Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 150 The future he proclaimed will be staged! (Subscribe)

Under the splendid key with splendid stars, the fog-like thickness of history lingers, and the splendid door of light opens slowly with the boundless stalwart that spans time and space.

A dazzling figure intertwined with gold and white, with clear and warm eyes like a baby, intertwined fantasy and reality, magnificent colors that penetrate the heart, step by step.

Staring at the dark cave around him, he said softly: "This world looks similar to our world on a material level.

As he spoke, he exuded an affinity power that enveloped the figure under the dark cloak.

Because of the consumption of opening the door of light, the gentle will that was almost suppressed by the cold will again suddenly felt a lot relieved, and the face under the translucent mask was no longer so pale.

With a hoarse figure, he said: "Messiah, I need you to stabilize the state for me, or else it will always be dominated by him, and it will be inefficient to do things in this world."

"I know your situation." The golden and white figure smiled, and suddenly stretched out a white palm and stroked a cross-like pendant in front of him.

After sensing it slightly, the figure named Messiah murmured, "I feel the breath of the Father.

These words surprised the figure under the dark cloak: "Really, where is he now?"

Messiah shook his head: "The state of the Father seems to be very strange, both existing and non-existent, and seems to be trapped somewhere."

"Trapped where?" There was a hint of surprise on the face under the translucent mask.

"Your father, the omniscient and omnipotent one, used his own power to kill many ancient gods such as the elf king, the giant king, the ancestor of the blood clan, and the king of aliens, ending the era of ancient gods and creating the era of gods."

"When he reaches the top of the kingdom of God, whether it is our planet or the entire universe, he will bow his head and tremble."

"The space-time ruler who is also the three pillars was directly killed by him, and the outer gods such as the supreme goddess were expelled into the vast universe and did not dare to approach half a step. Because of this, he was named the creator and is the closest to the original. god."

"His honorable name... Creator of all things, God of All-Knowing and Almighty!"

"Such a great existence, even if placed in the highest school in this world, is the top, who can trap him? 35

When it was said that the "time and space rulers who are also three pillars were directly killed", thousands of smooth tentacles suddenly sprang out from under the dark cloak, as if the icy will felt humiliated.

But when confronted with his strong counterattack, the gentle will faintly felt that in addition to the shame, he also hid a deep fear.

"You'd better stop provoking him." Under the gentle brilliance, Messiah stretched out his palm, emitting a soft light to stabilize it.

While doing this, he looked up at the sky outside, smiled and said, "It may not be someone or a place that trapped the father, but himself."

This answer made the face under the translucent mask look strange.

Messiah went on to say: "When the Father first ascended to the top of the universe, he chose to come to this world. As far as I know, He foresaw some things, and He made sufficient arrangements for this.

"He hasn't appeared yet, that is, the time has not yet come, we don't have to worry."

"By the way, this time it's not just me, but an old friend as well.

The eyes under the translucent mask suddenly flashed.

I saw behind the dazzling light gate, and I didn't know when to open a dark curtain, like a dull shadow, covering the infinite world.

Among the layers, there appeared a tall figure carrying a cross and hanging upside down, full of gloom and death.

"You actually brought him here too!"

"Why, aren't you very welcome?

Amidst the heavy curtains, the upside-down figure made an icy sound.

While receiving the Messianic treatment, the gentle will under the cloak made a hoarse voice:

"In the past, you, the head of the eight kings of angels under the seat of the 'Omniscient Almighty', known as the left hand of God, but after he disappeared, you betrayed the rest of the kings of angels and called yourself the creator. I really can't trust you."

"Betrayal?" The man who hung upside down murmured, the dark eyes in the heavy curtain showed a little confusion.

"I just want to know my true source!" The Hanged Man said.

Staring at the two people in the cave, his voice was extremely low: "At the beginning, he had the two characteristics of 'sun' and 'hanged man'. When he walked out of the original sea, I followed him. At one time, some people regarded me as a His incarnation, but I know I am not."5

"I want to know my true origin and why I followed Him out of the original ocean and became His left hand.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

While murmuring, the hanging figure suddenly looked into the distance and said solemnly: "It seems to be the breath of the 'bound', wasn't he captured by the Supreme Mother Goddess?"

"The Supreme Goddess seems to have cooperated with some powerhouse in this world, and put him here as a dark child, but there seems to be an accident." The voice under the dark cloak replied hoarsely.

"But the one who is fighting against him seems to be... the sun!" The upside-down figure suddenly shook, and thousands of curtains rushed out into the sky.

"Huh?" The expression of gentle will changed under the dark cloak.

"Don't worry." The fantasy angel intertwined with gold and white had a calm smile on his face, "He won't make any trouble, because Father has already foreseen everything in the future. He will know his origin in this world, then would be a truth that drives him crazy.35

0 The handsome young man named Messiah, with pious and fanatic eyes, gazed high at the vast world, and recited in his mouth:

"He is the creator of all things, he is the all-knowing and almighty God, he is the beginning and the end..."

"What He speaks will come true.

"The future He proclaimed will be staged! The vast sky, the golden book is turning page by page. Phobos is bathed in brilliant light, exuding holiness and greatness, and a blazing light, surging over Prome On the withered body of Hughes. The 'bound one' made a shrill voice. It was like a dark thing encountering the holy light. The light purifies his filth, and the holy annihilates his impurity. The bound prophet struggled to make a sound Cursed, one after another prison. But under the blazing light, the infinite light and heat burned these easily to ashes. The power emitted by Prometheus gradually weakened. Watching him coldly, Phobos was ready to launch the final offensive . Pandora asked him to rescue Prometheus, but killing is also a way of rescue.

"Let you be truly rescued in the light and heat!" Phobos recited aloud, and a violent torrent of light spread turbulently. Suddenly, layers of curtains shrouded this world of light. PS: I'm sorry, it's a little late, good night everyone.

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