Everyone boarded the Merry with great anticipation, looking forward to the century soup that Sanji had mentioned.

After a while, everyone looked at the bowl of soup in front of them, shining with crystal light, and couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

It was because it was so fragrant. Just smelling the smell made people salivate.

Although it was called soup, it looked like a bowl of water. The only difference from water was that it was shining with aurora-like light.

"I'm starting."

Luffy was the first to be unable to resist, and he picked up the bowl and drank it in one gulp.

Then, the next second.

"Hey, it tastes so good."

As if he had felt something wonderful, Luffy showed an extremely obscene smile and stood there stupidly.

"Tsk, look at you."

Zoro looked at Luffy with disdain. As everyone knows, he is a cold swordsman. No matter how delicious it tastes, he will never become like Luffy.

Without any hesitation, Zoro picked up the bowl and drank it all in one gulp, then.

"Hehehe, this is really good."

"Tsk, look at your cowardly look."

Usopp was very dissatisfied with the performance of the two. Just like this, what are you doing as a captain and a swordsman? Go back to feed the pigs.


"It's really delicious, hehehe."

Seeing that everyone drank the Century Soup, Vivi frowned beautifully, wondering if she had forgotten something.

"Forget it, it should be an illusion."

Vivi shook her head, picked up the bowl, and drank the soup that made her extremely curious.

So, after a while, everyone sitting on the Merry showed a wretched smile, entered the sage moment, and felt the beauty of the world.

Bang bang bang! !

After a while, Nami recalled the expression she had just shown, and became angry and punched everyone except Vivi, and then ran into her room.

"Hiss~ It hurts."

Lin Lai and the others covered their foreheads and cried out in pain.

"We are all women. Look at Princess Vivi, and then look at you."

Usopp grumbled in dissatisfaction, but Vivi on the other side had already blushed and hid in the corner, not daring to see anyone.

"Shame on you, it's so shameful. How can I make such an expression?"

Covering her red face, Vivi experienced a death in her life: social death.

At this time, it would be great if there was someone who could be embarrassed by her side. Oh, by the way, where are the Ikalem people?

At this moment, Vivi finally remembered what she had just forgotten, that is, Ikalem, and her loyal ministers were still lying on the ground.

The Merry here was very happy. On the other side, in the Red Earth Continent, in the Holy Land of Mary Joa, in a conference room, five powerful old men who were obviously powerful people were sitting next to a conference table.

These five people are the Five Elders who stand at the pinnacle of power in this world.

As the supreme controllers of world power, every action they take usually causes considerable turmoil, but at this moment, they all gathered together.

"That fruit has been born again and has been eaten by someone. We need to strangle it in the cradle."

A Five Elder Star holding a cane spoke with a serious tone.

Another Five Elder Star also nodded.

"In this world, it is enough for that kind of person to appear once, and there is no possibility that he will appear again."

"Just kill that person and solve the problem once and for all."

"No, this fruit seems to have its own consciousness. Even though our world government has been searching for it for so many years, it has never been found once. This time it is finally found, and we must have a foolproof plan before we can take action."

At this time, the Five Elder Star holding a knife spoke with a cold tone.

"Wouldn't it be better if we directly summon the admiral of the navy to capture him and then lock him up?"

The Five Elder Star holding a cane looked serious and shook his head.

"No, according to the information we have, this kid who has gained the ability is Garp's grandson. Garp's reputation in the navy is too high, so it is not appropriate to take action against his grandson in a big way."

"Then send the members of CP0 to capture him, so that it will not attract attention."

"Then it is decided. To be safe, send two senior agents to capture the kid."

The senior agents of CP0 have extremely powerful strength and can temporarily compete with the admirals of the navy. Once the two senior agents cooperate, they can also support the admirals for a long time.

The reason why such a powerful agent was sent to carry out the mission was naturally because of Lin Lai.

According to the information at handInformation, Luffy has a crew member who can fight Hawkeye briefly without losing.

Therefore, sending two senior agents is just for insurance.

In their opinion, even if a guy can tie with Hawkeye in a short time, it is impossible to easily deal with the senior agent of CP0. One person can hold Lin Lai, and the other can take the opportunity to catch Luffy.

However, no one would have thought how fast Lin Lai's strength has improved. Now he can fight against the admiral of the navy.

"By the way, according to the route, the destination of this group of people should be the Kingdom of Alabasta. Let's send the two agents here. It just so happens that there is a little crocodile that is not very honest recently. It's time to let him be quiet and assist us in the mission."

In this way, without anyone knowing, the World Government began its first action against the Straw Hat Pirates.

However, the ending this time is destined to disappoint them all.

"A-choo~ Why do I feel like someone is praising me for being handsome."

Luffy rubbed his nose and muttered to himself.

"Shameless, I remember the last time I was so speechless was last time."

Usopp was holding a fishing rod and sitting leisurely by the boat. After mocking Luffy, he turned his head to look at the small bucket next to Lin Lai, which was empty.

Usopp showed a malicious smile and deliberately asked loudly.

"Lin Lai, how many fish did you catch?"

Lin Lai didn't even turn his head, his eyes were serious.

"If you catch this one, plus two more, that would be three."


Usopp was stunned, thinking carefully for a long time, and then reacted.

"Isn't this zero?"

Listening to Usopp's words, Lin Lai was instantly displeased.

"What zero, how can you slander someone's innocence out of thin air."

Usopp replied loudly.

"But I clearly saw that the bucket next to you was empty. If this is not air force, then what is it?"

"This is not air force, this is to cultivate sentiments. It is the work of fishermen. Can it be called air force?"

Lin Lai argued with reason, and then he said something like Jiang Taigong fishing, willing to take the bait, not in good condition today, fight another day, etc., which made people laugh.

The air inside and outside was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.

PS: Regarding whether Luffy is afraid of lightning, in fact, I think he is afraid, but he is immune to lightning to a certain extent. It's just that with the development of his abilities, the strength of immunity will also increase. As for the fight between Enelu and Luffy, I won't say how much water it is. Finally, I wish you all a happy weekend.

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