
It is still silent as always.

Yuchi Gong looked at the bed and breakfast area in the dark, and couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed and anxious.

There was a time when Yuchi Gong was never so disappointed. At a time, he always thought that the people would definitely coexist and die with a city.

How many times he has played in the city, almost all of them are like this, but now?

He couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

The city gate cannot be opened. The mysterious person outside is waiting for him to open the city gates, and the purpose is very clear, either the Earth Palace or the Imperial Palace.

At this time, the Guards Jinwu Guards on the imperial city and the people led by Qin Qiong were in the hands and could not move, and Qin Qiong himself made the battle.

I dare not move at this time. The only thing I can use is the thousand people in my hands. Outside the city, Cheng Yaojin’s people are even more immobile, even at this time he even wants to enter the city. Both impossible.

At this time…

“General, are you really General Yuchi?”

“Yuchi Jingde?”

At this time, a weak, crisp voice sounded in the darkness.

hearing this, Yuchi Gong hurriedly looked over, and instantly saw a small face in the dark sharply, and hurriedly withdrew into the darkness the moment he looked over.

When Yuchi Gong saw this, he hurriedly got off the horse and said, “Yes, I am indeed Yuchi Gong.”

hearing this, baby is just pretending to be brave, look behind him, tentatively Walked out of the darkness.

The little boy is probably only seven or eight years old.

What I was wearing was tattered, with two nasal discharges, sucking on my nose, a pair of big black eyes, staring at Yuchi Gong’s armor at this time, shining brightly.

Yuchi Gong saw this. Although he was anxious at this time, he still patiently squatted down and asked: “baby, so late, why not sleep?”

“It’s a fire, I didn’t sleep well.”

Yuchi Gong sighed, not knowing what to say.

The baby became more courageous when he saw Yuchi Gong like this. He stepped forward, touched Yuchi Gong’s armor, and instantly retracted like a hot hand.

It’s this time.

The baby asked excitedly: “Are you really a general?”

Yuchi Gong nodded.

The baby danced excitedly: “Then I will fight the fire. If I fight the fire, can I follow you?”

Yuchi Gong was taken aback.

said with a smile: “What do you mean by this?”

“As a soldier, I heard that I can have enough food. There are many people in my family. I don’t have meals every day. This is all caused by those damn Turkic Tartars. My dad said, if I grow up to kill Turkic, if I kill Turkic, I will eat meat!”

“Also, this time I listened to my dad. Say, it was Turkic who came here, right?”

Yuchi Gong’s eyes blushed and took a deep breath and said: “I, Yuchi Gong, promise you, as long as you are fifteen years old, you will take it yourself Just go to the barracks to find me for this thing! I will definitely accept you!”

While speaking, Yuchi Gong pulled a hand from the Double Edged Saber he carried, and instantly pulled off a pendant from the Double Edged Saber. Throwing it to the little boy, the little boy’s eyes instantly stared at the boss.

As if he had picked up a treasure, he roared and rushed into the darkness, and then took a few babies as big as him and carried wooden barrels not much shorter than them. , He rushed to the city gate arrogantly.

Seeing this, Yuchi Gong took a deep breath.

looked towards the darkness.

At this moment, groups of people slowly walked out.

Yuchi Gong clasped his fists and said: “Your great grace, I will definitely report to His Imperial Majesty, and I will leave it to you here!”

while speaking, Yuchi Gong turned over Mounted and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Yuchi Gong walks away.

At this time, everyone is bold.

Someone looked at a group of babies jumping and shutting on the fire field, and couldn’t help but yelled: “Don’t hide it all, come out. Are you not even a baby?”


This sound is like a heavy hammer.

Knock in the hearts of everyone.

“Hide a hammer! I haven’t heard the general say, there is a gangster who wants to enter the city. If this is to let the gangster enter the city, it is not us who suffers from the disaster, it is the fucking copy guy!”

“Yes, yes, don’t look at it. If this thing really burns up, we won’t be able to live, we can’t say that our house has to be burned, we all go to Ahhh!”

“Fuck, which bastard, dare to do this kind of thing that gives birth to a son without an asshole, it’s really a fucking lack of virtue!”

“Go and go, There is a well in the backyard of my house. A few people come here to get water with me!”


Follow the people here to act.

The situation at Yanxingmen has also been slightly controlled.

And Yanpingmen is also with the help of a kind of common people, the fire is gradually suppressed, the whole Chang’an City at this time, although there are still five places braving the raging fire, but the only comparison Seriously, there is only the place outside Eastern Palace.

At this time, the Eastern Palace has long been messed up.

A large number of Guard troops and eunuch Court Eunuch hurriedly climbed up the palace wall, using bamboo poles, or pots of water, to water the big trees that were burning outside.

In the palace walls, there are also a large number of people hurriedly cutting down trees that have been lighted up by the treetops.

Suddenly, the whole Cháng’ān was completely messed up into a pot of porridge.

At this time.

Li Chengqian just arrived, Mingde Gate, watching the flames in the Chang’an City in the night sky, Li Chengqian’s heart couldn’t help but chuckle.

It’s over.

Still a step late.

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