“You still know that you can’t be compared. Look at what you look like outside. You are idle every day. Now you have something to do well.”

Cheng Madam lightly snorted , With his hands on his chest.

In fact, when she heard about the basketball game, she really hoped that Old Cheng would participate in it. Once again, Nacheng thought that this guy had volunteered, and it was a good thing.

“Madam, look at what you said, how can I be idle?”

Old Cheng handed the tea from the maid to Madam, laughed.

“Do you know it yourself?”

Cheng Madam did not take the tea, but just glanced at Old Cheng, turned and walked towards the inner courtyard, while speaking, a voice came: “I hope you don’t lose the face of your Old Cheng family this time.”

When the voice fell, Cheng Madam was nowhere to be seen.

“Madam is kidding, I will definitely get it first.”

Old Cheng waved Madam and promised.

After that, Old Cheng squatted at the door and made sure that the person had already gone far before sighed.

After a while, Cheng Er led all the servants and servants of Cheng Manor to the front yard. There were 20 servants and 15 servants, making a total of 35 people.

“Lord, servant and maid have all been brought here.”

Cheng Er endured the pain of this fart and bowed.

Old Cheng cleared up the grievances of being oppressed by Madam just now, and moved towards Cheng Er nodded with his hands on his back, walked in front of everyone, and scanned them one by one. Many servants were soldiers who came down from the battlefield. Having been with him is a bit of friendship, but the maid is hired.

“You, you, and you come out.”

Old Cheng reached out and clicked on a few servants to signal them to get out.

Several people who were spotted couldn’t figure it out, but in order to avoid hurting their farts, they still stood up.

They are Cheng Manor’s strongest body. Such a person has good physical fitness and will be a good player in playing basketball. Even if he doesn’t, he can teach himself. These problems do not exist. .

“Leave three good maids, and the others are all disbanded, why should I go.”

Old Cheng waved at everyone to disband them.

After everyone disbanded, Old Cheng looked at the few people left, said with a smile: “You all know basketball, right? Who can play?”

tone barely fell , Everyone immediately smiled.

It turns out that Lord kept them here for basketball.

They used to be soldiers. Although they are now serving as servants in Cheng Manor, they still do some activities.

I heard that when basketball came out, they came out of Cheng Manor one by one. They had to play basketball without eating. They were all kinds of experts. They couldn’t play, and they were even ridiculed.

“Lord, I can play basketball and I can also shoot three-pointers.”

“Come on, have you made that three-pointer once?”

“Lord, I will do it too. It’s no problem to hit two.”


Everyone talking at once, listening to Cheng Yaojin’s head is about to explode.

“Shut up to Laozi.”

Old Cheng loudly shouted, and everyone immediately stopped the discussion.

Later, Old Cheng glanced at everyone: “You didn’t care if you could play Lao Tzu before, but now you must be able to play. Now White Deer Academy of Classical Learning is going to hold a basketball game, you and Lao Tzu will go to participate. Starting training today, from now on, everyone is allowed to sleep for only three hours a day. You must train at other times. Can you do it?”

Originally, everyone just started listening to Old Cheng White Deer Academy of Classical Learning. When the basketball game was about to be called, they almost called out because they all knew what White Deer Academy of Classical Learning existed. Although they hadn’t been there before, they had heard of it. It was a signature hand-picked by His Imperial Majesty.

If you play a game in that, don’t you have to be covered with sovereign aura, and you will have the capital to brag about it in the future.

However, after hearing that, the excitement of everyone was extinguished by Old Cheng.

Only allowed to sleep for three hours a day, this damn thing is not so harsh in the military camp.

However, when they thought of going to Bailu to play, everyone was relieved, all with red eyes, shouting in unison.

“If you can do it, take the first place.”

“Get the first place, take the first place.”

Old Cheng glanced at everyone , Can’t help nodded.

These guys really didn’t let themselves down.

“Then what are you doing here? Go for training, and the maid prepares tea.”

Old Cheng stared at the crowd, drinking.

No way, if these guys speak well, they won’t listen.

“Yes, Lord.”

Everyone responded and dispersed.

There is basketball in Cheng Manor. Old Cheng will play twice when he is okay. The servants can also play.

Looking at the servant training, Old Cheng also got itchy hands and joined in unconsciously.

Of course, not only Old Cheng was training, Yuchi Gong was not far behind. After he returned home, he immediately came to the barracks.

Since you want to play, you naturally have to choose the strongest people, and these people are out of the barracks.

Yuchi Gong looked at the rows of people in military uniforms in front of him, shouted loudly: “Tell everyone a good news, White Deer Academy of Classical Learning is preparing to hold a basketball game…”

As soon as the words were halfway, everyone’s expressions changed from solemnity to surprise.

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