People hesitate to come.

But seeing the old man say so, I can only nodded and prepare to retreat.

At this moment, the people in the tent asked: “Did someone in the city transport a large amount of gold today?”

“This is not clear, but our eyes are I have seen from a distance that there were at least 30 carriages parked at the entrance of the Earth Palace. When the carriage was leaving, the carriage broke the rope, so the subordinates guessed that it must be gold…”


The old man is un’ed.

The person who was frightened instantly trembled, and hurriedly knelt down on his legs and said: “The subordinates are convicted and did not protect the Earth Palace. Please punish the Lord!”

The old man’s hands Teapot for a meal. ,

lightly saying: “that’s all, this matter was deliberately done by the old man.”


The black clothed person was taken aback, but didn’t ask too much, so he had to withdraw hastily.

Today everything, everything was originally arranged very well, they prepared at least thousands of masters outside the city, and the black clothed person is the Chief-In-Charge who is responsible for watching the Cháng’ān barracks. Once an accident occurs in the city, he will take the dead soldiers to the Cháng’ān barracks to burn, and then take advantage of the chaos to kill Yuchi Gong and Cheng Yaojin. The other pair of men and horses are ready to attack the people on the mountain.

The rest are just preparing to give Li Shimin a big gift tonight.

But all this is ready, didn’t expect this damn Zhang Feng actually messed up the seamless plan that was originally made.

Everyone didn’t expect, such a secret Earth Palace, can this youngster find it?

The black clothed person is a little angry.

But when I saw the silhouette black clothed person in the tent, I was a little scared instinctively.

He didn’t know why the Lord didn’t care about the discovery of such a big thing at Earth Palace.

This is the material they have collected from overseas and all industries in Great Tang after they have worked so hard for more than a year!

Just give it away.

Don’t talk about others, the heart of the black clothed person is bleeding at this time.

The black clothed person glanced at the tent, then lit a cigarette and looked in the direction of Chang’an City. I don’t know what to think about, and after a while, the black clothed person seemed to have made some determination. .

The smoke in Fiercely’s handle smashed into pieces, and then rushed into the boundless darkness.

Wait for the black clothed person to leave.

The old man seemed to be aware of it and sighed faintly.

Someone immediately asked: “Lord, do you want to chase the General army back?”

The old man in the account was silent for a long time before lightly saying: “Let him go.” , You guys follow him, and report any news whenever you have any news!”


After seeing everyone and leaving, the old man in the tent just said lightly saying : “The message goes on, everyone retreats five miles away!”

Everyone in the dark was taken aback.

But then they all followed suit.

No one knows what the Lord is thinking.


At the same time.

The black clothed person followed Cheng Yaojin’s men and horses closely along the way, until gradually approaching the secretly thought, the black clothed person slowly lurked in the grass with the help of the night, waiting for Cheng After Yaojin’s people walked away for a full meal, the black clothed person came to the secretly thought.

The black clothed person is not in a hurry.

I leaned against the cold wall of secretly thought, and after a while, he cautiously took out a bamboo cage as big as a fist from his arms. There were a few zhi zhi zhi in the bamboo cage. The rat’s cry.

The black clothed person fell the mouse in the bamboo cage to the ground. The mouse seemed to be very human. He sniffed the feet of the black clothed person, and then cautiously entered the secretly thought. After a while, it was in the secretly thought. One after another, the rattles of leisurely chirping sounded.

At first, there were only one or two. After a short while, the rat’s chirping became one piece. At this time, the black clothed person slowly lay on the ground, with his hands and feet standing on tiptoes, like an ape , Slowly crawled into the secretly thought on the ground.

“zhi zhi zhi !”

“ding dong! ding dong! ”

With the sound of a natural sound that only belongs to the dark, then After nothing was abnormal, the black clothed person stood up slowly, pretending to be courageous.

In this Earth Palace, there are hidden treasures that might rival the Imperial Palace State Treasury. Today, I watched that many people were looting there and said they were not moved. It was fake.

How many brothers died for this thing? “

What happened in the city today, the black clothed person was all in his eyes. He watched his guards. Brother’s house was sealed off by the Guard army.

I saw his former subordinates with my own eyes and had to commit suicide in order to keep the secret.

All for this thing!

Isn’t it just an emptied Earth Palace? “

At night today, he sneaked in secretly, and found that after digging in a hurry, there was a lot of gold left. The Lord doesn’t care, His Imperial Majesty doesn’t care, but he cares!

He is not a greedy person.

But he has to think about his brothers who died, he wants to use the money to make them live better.

He also knows that this is a crime of decapitation.

This is treason.

He has known since he followed the Lord to do this.


He didn’t know why he set foot on this road, perhaps because of believing, or because he was attracted by the position of the General Army awarded by the Lord. ?

In his opinion, a man must be on the battlefield.

Wei River Treaty, that is humiliation.

This is simply not what a man calls, even more how, or today’s His Imperial Majesty,

A battle in Tongguan.

He was disadvantaged by blocking Jieli Khan. As a thousand households, he watched the brothers around him fall one by one, and in the end, what can he do,

He can only watch!

In the end, he even convicted the guard against disadvantage, and was dismissed for failing to communicate the guilt of military affairs in time.

So he is cruel.

Finally, the Lord found him.

He then decided to join the Lord.

Only now have everything…

Looking at the door close at hand, the heart of the black clothed person, is even more surging.

He has been to this place more than once, and he has been here today. He saw this place with his own eyes. There was nothing except the dozens of Guard troops above…

Li Shimin is really confused!

I also said that he is a military army. I can’t find this place, this secretly thought?

Just look at the money in front of you?


This is the real Li Shimin, right?

Otherwise, how can we do the stupid Wei River Treaty?

The black clothed person gently pushed open the heavy stone gate with a hint of sarcasm, but the next moment, a touch of coldness, suddenly appeared on his neck.

The black clothed person suddenly lost his soul. ,

Do not wait for any trace of his actions.

More Double Edged Saber has already reached his body, at this time an indifferent voice slowly sounded: “Don’t move!”

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