Li Shimin is the emperor of Great Tang after all. At this moment, Zhang Feng said so, and he wanted to understand a lot of things. Seeing what Zhang Feng said, I couldn’t help but hug him with excitement. Live on Zhang Feng’s shoulders: “Did you say that these are all are already planned?” Zhang Feng shrugged: “Without Cui Yingying, this ice will probably be postponed to 5 next year. In the month or so, because of Cui Yingying, our plan must be advanced today, but what I am worried about is that although the plan is advanced, if it is actually implemented, it will not be carried out until at least next year when it is temporarily settled down!”

At this time, Li Shimin only encountered such a surname vocabulary in his mind, as well as what Zhang Feng said. To Great Tang, it was like a shower of rain!

At this time, Great Tang needs money everywhere. Basically, the military department has already owed a lot of profits for at least three months. Even now it’s winter, Li Shimin is also at this time. , The winter clothes of those generals in the army, etc., were so worried that they couldn’t sleep all day.

All of these require money. The reason why Li Shimin dare not fight for the money of this war is because of lack of money and food. Once the fight is started, the wasted machinery will be completely drained. Great Tang, although there are many industry support offices at this time, this is only able to maintain the predicament caused by the famine in the lobby at this time.

This can only be to maintain that’s all, but if it is to be truly achieved, if the two are to be offset, it is still very early!

Not to mention that at this time, some of the problems caused by the emergence of new weapons require money everywhere, although he has tried every means to make money, and even started a large number of Printing Silver Bills, but that thing is just a blank check after all. The drinks stored in the military and in the Government Treasury in various places, he knows clearly, if these things are to be exchanged, where are the things coming from? People exchange?

It’s all one word, poor!

“Come out, phosphate fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer is coming out!”

As the cry out in surprise sounded, it instantly interrupted Li Shimin’s sorrow, Li Shimin took a deep breath, looked Towards the mountain cry out and sea howl, the sea of ​​people who usually rang out in exclamation knows that it is not the time to say these at this time, but fortunately they got up and said: “Let’s go, go and see?”

After all, no matter how much you think at this time, it is not the time. At this time, you still have to deal with the phosphate fertilizer first. Look at these merchants, and discuss the needs of this ice, this pork, and Glazed Glass. Things…

Zhang Feng naturally didn’t have time to engage in these childlike things with them, because all he knew was nothing more than a compliment from the audience. Fan, then endless merchants and the Prince and Minister came to make friends and so on.

Zhang Feng after agreeing.

Used his eyes to signal Chen Chumo and the others to go to the room. After learning about the situation of the room, Zhang Feng clasped his fists and said: “Everyone, please be quiet, everyone!”

After shouting two or three times, everyone present slowly became quiet.

But everyone’s eyes are almost still focused on the phosphate fertilizer in the white flower pool!

After all, this full pond of phosphate fertilizer, but what they saw was just produced, and what they need to consume is only a few carts of ore that’s all.

Where have they seen such a Divine Artifact? 》

Pile of ores like dirt and rubbish, in their in front of one’s eyes, magically turned into a pool of white foam, and this thing, in the legend, can make food Phosphate fertilizer that has soared by dozens of times but its output? !

And, it only took less than an hour!

At this time, looking at a pool, everyone is savvy, why can’t we calculate the profit?

Such a pond can be produced in one hour, so you can imagine how much can be produced in a day?

Furthermore, all the people present at this time are here for this thing, but after seeing this thing, who is still in the mood to engage in other things, even if it’s just the glass and that kind of ice, this They were crushed by them.

Seeing Zhang Feng talking, everyone finally stopped.

When Zhang Feng saw this, he laughed here: “Everyone, I know how you feel about phosphate fertilizer. Let’s put it aside. Someone will talk to you about this matter later. In this matter, I invite you to come today because I want to invite you to taste a good thing that the youngster has made before. I think you all know the braised pork, right?”

, In an instant, everyone thought of the big fat pigs just now, saying that everyone was shocked.

Is it.

What Dean Zhang is talking about at this time is this big fat pig?

Just as everyone was surprised, Zhang Feng slowly said: “Yes, I guess you have guessed it. Indeed, as you think, they are the pigs just now. These pigs are not simple. You can I know, how long have these pigs been born since they were born?”

Where does everyone know this?

I had to look at each other in blank dismay and wait for Zhang Feng to speak.

Seeing that no one was speaking, Zhang Feng touched his nose and said, “Frankly, these pigs only took three short months. To be precise, they grew up in less than three months. It looks like this now!”


“Three months, you have grown up like this?”

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