“Ask for flowers”, “Ask for tips”, “Ask for collection”, “Ask for monthly pass”, “Ask for automatic subscription”

“Here it is.”

The city lord muttered without hesitation.

But there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

If he wasn’t blind, he could naturally see clearly what caused the black torrent on the opposite side.

It was formed by a gathering of heavy armored cavalry, and looking at this black torrent, you could know that the number of heavy armored cavalry among them was probably hundreds of thousands.

The dense patch was like black clouds floating on the ground in the sky.

“I’m afraid…”

This Ottoman city lord already had a result in mind.

That is, they were directly beaten into pieces under the attack of the huge heavy armored cavalry legion led by the enemy, the kind of fragments in the true sense.


As the Great Qin Legion got closer and closer to the city, the sound of the war horse trampling on the earth became clearer and clearer, and the residents in the city originally had a great displeasure with the order given by their city lord to guard the whole city, but after hearing the sound of this war horse trampling on the earth, and the sound like muffled thunder, one by one, they were too frightened to speak, and could only close their doors and hide.

After a while, Daqin’s million-strong army stopped in front of the city, quietly confronting each other.

“Come forward and shout to express our intentions, if you surrender, life can be saved, but if you choose to resist, then you will die without a corpse.”

Winhui said calmly to the merchants of the Europa continent on the side.

“Obey, Your Majesty.”

The merchant of the Europa Continent beside Hui swallowed his saliva and said respectfully to Hui Hui.

At the same time, he had a trace of pity for the fate of the Ottoman Empire, and he could already predict that in the face of His Majesty’s army, the so-called Ottoman Empire that had dominated the land for hundreds of years ushered in its destruction at this moment.

“That unknown city lord on the city wall, the emperor of our Great Qin Empire, asked me to say a word to you.”

The merchant of the Europa Continent, who had been given the task by Hui Hui, immediately rode a horse to the unknown city in front of their Daqin army, and said loudly.

“This, what do you need to say?”

The layer lord in armor looked at the merchant below on the city wall and couldn’t help but say loudly.

At the same time, I couldn’t help but feel a trace of fear in my heart.

As the Ottoman Empire across the Eurasian continent, the news they paid attention to on a daily basis was naturally the situation of those countries in the two continents of Eurasia.

Therefore, it is natural to hear about the Great Qin established at the same time that the Daming of the Central Plains Dynasty in Asia was destroyed.

Shan compared the news of the high-level of the Ottoman Empire for a moment, and he, the city lord in the frontier, knew much more than the high-level of the empire.

As far as he knew, the empire created by Genghis Khan on the steppe in the east was destroyed by the force called Daming.

You must know that the great empire created by Genghis Khan directly penetrated all the empires of their Europa continent, and now the empire created by Genghis Khan still stays in the shadow of their hearts, no matter who says the name of that empire, they will feel a trace of fear from the bottom of their hearts.

However, the empire that they alluded to as fear was destroyed by that Daming, which is enough to prove the strength of that Daming’s empire.

However, recently, just five years ago, the powerful Daming Empire was replaced by an empire called Daqin, which is now the empire to which the oppressive army outside their city belongs.

How does this keep him from being afraid?

“Our Majesty said, as long as you surrender in Kaecheng, the kind of unconditional surrender, then we can keep your lives, if you choose to resist, I am sorry you will die without a corpse!”

The Europa merchant under the city walls said coldly.

He looked at the fear on the face of the city lord on the city wall, and he couldn’t help but feel a trace of happiness in his heart, and at the same time, he felt a trace of happiness.

Fortunately, when he shipped goods to this named Daqin Empire, he chose to scatter all his family wealth to obtain a residence permit of the Daqin Empire, although he has not yet obtained a citizenship certificate, but he believes that as long as he continues to work hard, it is only a matter of time before he obtains a citizenship certificate.

Now he was just saying a few words instead of the Great Qin Empire to make this existence that he had looked up to show fear, which was really cool!

“Can you let me think about this?”

After listening to the words of the guy below, the city lord on the city wall couldn’t help but say with a hint of pleading tone.

Choosing to carry it hard against the army below, well, he directly dismissed this idea.

He is not a fool, just rely on the thousands of soldiers in his city to carry the army of hundreds of thousands below, that is not to fight, then to send to death!

What’s more, he looked at the armor of the army below and the boasted war horses, and he couldn’t help but have a thought in his heart.

The Ottoman Empire may be completely destroyed by this army from the East, and the first to be destroyed is the city he rules.

“Well, if you think about it, our Emperor Majesty can’t wait that long.”

The merchant below the city wall couldn’t help but say in a threatening tone after listening to the words of the city lord above, and then directly drove his war horse back to the gathering place of the Daqin army.


The city lord on the city wall couldn’t help but sigh bitterly when he looked at the departing merchants.

He knew it was time to choose.

After a while, the city on the border of the Ottoman Empire finally opened its gates directly, and out of it came the city lord and the few thousand soldiers, standing there honestly waiting for the parade.

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