After exiting the Gate of Justice, the Marine Headquarters is not far away.

Buggy is trying to build relationships with his new subordinates. Of course, the way he builds relationships is not to chat with them first, but to brag like Usopp.

Unlike Usopp, whose bragging always comes true, Buggy brags about various big names. Roger, Whitebeard, Golden Lion and others are all constantly praised by him.

Praising those legendary figures that can't be seen indirectly highlights his own strength. Everything Buggy says can cause his subordinates to exclaim. At the same time, with Buggy's exaggeration, they feel that Buggy is even more amazing.

"Why would someone like you become his subordinate?"On the bow deck, Jinbei, Crocodile, Mr. 1, Ivankov and others were all there. Crocodile was the one who spoke. He raised his eyes and looked at Roy and asked

"My life was saved by Captain Buggy. Besides, Captain Buggy is not weak either, so why can't I become his subordinate?"Roy said while eating.

"Does he really have the ability? I can't tell."Mr1 said

"He is a mean person, but as for his strength, emmm."Ivankov couldn't say. He had watched the video of Impel Down, and Bucky's performance was simply unbearable to watch.

""Roy, you are the biggest force on the warship now. What are your plans after arriving at the battlefield?" Jinbei asked Roy about his next idea. After all, the prisoners behind him were not good people. Once they joined the battlefield, they might bring a big impact.

Jinbei didn't want to see them facing off with Whitebeard. The enemy of the Whitebeard Pirates was the navy. If Buggy insisted on making trouble, it would only cause trouble for the Whitebeard Pirates. Buggy kept saying that he wanted to take off Whitebeard's head, which made him very worried.

"Don't worry, Captain Buggy won't attack Whitebeard. The enemy of pirates is always the navy. Besides, do you think he has the guts to attack Whitebeard?" Roy said with a smile.

"Are you sure?

"No problem." Roy said confidently.

"It only takes half an hour to get from the Gate of Justice to the headquarters. The Marine Headquarters is just ahead. I don't know if the fighting has started. Whitebeard is not the kind of person who would abandon his companions. He should appear on the battlefield."Ivankov said

"Dad will definitely come."Jinbei said affirmatively.

He knew Whitebeard too well. His companions were his family. In order to protect every family member, he would do anything, even if he died.

Ace was publicly executed. No matter whose son he was, as long as Ace was his subordinate, he would definitely protect Ace and would never let him die, unless he died too.

Knowing this, Jinbei went to the Navy Headquarters to find Sengoku, hoping that he would not execute Ace, otherwise it would cause a world war.

As a result, he was suppressed by Sengoku himself.

A Shichibukai had almost no resistance in front of the Navy Admiral. There was no room for maneuver, Jinbe was knocked down by Sengoku and thrown directly into Impel Down, where he was locked up with Ace.

Before, Jinbe couldn't understand why the navy had to execute Ace, thinking it was targeting Whitebeard, but there was really no benefit in waging war against the Four Emperors.

The Four Emperors' pirate groups are not ordinary pirates, their strength and power are among the best in the world, and once a war breaks out, the navy will have to invest a lot of manpower and material resources, and even pay the price of the navy headquarters.

There is no need for the navy and the world government to pay such a huge price because of Ace, they must have thought about what the consequences would be. But they still did it.

Now that Ace's life story is public, Jinbei suddenly understands that this is no longer a simple act against the Whitebeard Pirates, but an act to extinguish Roger's spark.

Pirate King Roger is dead, but the Great Pirate Era he created has influenced the world for twenty-two years. Jinbei, who has experienced the madness of the Great Pirate Era, knows very well that because of Roger's words, the number of pirates in the sea has skyrocketed ten thousand times, and a large number of pirates enter Fishman Island every day.

Roger is defined as the pirate with the worst influence on the World Government in the past eight hundred years, and his existence is still affecting the entire world. If the world knew that he had a child, that child would be the next Pirate King.

After all, there is Whitebeard standing behind Ace. If Ace continues to develop, the next Pirate King will definitely be his. With the support of the Whitebeard Pirates, the 20-year-old Ace has unlimited potential.

Many people think that Ace is not very good, but they don’t think about the fact that Ace is only three years older than Luffy this year. His potential is unlimited, and he will definitely have a place in this ocean in the future.

If Jinbei was the Admiral of the Navy, he would choose to kill Ace without hesitation after getting him, even at the cost of going to war with Whitebeard.

"Huh……"Ivankov raised his head sharply.


A gust of wind whistled from the front. The warship was a sailing ship. When there was a headwind, there was no time to retract the sails and it was directly pushed back a long distance.

"This is……"Jinbei thought of something and his face became serious.

"This power." Crocodile also realized it. He was very familiar with this power.

"What a strong wind! What's going on? The ship is moving backwards."Bucky, who was just bragging, was blown away by the sudden wind. He grabbed the guardrail tightly, but his lower body fell on the board. The wind came and went quickly. When the wind stopped, everyone looked at the sails. The warship was motionless. The wind stopped, and even the current stopped.

"Have we entered the Calm Belt?"Mr3 lay on the side of the boat and looked at the calm sea. It was just like the Calm Belt in Impel Down.

"What's going on? Why is there a strange wind? Wait, this is a good thing."Baki thought of something. If there is no wind and no current, then there is no need to go to the Marine Headquarters. The more he thought about it, the calmer he became. A war might have broken out in the Marine Headquarters. Whitebeard and the Marine Headquarters went to war, and the entire Marine Headquarters was in chaos.

Although he said he would go to the headquarters to take down Whitebeard's head, who really wanted to go?

Few of the prisoners had seen Whitebeard, and they didn't know how powerful Whitebeard was, but Buggy was different. He had seen Whitebeard in his true peak period, and he had a deep fear of Whitebeard.

"This is good, I'll just stay here, no need to go to the Navy Headquarters, no war has anything to do with me, hehe." Buggy lay directly on the deck

"Captain Bucky, please think of a solution quickly."The prisoner came up and asked

"No need." Bucky waved his hand while lying on the deck.

"We misjudged Captain Buggy. We didn't expect you to be such a person." The prisoner felt that Buggy was too decadent. He didn't react at all, but chose to lie down.

"There is no point in doing anything now, just wait patiently for a miracle to happen."Bucky said indifferently


Just when everyone thought the warship could not move, suddenly a strong wind blew from behind, and the sea began to flow. The power of the sea quickly sent the warship towards the Navy Headquarters.

"Captain Buggy, you are truly a man of miracles."

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