After going down, the numerous officials seemed to be attentive, and they didn’t talk to each other, and hurriedly walked outside the palace gate.

Even the old officials who need help from the Attending the Imperial court at ordinary times suddenly became radiant, for fear of falling behind.

Not to mention the military commander. It is a running faster than one, hurriedly rushing home after taking a big stride. Even the officials who usually like to drink flowers and wine do not go to the restaurant anymore.

Because they have an important thing in their minds, and that is to convene people to train and prepare to participate in the ball game.

Originally, this kind of game is not worth the madness of numerous officials. However, Zhang Feng promised that as long as he got the first place, he would get a chance to enter the Academy for free.

That’s White Deer Academy of Classical Learning. As long as you study for three years, you can enter the DPRK as an official with Zhang Feng’s papers, and you can also enter the Ministry of Works. Six books are not easy to enter, even though You are a child of a high-ranking official, or a child of the Aristocratic Family. There are not two brushes that you want to enter the Ministry of Works. There is no door.

Now, Zhang Feng said, as long as you get the Academy ball game, you can enter the Academy. For the hedonistic sons of rich parents of these senior officials, it is an opportunity to ascending to the skies with a single leap Ah, give it to the Academy, go to Datian, listen to it, just think about it…

More importantly, the emperor His Majesty gave a message to support the participation of numerous officials, which gave everyone a strong heart. needle.

Even if you can’t get the first place, you have to do a good job in front of His Majesty, even more how, there are such enticing and confusing rewards to get the first place, which can make the family win honor. It’s strange that everyone is not crazy.

However, the civil servants are still good, just lift the skirt and ran towards the palace gate, the military commander is a bit unbearable to look at, sprinkling his feet regardless of whether there is anyone in front of him, a few even even shoes It’s all tricked.

Especially Cheng Yaojin, who kicked a few civil officials, just for a little bit, hurry home to prepare for training, one step faster, there is no way, the rogue temperament has been carved into the bone, and No one dares to stop him, this is Duke of Lu, who dares to provoke him.

He grabbed the rein from the palace man’s hand and turned on his horse.


loudly shouted and ran straight to Cheng Manor.

Poor Cheng Manor’s servant kept calling behind him, Cheng Yaojin turned a deaf ear, thinking only about basketball.

In a rampage along the way, many vendors were thrown to the ground by Old Cheng. They were about to stand up and yell at them, but when they looked intently, this damn is the Great Demon King. Who dares to make trouble? Shut your mouth obediently.

However, everyone still didn’t let Old Cheng go. What a damn, assholes, and other ugly words were greeted. When everyone was repacking the stalls, they saw the silver on the ground and set out again. Smiley, stopped the abuse in my heart.

Running all the way, Old Cheng finally Cheng Manor, he overturned his horse with a carp.

“Cheng Er, Cheng Er, where did you fucking go? Come out for Lao Tzu soon.”

Old Cheng has a lot of illiterate people at home and doesn’t know one big character, so I give it to the servant He named Cheng Yi, Cheng Er and so on for convenience. This is also one of the reasons why he is often laughed at. There is no way. He didn’t have the money to study when he was a child.

“Ai, Lord, I am here.”

Cheng Er put down his work and quickly greeted him.

Why there is no Cheng Yi, that guy is still eating ashes behind Old Cheng.

Old Cheng walked in through the gate of the mansion fiercely, glanced at Cheng Er, and hurriedly said: “Go and summon all the servants and maids in the mansion for Lao Tzu, I have something to say.”

Cheng Er dumbfounded, Lord usually doesn’t do things in Steward, because he always said that men should lead soldiers to fight, and women’s affairs are in charge of family affairs. How did you change your sex today?

He scratched his head. When he was about to ask, suddenly, there was a sharp pain from the fart, and immediately, Old Cheng’s yelling followed.

“You fucking hurry up, I don’t have time to wait for you.”

Cheng Er grieved and rubbed his fart, and ran away quickly.

Shortly after Cheng Er left, a rough female voice came from the inner palace.

“Old Cheng, what are you arguing about in the yard? Didn’t you get enough to eat?”

It is Cheng Yaojin Madam who is talking, and he is usually a carefree character. Know some martial arts, in the Cheng Family, no one dares provoke, no one dares provoke, especially Old Cheng, in Madam like a cat.

“Madam, you just happened to be here, I tell you the good news, Feng’zi is about to host a basketball game, I am going to take the servant to participate.”

Cheng Yaojin looked at Cheng Madam and quickly greeted him.

Of course, you have to share things with others. Of course, this person is Madam.

“What? Feng’zi is going to hold a basketball game? It really is a great thing.”

Cheng Madam’s eyebrows are crowded together, although she has never seen Zhang Feng , But the other party’s name has been spread throughout Cháng’ān, and my ears can be heard, and I have a good relationship with my Husband, and I am naturally happy in my heart.

“Yes, Madam, this competition is held at White Deer Academy of Classical Learning, and His Imperial Majesty also supports it. Numerous officials must participate. Old Cheng is who, so naturally I cannot be compared. , Especially can’t be compared with the big Old Black.”

Old Cheng’s smiling face is incomparable to the arrogant appearance outside.

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