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Time passed like water, and five years passed in the blink of an eye.


“Dear Aiqing, the time has come now!”

Hui Hui sat on the dragon chair and looked at the honest civil and military officials and said calmly.

“The ministers and others are willing to accompany His Majesty in the conquest of the world.”

One after another voices came out of the mouths of the civil and military officials below.

“Very good, Bingfa Wan went to the west!”

Hui Hui looked at the morale of the civil and military officials below and said calmly.

After these five years of cultivation, the current Great Qin Empire is completely different from five years ago.

During these five years, Daqin destroyed the island of Wokou in the east and extracted countless gold and silver from that island.

And he used this gold to carry out a crazy riot.

The current number of soldiers in service in the Great Qin Empire has reached 1.5 million.

And in the past five years, the war horses bred in the northern grasslands have also expanded wildly.

According to incomplete statistics, there are as many as five million prime-aged war horses that can be used in the northern steppe, not counting those young and old war horses.

And his strength has also reached the current innate late stage from the innate early stage five years ago, because he has destroyed the islands in the south. Simply put, he unified the whole of Southeast Asia.

And now the population of the Great Qin Empire is about to move towards the population of 100 million, of course, the population of 100 million also includes those slaves of the Mauryan Dynasty.

Coupled with the fact that he has spent a lot of money in recent years to purchase those medicinal materials in the deep mountains and old forests, so that these medicinal materials have all turned into resources that can provide soldiers with cultivation, so it has led to the fact that the 1.5 million troops under his command are basically in the third-rate realm, and a third-rate realm soldier is not terrible, but there are 1.5 million terrifying!

Winhui believes that the whole world is scumbag in front of him, a soldier with a third-rate realm.

It is precisely because there are so many things that he dares to say that he wants to unify the world.

After all, it is impossible to always nest in this world, and it is time to explore other worlds, not to mention that he still has an army of 250,000 waiting for him to rescue in that doomsday world.



Hui Hui was always on a high ground, looking at the entire million troops in front of him and said with a solemn face, although this expedition can basically be stable, there may still be some soldiers who may fall in this war, which is inevitable.

This world itself is a martial arts world, the territory of the Central Plains Dynasty can cultivate internal strength, those Western countries can also be too, not to mention anything else, such as the Persia in the dynasty of the Heaven and Dragon Slayer. If Persia can, so can other countries.

In this war, and he fought against the entire continent of Europa, casualties were inevitable.

“Xu Aiqing’s affairs in the court will be handed over to you.”

Huan Hui looked at a man in a gorgeous official uniform behind him and said calmly.

This Xu Aiqing is the talent who has won the top prize in the imperial examination over the years, and this champion talent is not those who can only read, this champion talent is the kind of practical talent.

During the time he went out to fight, the entire affairs of the court could be handed over to him.

That’s right, he wants to drive his family!

Since you have come to this world, it is a little inappropriate not to meet the kingdoms on the Europa continent in history.

What’s more, his own strength can also play a very good role on the battlefield, not to mention that his royal driving can also greatly boost morale.

After all, the emperor has personally gone to the battlefield, can this group of soldiers not work hard?


A young man called Xu Aiqing by Huan Hui said respectfully.

“The ministers will definitely live up to His Majesty’s instructions.”

Xu Aiqing said with a serious face, her eyes full of fanaticism.

Since His Majesty trusts him so much, he will use what he has learned in his life to manage the imperial government for His Majesty.


Winhui waved his hand and said calmly.


In an instant, the army that received the destiny of the Huihui rode the boasted war horse and began to set off towards the western continent.


As Qin Jun’s journey became farther and farther, the races he saw along the way gradually developed in the direction of blonde blue eyes.

In the end, Winhui came to a country full of white-skinned and blond hair.

“Ottoman hehe.”

Listening to the introduction of the merchants from the Europa Continent who followed him, Huan Hui couldn’t help but sneer.

For this Western empire spanning the Eurasian continent, if he is not mistaken, among the eight-nation alliances of the Central Plains Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, there was this Ottoman Empire.

Now let him meet the ancestor of one of the countries in this eight-nation alliance, then don’t want him to let it go.


Winhui ordered directly.


The million-strong army roared loudly one by one.

When this million Qin troops roared, a city lord of the closest city to here couldn’t help but solemnize his face after listening to the loud shout that he didn’t know what language it was.

According to his experience as a city lord for so many years, he has also led troops to battle, naturally knows how to have such a huge voice to form the reason, if there is no mistake, then it means that a strong enemy has invaded! And the number is huge!

“The whole city is on alert, and all soldiers are ready to meet the enemy!”

The city lord immediately ordered the soldiers standing on the side.


The soldier beside the city lord listened to the words of their city lord, and although he did not know what their city lord was mad about, his duty as a soldier still passed on this order.


As time passed, the city lord who was sitting on the city wall and waiting heard this boom, and the black torrent that could be seen with the naked eye in the distance was rushing towards his city.

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