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“You’re very knowledgeable.”

Sitting on a sweaty BMW, Huan Hui looked at the city lord who opened the city gate and surrendered, glanced at it and said flatly.

Originally, he thought that this city lord’s guy would choose to resist desperately, but he didn’t expect to let himself encounter a soft bone.

However, he now likes this kind of soft bone, because it is with the existence of this soft bone that his army has no chance to make a move, and he can directly obtain a city.

The army can get a city by unsheathing, this is undoubtedly an act of blood earning, what reason does he not like it?

“Serve His Majesty the Great Emperor of the Great Qin Kingdom, this is as it should be.”

The honest city lord on the side couldn’t help but say in an embarrassed tone after listening to Huan Hui’s words.

After all, he is also a highly respected general of the Ottoman emperor, and it is precisely because of the importance of the Ottoman emperor that he can become the lord of a city in his 20s, and he is also the lord of a military important place such as the border general.

His behavior of directly opening the city gate and surrendering is undoubtedly sorry for the Ottoman emperor who trained him, but why think about his own little life, even if he is sorry for the Ottoman emperor?

What’s more, in the face of this Great Qin’s army, whether the Ottoman Empire existed or not was a problem, so he opened the city gate and surrendered without pressure.

“Take over the city, leave 5,000 elite soldiers to guard this place, and at the same time scrape out all the gold and silver jewelry in the city.”

Hui Hui ordered directly to Yue Buqun behind him.

He found that he was really used to making Yue Buqun, after all, Yue Buqun, this guy, was really not very efficient in doing things after accepting his identity.


After hearing this, Yue Buqun immediately bowed his hand respectfully and said.

Now Yue Buqun was accustomed to the emperor’s attachment to such a thing as gold.

After all, now that immortal behavior of His Majesty the Emperor is basically used to all the officials in the court.

That’s right, the ability that Winhui can summon has been discovered by the civil and military officials above the court, and at the time of their discovery, it can be said that the loyalty to the emperor of Winhui has been taken advantage of more than a little.

In their opinion, the emperor’s summoned thing is equivalent to creating something out of thin air!

After all, this million-strong army really appeared out of thin air, and anyone will doubt the origin of this million-strong army.

So now, when Yue Buqun received the gold and silver jewelry that Hui Hui had scavenged the city, he understood that the emperor was going to summon soldiers again.

After all, the emperor just said that he would leave 5,000 elite soldiers to guard this place, since he wanted to guard this place, then he would definitely have to divide the strength of their million-strong army, which was definitely not possible, they were in a million-strong army, but the forces attacking the entire continent could not make any mistakes, since this million-strong army could not be moved, then it was only summoned.



Hui Hui waved his hand and ordered again.


With the departure of the Daqin army, 5,000 Daqin soldiers in black armor remained in the city, guarding the place and the nobles who lost all their belongings.

Subsequently, in front of the million-strong army of the Qin army, whenever he descended on a city, Huan Hui would choose to let the merchants of the refugee Europa continent choose to come forward and tell the story.

At this time, Hui Hui only needs to quietly lead the entire army and wait slowly in front of the city where it descended.

The result of waiting was that he Daqin had reaped another city, and Daqin’s territory had expanded another inch in the empire of the Europa continent.

Then half a month passed so quickly, and the million-strong army under Hui Hui had successfully fought nearly 1/5 of the Ottoman Empire in this Ottoman Empire, and the Ottoman Empire finally reflected………

The reason why they were able to get this news was that it was easy for the merchants who had fled while Winhuimi was moving to another city.

But in just half a month, the Ottoman Empire lost 1/5 of its territory.

This is not to blame for their slow speed, it can only be blamed on the Great Qin army being too strong.

The entire million-strong army of the Great Qin army is all cavalry, and the attack power of the cavalry is not ordinary fierceness, behind this fierceness is the speed of the cavalry that is unparalleled in this era.

That invincible attack power, coupled with invincible speed, also created the territory of Daqin in this Ottoman Empire to become larger and larger.

It is already good that the Ottoman Empire can get this news in this half month.

“What’s going on?!”

In a decorated golden palace, the emperor of the Ottoman Empire could not help but shout loudly at the civil and military officials below.

“Can anyone tell me how that eastern empire came to my Ottoman Empire?!”

“And we have been in the territory of my Ottoman Empire for more than half a month before we got this news!”

The emperor of the Ottoman Empire roared madly at the civil and military officials below.

He really couldn’t imagine if he got the news later, would he have to wait for the army of the Great Qin Empire to descend directly outside this imperial capital? He could know that his Ottoman Empire had long been invaded by enemy countries.

“Gather all the armies of the empire for me, fight back, give me a counterattack!”

The emperor of the Ottoman Empire looked at the silent ministers below and said directly and calmly.

In this calm tone, there is hidden the endless anger and crazy killing intent.

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