"There are actually islands inside!"

"Sure enough, all kinds of magical things can be encountered on the sea!"

"Captain Caesar, did you know that this fish's belly is like this?!"

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone couldn't help being amazed.

As the two most junior members of the fur tribe, they were particularly shocked by this. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe that it was like this.

Regarding the scene here, although Caesar had expected it in his heart, he still couldn't help but secretly marvel in his heart after seeing it with his own eyes.

"I just heard an old man in the sea tell me about the legend..."

Caesar didn't know how to explain to the crew that he knew the situation in the fish's belly in advance, so he just smiled and made an excuse to haha ​​and passed.

After all, Caesar can't say that he has seen animations about this world.

Caesar exhaled a little happily, and looked at the pale golden scene inside. This is the inside of the anglerfish that appeared in the original book and could swallow the island.

Even Caesar remembered the name of the fish as King Bempoli.

But this is not important, what is important is the treasure in the belly of this fish that can make people all over the world flock to it.

The absolute treasure that can buy the whole world, and can delay the aging of human cells and make people immortal, pure gold!

Caesar was very concerned about the effect of pure gold on immortality.

After all, no matter how strong a person is, he can't escape the claws of time, and there will always be times when he gets old and frail.

Caesar shook his head involuntarily when he thought of how in the original book White Beard and Golden Lion were unable to exert their full strength even though they were super strong due to physical reasons.

Caesar didn't want to end up like Whitebeard in the end.

Besides, facing the temptation of immortality, who really can resist it?

Under the control of mental power, Caesar avoided the stomach acid in the fish's stomach, and directly landed the Rex on an island steadily.

After all, Caesar didn't want the Rex to be corroded and damaged by these stomach acids, and he would have to rely on the Rex for future navigation!

Everyone stepped down from the boat and stepped on the island, and the amazement in their hearts did not diminish in the slightest.

"I really didn't expect that we landed on the island in the belly of a fish...it's amazing..." Brad stepped on the soil of the island and marveled.

"Hahaha, you're making a fuss now, didn't we land on the back of an elephant not long ago?" Eli laughed and said to Brad.

Others also looked at everything around them in amazement. Except that there is no normal sky and ocean, the entire island is no different from an ordinary small island.

Just as everyone was amazed at what was going on in the belly of the fish, Caesar's powerful knowledge and arrogance radiated out.

Under knowledgeable exploration, at the edge of the forest on this small island, Caesar quickly discovered something.

Immediately afterwards, Caesar's thought power was activated, and like an invisible palm, it stretched straight towards the direction of the thing Caesar had discovered!

Soon, the sound of a man creaking and panicking came from the forest.

A person in dinosaur clothes was lifted out of the forest by Caesar and placed on the ground in front of him.

Seeing this man's face, Caesar narrowed his eyes, vaguely recognizing this man.

This guy is the scientist who was swallowed into the fish's belly a long time ago, and it was this guy who researched such treasures as pure gold.

Maybe he can keep this guy, and his scientific research ability may be able to help him in the future, Caesar looked at the scientist and thought in his heart.

According to Caesar's memory of the original work, there should be 0 of his daughter in the belly of the fish......

Attracted by the man's panicked cry, Gnali and the others quickly noticed what was happening on Caesar's side, and quickly surrounded him.

"Huh? There are humans in here! Are they the aborigines here?"

Seeing his companions gathered around, Caesar said calmly.

"I just sent out the arrogance of knowledge and found this guy, so I caught him here."

While talking in his mouth, Caesar's sense of knowledge did not stop, and he continued to expand the scope of search and investigation.

And the man captured by Caesar was left to Genali and the others to deal with. Anyway, Caesar didn't speak, and no one would hurt this man.

Under Caesar's powerful and domineering detection, Caesar detected the human breath on another small island in the stomach. Judging from the breath, Caesar estimated that this was probably the scientist's daughter.

It's just that Caesar was too far away from that position, and there was no way to grab the girl directly with his mind, so he could only speak to Genali and the others.

"Gnali, I also found a trace of a little **** the other side. I'll go and have a look now. You guys wait here and wait for me. I'll be back soon."

Hearing Caesar's words, the face of the scientist man who was originally panicked and confused suddenly changed drastically, and he got up from the ground with a look of excitement and ran towards Caesar stammering.

"That... that must be... my daughter Olga! Please... please let me see her... please... don't... hurt her!"

Seeing the excited look of this man, Caesar nodded, since he didn't intend to hurt them anyway.

Immediately afterwards, Caesar flew up directly with the power of his thoughts, and flew towards another small island.

However, in fact, Caesar did not go directly to find the scientist's daughter Olga, but had another purpose.

After leaving the crowd, Caesar flew straight towards a remote place, and soon, a ruin came into Caesar's eyes, and this was Caesar's destination.

Slowly falling 0.3 in front of the entrance of the ruins, Caesar couldn't help but feel a little excited, without too much hesitation, Caesar walked directly into the entrance of the ancient ruins in front of him.

Although there are mechanism traps in the ruins, these things can only deal with ordinary people.

In front of Caesar, who can use armed domineering, these things are nothing at all.

The traps in the ruins did not hinder Caesar's progress in the slightest. Soon, Caesar overcame an unknown number of traps and arrived at the final destination detected by his knowledge.

The depository of pure gold.

Seeing the pure gold exuding dazzling golden light in front of him, Caesar couldn't help being extremely happy.

Although I am still in a young and strong period, I have not yet reached the time to use pure gold to live forever.

But seeing the treasure in front of him, how could Caesar's mood not change a little?

Without wasting any more time, Caesar used his mental power to take all the metal trap hidden weapons that were just triggered.

And use powerful thoughts to press it into a high-density iron sheet, directly enveloping the dazzling golden pure gold, so that the originally shining pure gold turned into a black iron ball.

After doing all this well, Caesar turned and left satisfied and at ease.

[166] Pure gold is in hand, attracting top scientists

Coming out of the ruins, Caesar glanced at the ancient ruins. After thinking for a moment, he directly used his thoughts to destroy and crush them, turning them into ashes all over the place.

Pure gold is a matter of great importance, a treasure that can drive everyone crazy.

If the Tianlong people know that they have pure gold, they will probably be hunted down by the world government.

No matter how confident Caesar is, he doesn't think that his pirate group can contend against the world government.

If this place is destroyed like this, it won't be long before it will be covered with vegetation, and no one will ever pay attention to it.

If Caesar hadn't thought that the scientist who had developed pure gold might be able to help him in the future, Caesar might have silenced him as well.

It is also acceptable to kill some people who are not bad people for the sake of ambition in their hearts.

So Caesar is very cautious about this matter.

Flying quickly towards the other side of the fish's stomach, Caesar quickly found Olga, a little girl who had been living on an island in another fish's stomach, through his knowledge and arrogance.

Olga, with disheveled hair in the dense woods, was looking for today's food as usual.

Olga is familiar with this place where she has lived for an unknown number of years.

Soon, Olga found several unknown fruits, and this will soon be all Olga's food today.

While eating the fruit in his hand, he looked boredly at the pale golden world in front of him, who hadn't known how many sides had changed. He couldn't help but think of things from a long time ago, her father and the colorful life she lived in before. The place…

But when Olga was eating the fruit and immersed in the good memories of 09, a figure suddenly fell from the sky, passed through the trees and appeared directly in front of Olga.

The sudden figure caused Olga, who had been living here alone, to react instinctively, and immediately drew a knife from her waist.

Olga waved a few times in the direction of the shadow indiscriminately, trying to scare the shadow in front of her back, and at the same time, she immediately ran backwards!

But Olga found in a panic that she seemed to be caught by some invisible big hand, and her whole body was suspended in mid-air and there was no way to escape.

Olga, who had never seen such a situation before, was filled with panic in an instant.

At the same time, Olga quickly realized that the strange thing about her was caused by the black shadow that had just appeared suddenly.

And what appeared here was Caesar who came to look for the scientist's daughter Olga.

"Don't worry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I just accepted your father's request to take you away from here..."

Caesar looked at the little girl in front of him, and said softly with a warm smile.

But Olga, who was originally terrified, changed her face slightly when she heard the news that Caesar said it was her father.

Because of her father, her mother died, and she lived alone in such a place for nearly two hundred years. Olga hated her father.

But the nearly two hundred years of lonely life can't help but remind Olga of how she used to live with her parents.

Olga, who hadn't heard of her father in the past two hundred years, was told by a sudden stranger that her father was still alive and looking for her own affairs.

Olga didn't seem to hate her father so much in her heart, and the loneliness for so long did make Olga miss her father very much.

Finally, Olga couldn't bear it anymore, tears soaked her eyes, and began to cry out of grievance.

Caesar, who knew what happened to Olga and his father in his heart, understood in his heart seeing Olga who suddenly burst into tears in front of him.

After all, although Olga is nearly two hundred years old, she has lived here alone since she was very young, so now Olga's psychology is still no different from that of an ordinary little girl.

Without saying anything, Olga let Olga release her emotions and grievances to her heart's content. Caesar directly took Olga back to the place where she had just landed with his mind.

It didn't take long for Caesar to return to the place where the Rex landed with Olga, whose face was full of tears.

Seeing Caesar come back, Brad and others also waved to Caesar.

During the period when Caesar was away, Gnali and others also learned that his name was Amicell through the communication with this scientist man.

When Caesar fell from the sky with Olga, the scientist Amichael couldn't help being so excited that his whole body was shaking.

After such a long time, finally being able to see his daughter again, Amichael was speechless, but hugged his daughter Olga, crying bitterly.

And Olga hugged her father in the same way, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

After a while of venting their emotions, the two of them eased up a bit, but Olga suddenly twitched her nose and pushed Amichael away fiercely.

"It's all your fault! It's all because of you that you caused my mother to die and let me stay here for so long!"

Hearing Olga's sudden words, Brad and the others couldn't help pricking up their ears, and the heart of gossip slowly rose, wanting to hear what happened between them.

Seeing his daughter like this, Amichael couldn't help being in a trance, sighed heavily, and then began to explain everything to Olga.

"I never thought it would turn out like this..."

"You have been diagnosed with a congenital disease since you were born, and the doctors think you may not live to be ten years old..."

"Your mother and I feel very sad about this, but we don't want you to leave us like this..."

"That's why your mother and I decided to make some efforts to find a way to keep you alive."

"And after my research, all my efforts were not in vain. My research results have been made, but what is unexpected is that the golden light emitted by my research results attracted Master Ben Boli from the deep sea. Come here..."

"Then swallowed all the island we were on and the results of the research. Your mother was also at that time..."

As he spoke, Amichael seemed to recall something sad, and couldn't help but choked up, and it took a long time before he recovered and continued to speak.

"But I believe that your mother has no regrets about this matter. After all, both your mother and I hope that you can live a good life!"

After listening to Amichael, everyone finally understood how Amichael and Olga got into the belly of this big fish.

It is already clear why there are islands in the belly of this fish.

"Then what is your research result? Is this super-large anglerfish that you are talking about Lord Benboli swallowing us in?"

After listening to Amichael finished speaking, Brad couldn't help asking, and Amichael quickly nodded and answered.

"Yes, we are here in the stomach of Lord Benbolli, that's what we call him..."

"As for my research results..." Having said this, Amichael lowered his eyes slightly, and continued after a while.

"Maybe it was corroded and digested by the stomach acid inside. Master Ben Boli likes to collect shiny things. This may also be the reason why his stomach is not dark, but can emit light..."

After listening to Amichael's words, everyone's doubts about this place have also been solved a lot.

And Olga, who still had hatred for her father, couldn't help but shed tears in her eyes after listening to her father's cause and effect, and then threw herself into his father's arms and chose to forgive him.

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