I will ask someone from their project team to contact you. They should ask you some questions about the design of the supercomputing core. Please help They, in addition, the core of the new supercomputer will also use our new architecture, you can guide them."


Ye Cheng thought about it again, and then said: "For the rest of the time, you can study what you want to study by yourself, and try to get some chip technology that Huaguo still lags behind foreign countries."

Although Huaguo has completed the full layout of chip manufacturing, in terms of chip design, even if it is not restricted by EDA software and architecture, it still lags behind foreign countries.

For example, memory chips, from NAND to NOR, and DRAM, although there are a few companies in Huaguo that have a certain market in this area, they are still different from foreign countries.

Like other aspects of chip technology, Huaguo started relatively late and its technical foundation is quite weak. Similarly, Huaguo's market size in this area is still very large, and it has already broken through the 300 billion yuan mark.

However, more than half of them are occupied by foreign advanced enterprises.

Chip design companies actually make the most of their money.

Although Huaguo has mastered the semiconductor material market now, and can rely on lower costs in the future to squeeze out those foreign semiconductor material companies, the profit margin of semiconductor materials is not large.

Even the profit margins of foundries are actually not that big, and they basically rely on quantity to make money.

The real profits are those companies that design chips and then sell them.

Because several related chip technologies are monopolized by certain companies, those companies can completely set the price of the chip at a high point, with a high unit price, coupled with high profit margins, they will naturally be able to make money in the entire semiconductor industry chain the most part of it.

Now that Zhiqi has helped Huaguo build the foundation, all that remains is to think about how to occupy the part with a higher profit margin.

Zhong Xin nodded: "I see, um...then I'll start with the memory chip first."

"You can start wherever you want," Ye Cheng said.

Looking at the time, he said: "Let's do this first, you continue to study, I'll go back and look at your new structure first."

"Okay." Zhong Xin nodded and continued to work hard.

Soon, Ye Cheng returned to his own office and inserted the USB drive into the computer.

Opening the information inside, the true face of this new structure will be revealed.

Chip architecture can basically also be called an instruction set.

An instruction set is a series of commands that instruct a chip how to work.

Just like cooking, you need to buy vegetables, seasonings, pots, bowls and plates, and then a series of instructions such as lighting the fire, adding oil... and so on, and finally you can eat the dishes you want, and the instructions in the set Various instructions are equivalent to the steps of buying vegetables, buying seasonings, and so on.

An excellent chip architecture is able to complete more complex tasks with lower power consumption, which depends on whether its instruction set can coordinate the functions of chip transistors more perfectly.

And here we have to mention ARM and X86, the two most widely used architectures.

ARM is a reduced instruction set, while X86 is a complex instruction set.

The former has low power consumption because of its simplification, which is its biggest advantage. In addition, its cost is also very low, which is more favored by major enterprises.

And because of this, ARM-based chips are more used on mobile terminals, such as major mobile phone chips, whether it is the A-series chips of Fruit or the Qilin series chips of Warwick.

Since the X86 architecture is a complex instruction set, it means that its performance is more powerful, its compatibility is better, and its speed is faster. For example, the processors of Intel and massage shops can be used on computers, which can be called Desktop-class processors.

The reason why these two architectures can occupy the main chip market in the world is not only because their functions are really good, but more importantly, it is because they made a fortune early. When people get used to using them, they are naturally unwilling to switch to other architectures. , Just like the Windows system has been completely tied to the X86 architecture processor, even if there is a new architecture starting from scratch, whether the Windows system is willing to adapt to it is also a big question.

For these reasons, it is difficult to replace them even if a new structure is developed.

But now, due to the all-round sanctions imposed by the United States on Hua, Zhiqi has been given a chance to take advantage of the loopholes.

Their framework is already there.

And this new architecture is compatible with the common advantages of X86 and ARM.

It can have strong compatibility and has the advantages of low power consumption.

ARM cannot be promoted to a desktop-level processor because of its poor compatibility.

For example, the fruit M1 chip that uses the ARM architecture can run far less software than the X86 architecture processor, largely because of incompatibility.

However, the X86 architecture processor can only be limited to desktop-level processors due to excessive power consumption.

Take the fruit M1 and Intel I9-11900K two processors to compare, the peak power consumption of M1 is only 39 watts, and the minimum power consumption of I9-11900K is more than 190 watts.

Such a large power consumption difference represents poor performance, which naturally determines that the M1 is not capable of performing the functions of a desktop processor.

Just like before, Microsoft also tried to use the ARM architecture to adapt to its own WINDOWS system, but it failed completely.

The brand-new structure that Zhongxin gave Ye Cheng greatly avoided this problem.

Its instruction set is neither a complex instruction set nor a reduced instruction set, but a brand-new instruction set system. According to Zhong Xin's name, he calls it an adaptive instruction set.


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