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“Guys, what do you think about this?!”

The three generations of Hokage Ape Hibiki sat on the table and said to all the clan patriarchs of Konoha Village who participated in this meeting.

When Daqin’s 500,000 iron horses descended to the Land of Fire and rushed wildly, especially the first moment when their target was Konoha Village, they received the news.

Therefore, at the first time, as the supreme leader of Konoha Village, the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash directly called all the patriarchs of the various families who were still in Konoha Village to discuss how to deal with the hundreds of thousands of troops who were obviously enemies.

“Of course, kill them all, what else do you think??”

The leader of the root tribe, Tuan Zang, said lightly.

Although the number of the 500,000 army is extremely large, and according to intelligence, the 500,000 army is likely to be composed entirely of samurai.

After all, in this day and age, what other ninja would ride a war horse in armor?

Even those guys from the Warring States period were only wearing armor, but they were not riding horses.

It was clear that the horsemen in black armor that were crisscrossing the land of the Land of Fire were all made up of samurai.

Only samurai go horseback riding.

“How to solve ????”

Patriarch Uchiha said lightly.

“Now in addition to killing the past, if you can’t fight it, do you expect them to have a joint talk with us?”

“Not all forces will choose peace talks like those villages. Even if they choose to negotiate peace, can we Konoha Village afford the issue of compensation??? If we don’t talk, the 500,000-strong army seems to be composed of samurai, can we in Konoha Village be able to fight??? ”

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Sarutobi Hinata, who was sitting in the first place, and Shimura Danzo next to him and said flatly.

If it was only an army of 500,000 ordinary people, their group of ninjas could still be solved, but the problem now is that those who seem to be composed of elite soldiers, and all seem to be samurai, which is really a bit difficult.

How many ninjas can they take out in Konoha?

Ten thousand or twenty thousand?

In short, the ninjas they took out of Konoha Village were completely insufficient for the terrifying number of enemies.

The most basic thing in their Konoha village is still the lower Shinobi and the middle Shinobi, but the only one who wants to cause terrible damage to the enemy is the upper Shinobi, the problem is that the upper Shinobi is really not much, if the enemy wants to fight a war of attrition, he can completely kill all the upper Shinobi of their Konoha Village with his ability.

After killing the upper Shinobi, he relied on those middle and lower Shinobi to be completely inadequate.

So they are going to fight?

The cruel reality lay ahead, and they couldn’t beat Konoha Village.

As for directly carrying out the so-called decapitation operation, it is completely undesirable, you must know that the most powerful among the current samurai is the so-called demigod of the Rain Country, maybe there is not such a powerful existence in these 500,000 troops, but how many of them are the strong people of the Konoha Village shadow level?

“What kind of attitude do you have?!”

Shimura Danzo, who was the leader of the root at the time, frowned and looked at Uchiha Patriarch Uchiha Fugaku and said lightly.

“What time is it now, you actually hit the morale of the village? What are you trying to do?! ”

Shimura Danzo looked at Uchiha’s patriarch Uchiha Fugaku with a skimmed in his eyes.

“Sure enough, the Uchiha family is evil! At this critical juncture, not thinking about how to contribute to the village is a demorale! ”

“After getting through this difficulty, this evil Uchiha family should be destroyed!”

Shimura Danzo looked at the plain Uchiha Fugaku with his eyes, and said viciously in his heart.

“What do you mean I hit the morale of the village? The facts are in front of us, and we will either go directly to the fight or directly conduct peace talks, the same peace talks as the previous Ninja World Wars. ”

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Shimura Danzo and said lightly.

For this Konoha village, his heart is already extremely disgusted, these days he doesn’t need to think about the gossip in the village, he also knows that it is from Tuanzo, the purpose is to undermine the prestige of the Uchiha family in the village.

But it is clear that he succeeded, successfully striking the prestige of the Uchiha family in the village.

After all, not long ago, when the Nine Tails crisscrossed the village and killed the fourth generation of Hokage, many people saw the pair of blood wheel eyes that controlled the fourth generation of Hokage.

Apart from the Uchiha family, where is there such a powerful Sharingan that can control the tailed beast?

And this group of treasures relied on this, spreading in the village that their Uchiha family wanted to succeed as the next Hokage, directly controlling the so-called strongest tailed beast Nine-Tails, killing four generations of Hokage, and causing extremely great damage to the entire village.

Obviously, his plan succeeded, their Uchiha family’s prestige in the village itself is not good, and now after the spread of the group so that their situation has become even worse, if it were not for their Uchiha family being a ninja family, I am afraid that they would have suffered the hostility of those ignorant villagers in the first place, and even began to carry out a series of inhumane acts against them and the Zhibo family, but now Konoha Village has also begun to reject the Uchiha family.

So it’s not for nothing that the Uchiha family behind wants to mutiny, and not a single snowflake is innocent at the time of the avalanche.

Uchiha will rebel in the future, precisely because of the suppression of the high-level of Konoha Village and the rejection of the villagers of Konoha Village.

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