Yuchi Gong has been holding back for a day today.

It can be said that the two Yuchi Gong Cheng Yaojin couldn’t sit still after hearing the news of Zhang Feng Sir’s family.

However, they did not dare to leave the barracks without authorization.

After a hard day’s work, I finally waited for the Imperial Edict of His Imperial Majesty to arrive at night, but when I heard the Imperial Edict, Cheng Yaojin was stupid.

His Imperial Majesty’s will for him is to take people out of the city for a walk?

What does this mean?

This fucking.

Yuchi Gong laughed and squeezed his fists, and instantly burst out a sound like fried beans.

“Brother, Elder Brother, I’m going one step ahead. Tonight, let’s see who catches this big fish first.”

Cheng Yaojin is watching Yuchi Gong’s teeth are itchy, but this is the emperor’s fate, what can he do?

Although they didn’t go out in the city today, they still knew all the things in it, so in fact, they had already guessed about this arrangement.

But they absolutely didn’t expect, His Imperial Majesty will wait until now, and still use this way.

“Old Yuchi, wait a minute.”

Cheng Yaojin waved his hand and dismissed all the people in the barracks. He said solemnly, “This time, this matter, I suspect that there will be a major event.”

Yuchi Gong paused and tightened his breastplate, indifferently said: “This incident can actually be predicted long ago. From the Qian Wanli incident to the present, Actually, you didn’t realize that Feng’zi has been looking for opportunities to find this person?”

“Today’s things are actually a bit weird. If you think about it, this person should be warning Feng’zi not to Intervened in this matter, but he forgot, why Feng’zi is called Feng’zi.”

“Because once this youngster gets crazy, it is estimated that both of us will be upset!”

Cheng Yaojin’s look couldn’t help but change.

“His Imperial Majesty is dispatching us at this time, do you think it will…”

This thing is really weird.

It can also be seen that this is entirely Feng’zi’s idea, not His Imperial Majesty’s idea. His Imperial Majesty will definitely not do such things that will damage the face of the Imperial Family.

The Small Officials around His Imperial Majesty did not dare to do so.

Then there is only one person left. ,

That is Zhang Feng!

At this time, only he can think of such a way to do such heaven-shaking, earth-shattering things. This is crazy to the extreme, and it can be seen that Zhang Feng is ready this time Have a good fight with this person.

But who is this person?

Yuchi Gong and Cheng Yaojin also suddenly felt a little uneasy.

The existence of the Cháng’ān barracks is to deter and protect the safety of Chang’an City. If it is not as a last resort, it is not allowed to use it without authorization. His Imperial Majesty was born in the military, so he naturally knew This is true, but at this time he still chose to dispatch, what does that mean?

Tonight, there is a major event!

The two looked at Chang’an City in the Sandbox in the barracks,

Can’t help but eyelids twitched.

“Let’s go! Let’s go!”

Yuchi Gong was no longer wordy. After hurriedly putting on his coat, he rushed out of the barracks, while Cheng Yaojin stared at the Sandbox for a full look. The time for a cup of tea, then took a deep breath, put on a drape, took up an axe that had not been used for a long time, shouted angrily: “Erhu!”

Outside the barracks, Jia Erhu hurried in, one- Knee kneels to the ground: “The end is here!”

“The message goes on, secretly extract a thousand elite, lightly pack and go with me!”

“Yes 1”



“Step on!”

After a while.

In the dark Mt. Kui barracks.

Sounds of dull horseshoes sounded in an orderly manner.

After a while, as the door of a camp was opened, a team of roaring horses hurriedly left. After a while, the camp was still as usual, and in every barracks, there was still flashing A little candlelight.

But after this group of people left.

In the dark.

A little bit of fluorescence, slowly appearing in one light and one light off, people with a discerning eye are bound to discover that this thing is a cigarette!

In this little bit of fluorescence, a pair of divine eyes divinely stared at the direction of the horse team going away, then took a deep breath of cigarettes, turned and disappeared into the night.

After a while.

In the middle of Shilipo outside Chang’an City.

I don’t know when, there were several tents in a row, which appeared to be particularly protruding in the dark night. If it weren’t for the obstruction of the mountain, they would have been spotted by the patrolling soldiers.

And these tents are very strange, there is no trace of a candle or a bonfire.

I don’t know if it has existed for too long, or a businessman who has just set up here.

It’s this time.

After the faint sound of horseshoes went away, in a tent, a candlelight slowly ignited again.

In a moment, a black shadow slowly leaped out of the direction from the sound of the team’s horses.

In an instant.

Everyone is on guard.

Someone even directly shouted in a low voice: “Who!”


A hoarse voice came, and everyone relaxed , The man went straight to the candle-lit tent, one-knee kneels shouted: “Master, Yuchi Gong and Cheng Yaojin are dispatched!”

“Well, I I know.”

The black clothed person asked hesitantly: “Then the action tonight…”

The voice in the tent said slowly: “Look first, maybe It’s easy to meet an opponent. The old man wants to see what tricks this youngster can play tonight!”

Looking through the shadow, this man actually made tea in the tent!

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