In an instant, everyone turned pale with fright, but now Zhang Feng saw that the effect was achieved, and he ignored everyone’s exclamations and inquiries. He waved his hand: “Everyone, please also Come to taste and taste today, I guarantee this kind of pig is completely different from the pork that you know before, but you still need to help you taste it in low grade.”

“Specific things, later It’s up to Zheng Tufu to clarify the confusion for you, and all of this, the youngster has been handed over to Zheng Tufu. He also invited you to eat first. After dinner, the good and bad, as well as the phosphate fertilizer, etc., we will discuss again, how about?”

While speaking, Chen Chumo and the others directly greeted the people on Tonghui Street and brought out a pot of delicious food one after another.

The advantage of many people is that there are many people, that is, the time to talk, the tables and stools that have been prepared are also neatly placed in the field at this time, and everyone at this time is also holding A pot of meat was placed on the table.

Smelling the tempting fragrance, everyone was already gulping their mouths. This time, Zhang Feng not only prepared braised pork, but even prepared a variety of stir-fries, and even Red Braised Pork has made a lot of them. After all, it is for these people to try it to start the pork brand, so Zhang Feng can say that this time he has lost his blood.

Looking at these delicious food, the old village chief can’t help but sigh. ,

Every time I see a plate of dishes and the slowly decreasing flesh on the case, I feel distressed like blood.

Mother, this youngster is really a prodigal!

It’s just a big wasrel!

Such a good thing, I didn’t even have a bite, so I got cheaper thanksless wretch……


After a full hour, Zhang Feng sneaked away dizzy.

He sneaked away with the help of urine.

After all, he really can’t bear the continuous drinking.

Don’t talk about others.

For the three departments, there are already the Institute of Great Culture, Li Xiaogong and the others. These officials add up to hundreds of people.

Even if one person has one bowl.

This damn thing is going to end up drinking to death!

Not to mention, these people deliberately want to make friends at this time, let alone those businessmen and the others who are waiting to find a chance to come to toast and the others…

but However, Zhang Feng’s drinking capacity is just like that. After reluctantly drinking five large bowls of wine, Zhang Feng has to surrender and sue for mercy. For Zhang Feng, drinking is just a pleasure. If it is in this kind of officialdom, Zhang Feng’s wine culture, even if he drank to death, he couldn’t drink the toast of so many people.

Zhang Feng wants to work hard, and he has to admit counsel. After all, Zhang Feng has more important things to do at this time, and that is to go home.

There is also a cousin in the family, who he has never seen before, waiting for him with the marriage contract that made him fearful.

How dare he delay here?

The main purpose of going down the mountain this time is to see this cousin. Otherwise, Zhang Feng would be too lazy. He believes that Li Qian and the others will definitely do more beautifully than him. ,

After all, these guys are veterans of the wine shop…

When Zhang Feng returns to the Fuzhong, I don’t know if the news came back long ago or what happened. , But saw Nadu Wisteria, has been waiting for a long time.

At the moment of seeing Zhang Feng, Du Ziteng seemed to have found the backbone, and quickly went up to explain the matter clearly.

Yesterday, a woman arrived. Although she said she had sent someone to the mountain to inform her, she met Yuchi Gong halfway through the road. Yuchi Gong asked everyone to arrange this woman first, and he went to report.

But this wait, just wait so long, can the people in the mansion not be anxious?

After all, is this great aunt pretending to be an enemy, or is it really Patriarch’s cousin, who knows the truth?

After all, the burning of Cháng’ān happened just a few days ago, and everyone did not dare to take it carelessly. Before entering the living room, Zhang Feng finally heard the whole sequence of events and couldn’t help but feel a little bit slightly. The surprise.

“Old Du, are you sure that this woman is from Liangzhou?”

Stomach hurts and gastritis, some said uncertainly: “It should be probably, maybe it is, I still I didn’t have time to inquire, besides, this woman had a special status and didn’t do anything extraordinary, so I thought, the younger one can only wait for Patriarch to come back to make a decision…”

Zhang Feng was unhappy at this moment. .

Ask: “Where did Jia Daoren go? Why didn’t you see him today?”

Du Ziteng was taken aback, and hurriedly said: “Lord didn’t send him to the family’s residence and Is Cháng’ān University in town yet?”

Zhang Feng hearing this, only then did he remember this kind of thing, so he stared and asked: “What are you talking about, what should be possible? You Yes, it’s not clear in this book. Where did this girl come from? Didn’t you have anyone to ask? And you know that Cháng’ān only had a major event a few days ago. This is a sudden person, you guys. Is it so bold?”

Du Ziteng hearing this, instantly aggrieved: “If you return to Lord, Old Yu said that this matter will be handled by him, so the younger one did not ask for it for the time being. After all, I heard this. The female accent is indeed like the accent of Phoenix Ridge. The younger one has been there before, so…”

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