After putting away his Conqueror Haki, Luffy came to Lin Lai and the others.

"Hey, haven't they come out yet? Great, I'm the first!"

Luffy looked around in surprise, and then was surprised to find that he was the first to come out.

Hahaha, you always say I'm stupid, but I'm not stupid, but I'm very smart, so I got the first place.

Lin Lai hit Luffy on the head.

"Ah, it hurts, Lin Lai, why did you hit me."

Luffy covered his forehead and looked at Lin Lai with dissatisfaction.

"Are you stupid? The first one to come out doesn't mean you're the first to die. Others are not dead, but you're dead, and you still have the nerve to laugh."

Lin Lai looked at Luffy speechlessly, are you missing a bone in your head?

"Oh, it seems so."

Luffy suddenly realized, and then his face fell. In this way, didn't he become really stupid?

Just as he was thinking this, several figures appeared one after another, and Nami and the others also came back.

"Hey, Luffy, why are you standing here? Oh, I see, you are the first one to come out."

Usopp appeared behind Luffy with an exaggerated gun on his back, and his tone was mocking.

"No way, no way, there is really no one stupid enough to come out first."

Luffy was stunned when he heard this, and then he was furious and punched Usopp on the head.

"Baga, Usopp, you bastard, didn't you die too?"

"Oh, but I died after you."

Usopp picked his nose and completed the final kill.

Luffy's face was gray, and he squatted in the corner in an instant, and the background turned gray and white.

"Hey, Usopp, did you succeed?"

Nami looked at Usopp and the giant gun in amazement.

"By the way, didn't you say that this weapon belonged to a little girl? How come it's in your hands? Could it be?" Nami said, looking at Usopp with contempt. "Scum!" Sanji nodded. "You actually attacked a lady, scum." Lin came to finish the job. "Scum among scum." The three of them sang in unison, and Usopp was stunned. After a while, he came back to his senses and hurriedly explained. "No, the pink-haired little girl was killed during the mission. The scene was so tragic. I avenged her." After a moment, Sanji touched his chin and realized something. "In other words, as the reason for your revenge for the other party, and your strong sniping talent, this gun was finally handed over to you." Usopp nodded with satisfaction. "That's right, that's it, so don't slander me, an honest man, here."

Luffy appeared beside Usopp at some point and looked at him with contempt.

"You scum who robbed the girl's relics."

Usopp was furious when he heard that.

"I told you it's not like that, Luffy, you bastard."

The few people were arguing, and Vivi next to them was shocked, but then she was envious.

Their relationship seemed really good.

The few people sat together, talking about what they experienced in the simulation and the strange way they died.

Sanji was complaining there.

"By the way, I was going to the vegetable paradise with that guy called Alu, but that guy plucked a feather of the Lightning Fire Phoenix in the thundercloud and nothing happened. I plucked one too, and was chased all the way, and finally fell from a height of 10,000 meters. What a setting."

Usopp laughed.

"You are so unlucky. Maybe the other party thinks you are too ugly."

"Shut up, you guy. How did you die?"

Usopp raised his head and looked proud when he heard it.

"I am different from you. I went to snipe the strongest man in the empire, a guy named Esdeath, so I died."

Luffy looked at Usopp with disdain.

"Tsk, I was killed by one person. I was besieged by three people."

Nami just watched the three people talking quietly without saying anything.

After all, death is not something that can be easily discussed. He is not like these guys who look quite proud.

Zoro folded his arms and stood by without saying anything, maintaining the style of a cold swordsman. Well, it was definitely not because he was staring at them when they died.

As for Lin Lai, he was happily accepting the reward from the system at this moment.

What top-level domineering Haki, top-level armed Haki, top-level observation Haki, gourmet cells improved, magic power increased, physical fitness improved, instantly became handsome, bigger, and longer... ahem, became stronger.

Wuhu, take off.

Lin Lai is veryHappy, what is more comfortable than improving strength?

The joy from the heart, the sage time after a slight tremor, the calmness of seeing through everything, all illustrate the beauty of improving strength.

"Since everyone's simulation is over, let's eat. Let me tell you, I got an amazing ingredient this time."

"What is that?"

Luffy's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to ask, after all, eating is one of his hobbies.

"It's a soup, a precious ingredient called Century Soup, which is made of countless delicacies put together, and then processed by nature for a long time before it appears. In order to get it, I almost died."

"Oh, Siguoyi!"

Suddenly, the conversation between Sanji and Luffy came from the side, which made Lin Lai come back to his senses.

"Oh, Sanji, I want a pot."

He shouted loudly, attracting Sanji's angry glare.

"Get lost, I only got one pot in total, one bowl per person, no more."


The few of them chatted and laughed, and then walked towards the Merry. Although they could also eat here, they still felt more at home on the Merry.

"Hey, aren't you leaving?"

Lin Lai passed by Wei Wei and saw that she didn't react at all, and was a little curious.

Wei Wei was stunned, and then shook her head.

"I won't go. This is a party between you. It's not good for me, an outsider, to go there."

Although she said so, she felt a little disappointed that she couldn't fit in when everyone was having a happy party.

"Oh, I thought you didn't want to go. In that case, let's go."

Lin Lai walked past her.

"By the way, you have to hurry up, otherwise according to the character of those guys, you might go too late and they will have eaten all the food."

As she said this, Lin Lai suddenly woke up.

"Fuck, yeah, I'm afraid mine was eaten too, no, we have to hurry over."

Lin Lai said this, and grabbed Weiwei's fate by the back of her collar, and then rushed towards the Merry.

"Hey, hey, hey, put me down, shouldn't you hold my hand and run together at this time? What the hell are you holding my collar by?"

Weiwei complained, but she felt a little strange in her heart, as if this feeling was not bad.

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