Zhang Feng, hearing this, waved his hand speechlessly, and looked at Du Ziteng and said, “Old Du! Go on, and remember that if you have this kind of thing in the future, please inquire about it before saying it.”

hearing this Du Ziteng was shocked in a cold sweat instantly, and then he walked out again and again.

When Zhang Feng entered the study, he saw a woman from the back, facing him, wearing a pink gauze skirt.

The gauze skirt is very common, but this is just for those Great Family people, it is indeed very common.

For ordinary people, it is definitely a rare thing. It can be worn on this woman, which shows that this woman’s identity is definitely not low, but it is precisely because of this that Zhang Feng is even more depressed. , After all, he doesn’t know any cousin, let alone the so-called Zhang Feng. At this time, the woman seemed to have reacted and turned around quickly. Zhang Feng finally saw the woman’s appearance.

The appearance is actually pretty decent on the whole. Although it is not as pretty as the women Zhang Feng knows, nor is it as pretty as the Cui Yingying I know today, but it looks like that. One can make people remember the inexplicable feeling of his appearance.

However, the moment the woman saw Zhang Feng, there seemed to be no reaction at all.

When Zhang Feng saw this, he clasped his fists and said, “I’m down Zhang Feng, I don’t know who the girl is…”

The girl hearing this just came over after the reaction, with a slightly weird look on her face. After doing some etiquette, he said: “Little girl Zhu Keer, I wonder if Mr. Zhang still remembers the little girl?”


, Zhang Hong’s head exploded in an instant, if he knew he asked a fart.

But it’s not easy to show at this time, just hehe said with a smile: “So what, when I was in Phoenix Ridge before, something happened, basically many things have been forgotten, if… …”

“Then you have forgotten the things at home?”

When Zhang Feng finished speaking, Zhu Kerr interrupted Zhang Feng and asked.

Zhang Feng’s expression was stagnant, and after thinking about it, he said, “Don’t hide the girl, I was hit by a flash flood at the time when I was playing in the mountains. Fortunately, I was able to escape, and Dan did not. If you did not escape from this tribulation, you were also affected by this torrent. Because of this torrent, this Zhang’s head was hit by a heavy object. Although your life is safe, you never remember anything in the past.”

“It was so easy, I encountered expert guidance in the mountains later, which made me escape, but I really didn’t know what happened before.””

Zhu Keer couldn’t help but appear a little bit in her eyes. She came to Cháng’ān this time, first, because after confirming Zhang Feng’s identity, she wanted to see if Zhang Feng was indeed the widow of Phoenix Ling’s family. .

On the other hand, I want to fulfill the marriage contract. After all, before the flash flood last year, the family had deliberately arranged this marriage, but because of this flash flood, the matter was left behind. My father accidentally happened some time ago. After learning about this, I eagerly sent someone to inquire about it.

After all, this is Zhu Ke’er’s lifelong major event. I overheard that Zhang Feng is still alive, and the previous poems, and Those amazing things were all made by him, so he decided to take the risk and come to Cháng’ān alone to find out. Fortunately, Zhu Ke’er met her best friend when she came. I went to the many troubles on the road.

At this time, after seeing Zhang Feng, the disappointment in her heart was even heavier.

It seems that Zhang Feng does , Is very similar to Zhang Feng he knows, in terms of speech and behavior, and in all aspects, it is the same, but she always feels that this person is not the one he is looking for.

This feeling is very strange.

, Let her get up a little not knowing what to do.

Zhang Feng didn’t know what was going on. Seeing Zhu Ke’er’s expression, he was solemn for a while, hesitated for a while, and hurriedly said: “Can you tell me about me? In the past? I really don’t know anything about what happened before, and I hope the girl forgive me for this. This is not what this Zhang did not intend. It’s about your flash flood, everyone knows, I also learned about it from Honored Teacher and the people of Phoenix Ridge afterwards, but I don’t know what really happened. “

Zhang Feng doesn’t know why he said this at this time, but he still wants to know, what kind of experience this so-called Zhang Feng who has the same given name and family name as her has had? In the past.

After all.

Only by knowing the truth, will he have more security for future identity issues.

He doesn’t want to get it every day. I know what my seven aunts and eight aunts are here…

The most important thing is that Zhang Feng is more curious at this time, whether this is the arrangement of fate, or what is the reason, it will magically make He, this person who has never met has a connection.

Furthermore, even his looks and everything are the same. When he forged this identity, Zhang Feng was only casually pinching, but among them Some things are true, such as the place where he was in the later life, which is the 21st century, and the place where he was born and raised is this place.

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