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“Pope, I always feel as if I feel dangerous.”

A red-robed sect leader looked at the sky worriedly and said to the Pope on the side.

For some reason, he always felt as if a catastrophe was about to fall on them.

But he couldn’t think of any threat that could threaten their Crusade Legion.

If those Daqin armies can be threatened, but they are still far away from those Daqin troops, so it is obvious that the threat does not come from those Daqin armies from the Eastern Empire.

But where does that threat come from?

“Naxus. Your worries are completely overbearing. ”

The old pope on the side couldn’t help but shake his head and comforted after listening to the words of the red-clothed sect leader next to him.

He knew that the Naxus red-clad sect leader had a magical sixth sense. The arrival of danger can be predicted.

But since God left this world, this magical sixth sense in Naxus has become an ornament.

Because sometimes the predicted sense of danger does not come.

According to his guess, perhaps this miraculous ability to predict danger in Naxus was a reward from the Lord, so it is normal for Naxus’s miraculous danger foreknowledge to become like this after the Lord left this world.

Because of this, he was not too worried about what Naxus was saying.

Perhaps the Naxus prophecy will fall short as usual.

“Well, I hope I’m overthinking.”

Naxus thought about it, and couldn’t help but feel a burst of amusement.

Yes, since the Lord left this world, his ability to foresee danger has been out of work for a while, and it is estimated that this time it is not a feeling of enlightenment.

You must know that their current Crusade Legion has the foundation of the Papal States for hundreds of years, and if they attack the Europa Continent with this Crusade Legion, then the entire Europa Continent will completely fall under their Crusade Legion.

Under such a powerful crusade legion, what kind of danger will there be?

It is a pity that he does not know that his current ability to predict danger is successful, and his sense of danger is correct, but unfortunately this Naxus does not know.

“Kill all the Cana pagans!”

The old pope couldn’t help but shout loudly.

Now his desire to kill those pagans has become stronger and stronger.

As long as he can kill those infidels earlier and successfully develop the vast eastern empire into a place of faith, I believe that even after he dies, he can be summoned to his kingdom of God by the Lord who has left this world.

Therefore, he can’t wait to know the art of space now, move the Eastern Expeditionary Legion directly to the front of those Daqin soldiers, and then fiercely directly carry out the killing ring!


With the words of 30,000 people, the white clouds in the sky were directly dispersed in an instant.

If it is the words of ordinary people, it may not cause such a result, but the problem is that they are all believers in God, and they have some mysterious power in their bodies, and when hundreds of thousands of believers in God all gather together, the shouts they make are just shattering the white clouds in the sky, which is already a simple thing.

At the same time, those missiles from Daqin were already getting closer and closer to the Eastern Expeditionary Legion.

Those missiles were like meteorites in the starry sky, falling from the sky.

“What is that thing????”

Naxus suddenly felt something, couldn’t help but look up to the sky, and instantly found that a large number of things appeared in the mid-air a few kilometers away from them, and they were flying here.

And as those things got closer and closer, the sense of danger in his heart became stronger and stronger.

“Hurry up and escape !!!”

Naxus instantly covered his head that seemed to have been pricked by needles and cried out in pain.

“What’s wrong? What’s the matter with you?! ”

The old pope looked at Naxus, who suddenly covered his head, and asked in surprise.

“Hurry up and escape !!!”

Naxus said desperately.

He knew that his ability to predict danger had not failed this time, but had succeeded in predicting it!

His needle-pierced head was proof of this, the last time he felt this was when God had not yet left this world, and he clearly remembered the feeling hundreds of years ago when vampires and werewolves joined forces to attack them.

When he felt this way, he turned directly to God for help to solve the crisis.

But now God has left this world!

So this crazy sense of danger undoubtedly comes from the sky, those things like comets.

“Well, what?!”

The old pope suddenly felt something, and couldn’t help but look up at the sky.

In an instant, a sense of danger rose from the old pope’s spine.

“Hurry up and escape!”

The old pope roared frantically.

“Boom !!!”

In an instant, 1,000 missiles from Daqin descended on this Eastern Crusade Legion like a meteorite washing the ground.

“Boom, boom!!!”

One after another heat waves burst out from the Eastern Crusade Legion in an instant.

And this heat wave centered on the Eastern Crusade Legion instantly spread around.

“What’s that?!”

The king of a country near the Papal States couldn’t help but ask as he looked at the waves of qi that were also visible to the naked eye in the direction of the Eastern Crusade Legion.


Just for a moment, he felt the horror of this heat wave, because this heat wave had come.

But in just a moment, he stopped screaming, because he was destroyed by this terrifying heat wave, the kind of destruction that shattered his bones.

“Sure enough, this power is probably not even the gods of this world can bear…”

Hui Hui, who was in the Great Qin Imperial City, looked at the scene in the satellite monitoring, and was instantly shocked by the offensive power of this missile.


A few minutes later, Winhui looked at the presence of a mushroom cloud in the satellite monitoring and said lightly.

He knew that the so-called Crusade Legion had left this world forever with the church he believed in. As for whether he could go to their kingdom of God, he couldn’t say.

Presumably not, after all, their gods have left this world, can they still drag their souls to the kingdom of God???

Especially in their state of shattered bodies, it is estimated that even their souls will be completely destroyed under this attack.

Therefore, it is estimated that they will not be able to return to the divine fruit of the God they believe in.

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