It was another beautiful misunderstanding. Buggy didn't even know whether he had done it or not.

He was sure that he had done nothing, but a miracle happened.

Since Impel Down, miracles have happened to him countless times, and every time it happened just right.

Roy and Mr. 3 were speechless. To them, Buggy's luck was rare in the world and unmatched.

The wind was howling, the sea was surging, and the warships were quickly heading towards the Navy Headquarters under the impetus of the sea.

"Go ahead, brothers. This is destiny calling us. God is helping us. Let us go to the Navy Headquarters." Buggy was able to show off again. He stood on the bow and pointed at the sea ahead and shouted:

""Captain Buggy!!!"

Buggy shouted from the top of the tower. The prisoners who had witnessed all the miracles of Buggy believed it without a doubt. In their opinion, this was the miracle brought by Buggy, and it was caused by Buggy's power.

However, they soon stopped being happy, as a dark shadow appeared behind them.

They turned around and saw the surging waves, and the turbulent tsunami was hundreds of meters high.

Anyone who has seen the horror of the sea should know that under this kind of tsunami, even islands will be destroyed.

The warship is so small in the face of such a turbulent sea.

"Ahhh, a tsunami, what should I do, I'm going to die." Bucky screamed

"Captain Buggy, please find a solution quickly."

"What can I do? There is no way to stop a tsunami like this. I am going to die."

"It's beyond human power."

"Roy, do you have a solution? Use your ability to destroy the tsunami."

"You think too much. I can't handle it."

"Then you can only wait to die."

"Ahhh, I don't want to die yet"

"There will be such a huge tsunami."

The warships wailed, and even Crocodile felt a sense of despair. Such a huge tsunami was simply beyond their power. If it was fresh water, he could still try to absorb it, but this was sea water, and his ability was suppressed.

"Everyone, hold on to the ship!"Just when everyone was in despair, Jinbei's voice reached everyone's ears


Everyone looked up at Jinbei, the tall figure standing on the rudder. Although they couldn't see his face, they could feel his reliability.

This blue fat man looked ferocious, but he was actually a calm and meticulous person. He was a companion worthy of trust.

Sea Knight.

The knight among pirates, he was the only one with such a title in the entire sea. Even the Four Emperors were attracted by the aura of this man and could not ignore his existence.

After hearing Jinbei's words, Roy, who was a little flustered, felt relieved. This might be Jinbei's magic.

""What are you going to do, Jinbei?" Buggy shouted while hugging the mast.

Seeing that the tsunami was about to fall, even if Jinbei was a fishman, he couldn't save everyone in this situation, even if he called the whale sharks over.

The impact of the tsunami brought by millions of tons of seawater crashing down would knock even the sea kings unconscious.

"Leave it to me." Jinbei's words made everyone quiet down. Crocodile reached out and hooked the hull with the golden hook in his left hand. Roy hugged the side of the boat.

Everyone did as Jinbei said. At present, they could only trust Jinbei. After all, no one knew this sea better than the fishman.


Jinbei turned the rudder to make the warship tilted, and they found that the warship was floating.

It was like a surfboard, shuttling on the waves.

"What a terrifying control! This requires a good understanding of the ocean currents. Can a fishman really achieve this level?"Ivankov exclaimed.

"Legend has it that only a few fishmen can do this, using their skin to sense the direction of the ocean currents and thus find food." Crocodile said

"Can talk to fish and control ocean currents.……"Crocodile couldn't help but look up to Jinbei. He didn't think Jinbei was a strong man before, or he didn't take anyone else seriously except the Four Emperors. In just one day, he understood how powerful Jinbei was. If this man was in the sea, he would be the emperor of the sea. Even Aokiji couldn't do anything about it. After all, Aokiji couldn't freeze to the deep sea, unless he entered the deep sea to freeze, but that would only kill himself.

""Jinbei is really amazing." Luffy praised. Roy looked at Jinbei and envied him. Such a person would actually be the helmsman for the Straw Hat Pirates in the future. With such a helmsman, there was no sea to go to. The

Straw Hat Pirates had combat effectiveness, and the talents in all aspects were also top-notch.

Usopp, the son of Jesus Bu, Sanji, the disciple of Red Foot Zeff, Nami's natural ability, Chopper, the heir of the medical skills of the Drum Kingdom, Brook, the world-famous star, Franky, the disciple of Tom, and Robin, who understood the text of history except for Wano Country.

The companions of the protagonist group are all protagonists, talents that make people jealous.

They have witnessed Jinbei's ability to steer the ship. The huge warships were operating in various ways in the tsunami. Jinbei controlled the warships to let them come down from the tsunami and onto the tsunami, walking on the waves

""Oh no, the Marine Headquarters is in front of us, we are about to crash into it." Buggy was lying on the mast, he could see far from the top and he could see the outline of the Marine Headquarters.

The tsunami was obviously heading for the Marine Headquarters. If they crashed into it, they would be crushed to pieces at this height and swept away by the tsunami, which would also kill them.

If the tsunami gradually weakened, they could still have a chance of survival, but if they crashed into it like this, no one would survive.

""In front, in front." Mr.3 hugged him and saw that there was also a huge tsunami on the other side of the Navy Headquarters. There were two tsunamis.

"What on earth is going on? How can there be two tsunamis?"Ivankov asked in horror

"This is, yes, this is Whitebeard's ability, it was caused by Whitebeard."Baki thought of something and shouted


Except for a few people who knew the inside story, everyone on the warship put on masks of fear.

Such a terrible tsunami was actually caused by Whitebeard. How terrifying is Whitebeard's strength? Is he going to directly submerge the Navy Headquarters?


Even though he already knew it was Whitebeard, Jinbei still took a deep breath. It was obvious that war was inevitable. He had made up his mind and was ready to die in the Navy Headquarters just to save his good friend Ace.

"Wait for me, I'm coming, Ace." Jinbei held the rudder.

Crocodile was ready to fly. His ability allowed him to fly in the air, and the gravel fruit could also generate wind. He had demonstrated his flying ability before when he was on the road.

"Hurry up and think of a way, we're about to collide." Luffy shouted, covering his head.

"Ace, we are here." Luffy yelled, not realizing how dangerous the situation was.

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