The red stone tablet hidden under the giant whale tree is engraved with historical texts of ancient mysterious characters!

Caesar, who finally found this piece of historical text, recorded the information recorded on this stone tablet with the help of his knowledge and his strong memory.

Withdrawing his knowledge, Caesar slowly fell asleep lying on the soft sheep fur.

[164] Two new members of the fur family met a giant anglerfish on the way

Caesar and his party happily spent several days in the Furry Principality, and also got a taste of the unique style of the fur tribe. They also established a deep friendship with the fur tribe after a few days of getting along.

However, as time goes by, even if Caesar and his party like this place very much, they will eventually leave this dreamland and continue their voyage.

At the entrance of the Furry Principality, Caesar and his party have already packed the fruit and supplies given by the fur tribe, and are about to board the ship and leave.

And at the entrance of the Furry Principality, there are also fur tribes who have been happily getting along with Caesar and his party these days. They all came to see Caesar and his party off.

"Hey! Next time I have a chance - I will come to play again!"

"The Furry Principality welcomes you anytime!"

"Hahaha! When you come next time, let's compete again! I will become stronger then!"

Facing Caesar's group who had already boarded the Rex, the fur tribe waved their arms and shouted at Caesar and the others.

"Hahaha! We will meet again in the future!"

"Thank you for your hospitality these days!"

Hearing the fur tribe's farewell, everyone on the boat waved in response.

Such a harmonious scene is completely different from when Caesar and the others first landed on the island a few days ago.

Seeing such a scene, Caesar couldn't help showing a faint smile.

The fur tribe and Caesar bid farewell to each other again, and Caesar used his thoughts to slowly raise the boat under the amazed eyes of the fur tribe, ready to float down the elephant owner's legs and return to the sea .

"Ah, the fur tribe guys are so interesting and enthusiastic..."

"Hahaha, isn't this great, we've had a lot of fun playing here these days!"

Brad and Hades were still reminiscing about their happy time in the Furry Principality while speaking.

But Brook, lying on the ground beside him as if drained of energy, spit out his soul and said sadly.

"This place is still a little too scary for me! They like me too much!"

"Yo... Yohohoho~ My old bones, I almost confessed here."

Everyone who saw Brook's appearance also recalled the scene that he was popular with many carnivorous fur tribes in the Furry Principality in the past few days, and couldn't help laughing.

Just when the Rex was halfway down, Caesar suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked up.

Gnaly then seemed to notice something and looked up at the Rex like Caesar!

Immediately afterwards, two figures appeared from above lightly and quickly, and landed steadily on the deck of the Rex!

Everyone who thought it was an enemy attack was instantly ready to fight, and turned their attention to the two figures.

When everyone saw clearly the masters of those two figures, they all felt relieved.

The two people who came were a wolf-fur tribe and a cat-fur tribe, and everyone on the boat also recognized these two people, because these two people had also been with everyone during their time in the Furry Principality.

The name of the wolf fur clan is Fenrir, and the name of the cat fur clan is Kyle.

These two people are fighters belonging to the fur tribe, and now they suddenly appear here, which makes Caesar's group feel a little strange.

"Fenrir, Kyle, why did you two come here? Can you leave your combat troops casually, aren't you afraid that your captain will scold you?"

Seeing the two clearly, everyone on the boat lowered their guard, and Brad was the first to ask strangely.

After hearing Brad's words, Fenrir and Kyle said excitedly.

"We came here because we want to go out to sea with you for adventure!"

"As for our captain, hahaha! He can no longer control us! We have already applied to King Tracy, and King Tracy has also agreed to our decision to go to sea!"

"Although our country hardly communicates with the outside world, we are not prohibited from going outside!"

"Competing with you these few days, I can feel your strength! So Kyle and I want to go to sea with you to exercise ourselves!"

"That's right, and I've heard you say a lot of interesting things about the sea these days. I'm also very curious about what you said, so I'm here with Griffin!"

Hearing Griffin and Kyle explain their purpose excitedly, everyone also showed a clear look on their faces.

Both Griffin and Kyle have already made such a decision, and everyone welcomes it.

However, the application for boarding the ship had to be approved by the captain Caesar in the end.

Both Griffin and Kyle understood this truth, so they turned their eyes to Caesar and said with piercing eyes.

"Captain Caesar, please let us aboard, take us with you, we will not hold you back!"

Listening to the request of Griffin and Kyle, Caesar actually did not object to this in his heart.

After all, the combat effectiveness of the Fur Race cannot be underestimated, and in the case of a full moon, the Fur Race also has some trump cards "Moon Lion Form" that can greatly improve their combat effectiveness.

And these two guys also earned the consent of their king to go to sea, and they have no reason to refuse them.

After listening, Caesar looked at Griffin and Kyle and nodded, expressing his agreement.

In this way, Caesar Pirates added two more furry members from the Furry Principality!

The Rex had also landed back on the sea surface, and was slowly heading towards the shining sea horizon in the distance.

With the addition of the two fur tribes Griffin and Kyle, the boat of the Rex Pirates became more lively.

It has been more than a month since we left Zou, and the Caesar Pirates encountered several large and small battles during the journey.

However, these were some weaker pirate groups, and they didn't even need Gnali and other people to take action. They just handed over to the two new members of the fur clan and Barrett to solve them.

And some other pirate ships who knew the strength of the Caesar Pirates quickly turned their bows and ran away after seeing the pirate flag on the Rex from a distance.

And it has been several days since the last time it encountered a battle, and the voyage of the Rex these days has been calm, and nothing happened.

All the people on board are also exercising and working.

Griffin and Kyle, the new members on board, are currently practicing the Navy Six under the guidance of Caesar.

Although they have the unique fighting style of the fur clan, it is not a bad thing to be able to learn new fighting skills.

What's more, the Sixth Form of the Navy is not an ordinary combat skill. Learning it can turn ordinary people into superhuman beings.

As long as Griffin and Kyle have learned it, then their own fur clan fighting skills will be combined with the Navy Six Styles, and their strength will inevitably increase greatly.


Griffin and Kyle were originally combatants of the fur clan combat unit, so they are naturally very capable of learning about combat.

Under Caesar's guidance, in just half a month, he was able to use the shaved and finger guns in the Navy's sixth style!

At the same time, Griffin and Kyle not only learned the six styles of the navy with Caesar, but also learned swordsmanship skills with Gnaly.

They also seem to be born fighters, and they quickly master these combat skills.

But when everyone on board was busy with their affairs, the Rex suddenly shook violently and abnormally.

Arnold, who was on guard at the watchtower, also immediately issued a warning to everyone on board.

The originally calm sea became rough for some unknown reason, and huge waves kept beating the Rex.

For some unknown reason, the originally blue sea under the Rex became dark and turbid.

This sudden change made the members of the Caesar Pirates react quickly, and they all put down what they were doing and gathered on the deck of the Rex.


"What's going on! Arno! Can you see anything from the watchtower?"

Brad, who didn't know what happened now, stood on the deck and shouted at Arnold who was in the watchtower.

"It seems that there is something in the sea! But I can't see exactly what it is!"

Arnold on the watchtower tried hard to see what happened, but he could only guess that there was something in the sea.

"I'll go to the sea to have a look!"

Hearing Arnold's words, Hades, who is a murloc, volunteered to go directly to the sea to investigate.

But before Hades went into the sea, the sea water in front of the Rex suddenly surged and churned violently!

The surging tide also hit the Rex one after another, making the ship shake even more violently!

And a huge black shadow emerged from the churning sea water, with a huge mouth open, aimed at the bow of the Rex, and a strong smell of the sea also wafted over.

The creature with a huge mouth in front of him seemed to want to swallow the entire Rex as food.

The seawater was continuously sucked into the giant mouth, and the Rex could only say that the sucked current was being dragged into the giant mouth.

Seeing this huge creature emerging from the sea, everyone instantly recognized it as an anglerfish!

It's just that normally speaking, the anglerfish shouldn't have such a huge body size, but the anglerfish in front of them broke through the common sense, as huge as a small island!

Seeing the Rex being slowly sucked in by the anglerfish in front of them, everyone's face sank. Gnaly and the others had already drawn their weapons, ready to attack the anglerfish!

Otherwise, the Rex will be buried in the belly of the fish if the huge mouth of this big anglerfish is allowed to **** wildly!

"Hades, you attack from underwater, Arnold, see if you can hit the eyes of this big fish, and Barrett..."

Gnali had already started to greet everyone and issued instructions to prepare to attack, but Caesar's voice suddenly interrupted them!

"Don't do it!"

However, before everyone could attack, Caesar's eyes lit up when he saw the giant anglerfish in front of him, and he quickly called out to stop everyone three times.

[165] The treasure that can buy the world, pure gold!

Although everyone was puzzled, they stopped attacking after hearing Caesar's order.

"Caesar, why don't you let me attack? If this continues, the Rex will be swallowed by this fish!"

Brad, who was in the form of a saber-toothed tiger and human-beast, saw that the Rex was about to be swallowed by the giant anglerfish, and looked at Caesar in surprise.

Caesar, on the other hand, showed a mysterious smile with a calm expression on his face.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine, maybe we can see something interesting in this fish's belly!"

Seeing that Caesar said these words so calmly, although everyone still didn't understand why, they didn't say anything about the captain's absolute trust.

Originally, Caesar had no impression of this super huge anglerfish.

But when he saw the scene where he opened his mouth and wanted to swallow the Rex, Caesar suddenly remembered the giant fish that also appeared in the original book, and now, Caesar already had a general understanding in his heart. up.

That's why Caesar asked his companions to stop attacking with a calm face.

Caesar's mental power quickly wrapped the entire Rex in it, protecting the Rex "Three Three Three" like an invisible barrier to prevent it from being destroyed by the anglerfish's teeth. A giant anglerfish capable of devouring islands.

Following the crazy inhalation of the super-large anglerfish, the Rex also completely entered the huge mouth of the anglerfish.

The giant anglerfish that swallowed the Rex in one gulp seemed to be contented with a few splashes on the surface of the sea, and then dived back into the sea with a diving leap.

With the disappearance of the giant anglerfish, the originally turbulent sea area returned to calm, as if nothing had happened just now.

The Rex, which was swallowed in one gulp, fell into darkness, but the sound of the water flow and the shaking of the ship told everyone that the ship was still moving.

Although Caesar's mind barrier protected the entire Rex, it was the first time for everyone to experience such a thing as being swallowed by such a giant fish, and they couldn't help but feel uneasy.

After an unknown amount of time in the darkness, a faint light suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes, which cheered up the people who were originally uneasy.

Soon, with the help of Caesar's thoughts, the Rex finally squeezed out of the darkness and rushed towards the direction of the light!

Since it had been in the dark just now, such a bright place suddenly appeared, and everyone couldn't see everything in front of them clearly for a while.

After adapting to the light in front of them, everyone could clearly see everything miraculous in front of them.

It's completely different from the imagined fish belly, there's no darkness in it, instead it's full of pale golden light for some unknown reason.

There are still islands in the belly of this fish, and there are even lush green trees growing on these islands.

It's like a unique scene of a paradise!

"Wow! Are we really swallowed by that big fish?!"

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