The arrival of Li Chengqian did not attract the attention of the people on the city gate.

After a lot of twists and turns, Li Chengqian was able to enter the city gate.

I entered the city.

Li Chengqian was taken aback by everything in the city.

On the streets in the city, there are a lot more people than the daytime people in the normal. Men, women, old and young are hurriedly holding buckets and basins filled with dangdang water, coming and going. go with.

There is a mess on the ground.

There are countless rotten woods that have not been completely extinguished, and the eyes of the smoked people cannot be opened.

“His Royal Highness Crown Prince, go back to the mansion as soon as possible, there is a fire in the mansion!”

At this time.

A Guard army hurriedly came from Yanxingmen. After seeing Li Chengqian, he hurried forward to report that Li Chengqian heard this, and the complexion changed instantly and asked: “What’s the situation?””

“Your Royal Highness Crown Prince, don’t you know?”

The Guard army looked at Li Chengqian and the guards behind him in surprise, and said: “One hour, someone was in Chang ‘an City set on fire at the same time, Yanxing, Yanping, Chunming, and Guangzhai, both east and west market, and there was a big fire at the same time…”


Li Chengqian Hearing this, the complexion greatly changed in an instant.

I didn’t care about anything, and hurriedly waved his horse whip and rushed to the direction of imperial city. ,

Zhang Feng just said that this matter is over, but there may be some minor actions. Li Chengqian didn’t care about it at the time, but at this time, he understood Zhang Feng instantly when he heard what the Guard Army said. Mean it.

This is more than a small gesture!

This is to disrupt the entire Chang’an City so that they can profit from it…

What are these people thinking?

Didn’t Zhang Feng say that things are over, tonight, there will be nothing outside the city?

Li Chengqian’s head is like a mass of paste at this time.

He has been thinking about it.

This matter is the same as what Zhang Feng just said. The similarities and how many places can be the same.

But after thinking for a long time, he finally thought of a little…

That is these people tonight, they are destined to be prepared long ago, but because of this Wang Junke’s accident, the layout inside and outside the city was completely failed, and at this time, Li Chengqian stood by himself Think about it from a different perspective.

In an instant, Li Chengqian’s whole body was blown up.

At this time the people outside the city are gone, what about the people who were found out in the city before? “

It must have been known that something happened outside the city, so I wanted to use this method to prepare to get out of the city in the chaos?

Thinking of this, Li Chengqian hurriedly reined in the horse’s rein, leading the guard behind him: “Go and report to General Yuchi quickly, telling him that the door is not allowed to be opened tonight. The anti-thief in the city is ready to take advantage Run away!”

The head of the guards hearing this, his face changed slightly, and asked: “Yes!”


Li Chengqian hurriedly After returning to the Eastern Palace, after confirming that there was no major event, I went straight to the Imperial Palace.

What happened tonight is too unimaginable.

The crisis is revealed everywhere.

Once tonight is not good, if the mysterious person does something else, it will be miserable.

After all, this Guangzhaifang is the closest place to the Eastern Palace, and it belongs to the residence of the Sixteen Kings.

Basically, people here belong to the relatives of the imperial family. The Imperial Edict Prince and Minister live here. Normally, the security and public order here belong to Cháng’ān. Apart from the Imperial Palace, the most powerful Place, but.

At this time…

There are fires here, what does that mean?

Meaning that this place also has the eyeliner of that mysterious person?

Or a subordinate?

At this time,.

Li Chengqian followed Zhang Feng’s way of thinking about problems from the perspective of the enemy, and after carefully combing through it, he was shocked to discover that Chang’an City at this time was already real. In the wobbly wind and rain!

First, I used Zhang Shan’s troubles in the Fuzhong to attract everyone’s attention, and to draw Feng’zi down the mountain, and then I was using this house to catch fire, and then I would naturally connect with this place to let Zhang Feng himself jumped in the past, and at the same time created an absolutely safe evacuation opportunity for them to deploy Chang’an City.


As long as Zhang Feng didn’t find the Earth Palace, then this ending…

It’s destined to not be such a simple thing tonight. If Zhang Feng finds it, it will be Completely lose the face of the Imperial Family.

Under their own eyelids, someone dared to build an underground Palace of Political Statement here. It would be embarrassing to say this. Will His Imperial Majesty allow this to happen?

Even if His Imperial Majesty is willing, the numerous officials will not agree.

This person, only after seeing this point, and the relationship between His Imperial Majesty and Zhang Feng, did he come up with a poisonous trick.

Now, seeing the plan fail, what should this mysterious person do at this time?

After thinking hard for a while, Li Chengqian suddenly thought of a terrifying Things, he thought wrong.

Everything is wrong!

This mysterious person doesn’t want everyone in the city to leave the city, but wants to take advantage of the chaos and use someone else prepared to kill them all.

Is this trying to kill people?

destroy the corpse and evidence!

Think of it this way.

Li Chengqian was shocked instantly.

It’s this time.

Li Chengqian raised his head and a cold Double Edged Saber blocked his way, only to find that he had reached the door of the Imperial Study Room. Li Chengqian did not dare to delay, and hurriedly reported: “child and subject, see Father Emperor !”

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