Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 149 Fantasy Angel Messiah (Subscribe)

"The bound, is it a god from a foreign land?"

Phobos smiled faintly, and an infinite brilliance suddenly bloomed on his body, shining on Chiron who was being dragged.

The power of purification and blessing belonging to the 'sun' instantly ignited the gray and white cloth strips one by one, like a vampire who can't appear in the daytime, encountering the sun's rays.

Prometheus' dry face changed.

Suddenly, invisible iron bars descended from the air, forming a huge cage, clasping Phobos and Hercules.

Herculeston trembled.

Holding his head tightly with both hands, it was as if he was experiencing some kind of nightmare, and his mind was invaded by a terrifying monster.

"Dazed mortals, since we were born, we have been bound by cages and chains, restrained and suppressed.

"Morality and order always tell us that this can't be done, that can't be done... Lines of articles and consensuses bind our bodies and our hearts!"

"But I tell you, we are born free, we should never be bound, bound!"

"Let go of your body and mind, break the cage, and gain true freedom!

The low words were like the whispers of demons, and the voices echoed in the ears of Phobos and Hercules, with strange and inexplicable magic power, shaking people's minds.

Hercules' face and body were all sweaty, and his eyes were full of struggle.

There seemed to be thousands of voices echoing in my mind.

"Hercules, why do you want to be a hero? A false reputation is just an invisible bondage. Even your father, the god-king who rules the world, is just a cruel and ruthless villain!"

"What's the use of being a hero, if you want to be 290, you should be the king of the world!"

"Take up your weapons, kill Phobos, and unleash your true self!"

"No...he's my junior brother, my friend!" Hercules struggled.

The voice echoed again: "What kind of friend? The so-called friendship is just that the weak keep each other warm, and the strong never walk alone. The weak mortals create friendship, family affection, love and other deceptive words because they cannot survive independently. The purpose is to bind them. other people!"

"Follow your heart's desire, untie the shackles, and bloom with truth!"

Hercules became mad and struggled on the ground.

At this moment, a brilliant light enveloped him, and Phobos' golden eyes looked around indifferently.

"The cage of the heart and the cage of the body are very interesting things, but the self-proclaimed mastery of the truth is nothing but a puppet controlled by the Supreme Mother Goddess."

The splendid light carries a sacred and inviolable aura, like a firework that purifies all things, burning and spreading.

The invisible cage seemed to have encountered its nemesis, and was instantly ignited by a monstrous flame.

Under the divine radiance, Hercules' complexion was also relieved a lot.

"Controlled by the supreme goddess? Then you are wrong, that is the former foreign god, and I am indeed Prometheus!"

"The prophet who stole fire from the sky for mankind!"

The withered figure, which was tightly locked by the chains, suddenly let out a strange murmur, like thousands of resentful souls neighing at the same time.

The blond boy shrouded in the brilliance of the sun, his eyes flashed.

The gentle voice in the mysterious magician's body once said that the supreme goddess of their world has left two secret hands in this world, and some changes have occurred in the Caucasus Mountains.

What happened to Prometheus?


The splendid fire of light, carrying awe-inspiring power, rumbled and shattered, and the huge sound shook all directions.

On the periphery of the Caucasus Mountains, two figures secretly watched the battle situation here, their faces filled with astonishment.

The two are the god of violence, Bia and the god of power, Kratos, the god of Hephaestus, the god of fire, the brother of Nikki, the goddess of victory, and the son of Pallas, the god of war strategy.

Feeling the fluctuation of the battle from the top of the mountain, Bia and Kratos were very fortunate, "Fortunately we didn't show up just now, otherwise we would end up like that eagle."

"Prometheus is getting weirder and weirder. Ever since his father cooperated with the existence that claimed to be the Supreme Mother Goddess, and integrated the gods from foreign realms into his body." Bia Dao, the god of violence.

"Yeah, my father thought that the exotic god could invade the body of Prometheus, but I didn't expect that Prometheus, who was only the sixth-order main god, would actually rely on his own will to fuse the exotic god that was almost comparable to the original primary.

"And then it became this kind of inability to tell what was going on.

Staring at the withered face of Prometheus, their faces were full of horror.

At this time, the blazing power of the sun enveloped the entire Caucasus Mountains like a tidal wave.

The golden light is full of holiness and majesty, covering Prometheus, and sizzling blue smoke emerges from the bound old god.

"Damn, if it wasn't for the solar pathway, how could you, who just accommodated the power of Sequence 0, fight against me!

Prometheus's face gradually became a little confused.

The so-called 'bound' is also one of the 22 different ways of the gods. He possesses all the potion power from Sequence 9 to Sequence 0 in his body, which is undoubtedly more important than Phobos, who simply possesses the Sequence 0 'sun'. Much stronger.

But the 'sun' pathway is the best way to restrain his filth and darkness, which makes him very depressed.

If you encounter other ways, where do you need to fight so hard?

Phobos ignored his depression, and the blazing power of the sun enveloped Chiron, and the holy fire of purification ignited the gray cloth and gray thread that bound (dbee) around him.

Chiron stagnated in the steps he was dragged away, and stood still, staring at the withered figure tied to the mountain in front of him.

"You're not him anymore... teacher!

The half-human, half-horse son of Kronos began to struggle, bursting with the power of the bloodline originating from the second generation of God Kings and a strong star fighting spirit.

As the first Dou Qi cultivator to complete the return of the stars, with the bloodline of Cronus, he has excellent talent and has already reached a state that is almost comparable to that of the Lord God.

Plus the blood of the gods contained in the body.

Under the superposition, the power that is not inferior to the second or third order of the main god broke out.

The binding force weakened by the sun's rays, it is difficult to control him.

Prometheus' withered face could not help but turn cold.

"Do you think you can break free from the cage I gave you in this way, you are too naive!"

All of a sudden, this great prophet who was bound, withered and vicissitudes of life, was so frightened that a pair of eyes and mouth appeared, chest, abdomen, arms, thighs, back... densely packed, all with strange faces.

The eyes that covered his whole body released evil rays of light.

And those gray mouths uttered a curse like a babble.

In an instant, Phobos felt a filthy force infiltrating his spiritual body.

The radiance of the sun radiating from him suddenly dimmed a lot.

"Sure enough, relying on the power of the 'sun' alone is not enough to fight against Prometheus, who has fused the power of the 'bound'. 35

Phobos looked very calm, and suddenly, he scratched at the void.

A golden book radiating divine light suddenly appeared in his palm.

Opening the cover that was intertwined with the sun and flames, he solemnly opened his mouth: "All kinds of filth and evil shall not violate the Son of the Holy Son; anyone who offends the brilliance of the 'sun' shall be punished by the 'sun' tenfold. counterattack."

Milky faith burns.

In an instant, the strong power of light spread from the sky to the top of the mountain, and the boundless light and heat covered the bound withered figure.

The eyes of Prometheus closed in horror, and the mouth opened and screamed.

The sacred flame burned his body and burned his spirit.

The bound prophet's body gradually evaporated.

Just as the battle on the Caucasus Mountains was raging.

On a deserted island at the end of the world, a mysterious figure wearing a dark cloak and a translucent mask lay in a cave with a weak breath.

From time to time, slippery tentacles drilled out from under the cloak, and the scarlet eyes were cold.

But immediately another brilliant golden light flickered, causing another gentle will to emerge, pressing down on the smooth tentacles.

This confrontation has been going on for a long time.

In general, the indifferent and cold will prevailed.

Until this day, the icy will also seemed to have fallen into fatigue, and was suppressed by the gentle will.

"My blond friend from a foreign land, thank you for your help." He stroked his forehead, and a hoarse voice came out from under the translucent mask.

Looking around, he struggled and said: "His silence is only temporary, I need help to maintain such a sober state.

As for the aspects of mind and consciousness, the most proficient is naturally the eldest son of the 'Omniscient Almighty', the paranoid guy known as the fantasy angel. ""

"Let him also come to this world, it should also help to find the original sea.

Having said that, he barely supported himself to stand up, and a shadow of a key intertwined with starlight appeared on his body, opening a door of light in the surrounding space.

In a low voice, he called out the other party's name to the door of light: "The Lord of the Star Realm, the King of the Eight Great Angels under the Omniscient Almighty, the eldest son of God..."

"Fantasy Angel Messiah, come to this world!"

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