Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 156 Chaos and Fate (Subscription)

In the secluded valley, Pallas, who felt the terrifying aura of the sky, held a simple scepter, and the corner of his mouth was full of smiles.

"After all, it is still in my plan, the power of Chaos, Apollo and Phanes is enough to contain a considerable part of your energy.

And to be on the safe side, I also designed Zeus to be there. As long as he died, the sealed Moros would wake up in an instant and return to the world.

At that time, whether I want it or not, I will be completely restrained, unable to suppress my true body any longer, and I will return to my true self.

With a heavy smile, Pallas fixed his eyes on Thrace.

Suddenly, his face changed.

There, two people who should not have appeared.

In the wilderness outside Thrace, the drunk Hercules suddenly woke up, looking at the terrifying picture in the sky, he couldn't help being a little dazed.

"Forpers, have I missed something?"

The golden-haired "290" Phobos rolled his eyes at him, pointed to the sky and said, "I have already obtained the wine that Dionysus carefully brewed, but Dionysus suddenly changed, and then he Someone is bothering him. 99

"To trouble him, is it your father Apollo or my father Zeus who can trouble one of the twelve main gods?" Hercules said with a dizzy head.

"You said they are, they are indeed inside now." Phobos looked in the direction of Thrace from a distance.

But the main perception is on Hercules.

Since waking up, this tall and muscular young man slowly exudes a strange aura.

He was all too familiar with this breath.

It is the breath of fate.

At the same time, on the gray mountain, Pandora, who was holding a black box, had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

The flawless cheeks that seemed to be formed by formula calculations, the black pupils projected onto the black box in his hand.

Suddenly, this magic box, which is said to symbolize disasters and nightmares, opened.

"Forever, I didn't drink much, why do I feel dizzy?" Hercules staggered and fell beside Phobos.

His body began to emit a crimson light, and under the gaze of Phobos's "sun", invisible threads of fate began to wrap around him tightly.

The tall and strong young man with short brown hair suddenly filled with the stalwart aura that belonged to destiny, and his big wooden stick flew out automatically, blooming with crimson brilliance.

When there was a mutation here, in the Thracian city-state, the vast power of chaos had already enveloped the heads of Apollo and Dionysus.

Staring at the sky, Apollo shines brightly all over his body.

Intense light and heat permeated his body, like a kingdom of light traveling in the world, at the same time the etheric body radiated brilliance, and the bright stars shone endlessly.

The two vast powers superimposed and merged into one, and the boundless power that erupted stagnated in the void, blocking the erosion of chaos.

Beside him, Dionysus couldn't help but be surprised.

"Could it be that he is also an old friend of mine who has returned from recovery, this is not right, even in that era, the existence of such a level would not exceed the number of five fingers.

Saying so, he felt sour.

"Well, it's still a little worse than when I was at my peak. Dionysus thought so.


The vast power of chaos hits the kingdom of light.

The boundless power intertwined between the sky and the earth, with Thrace as the center, and instantly spread to the whole world.

In Olympus, the immortal mountain began to shake, and each goddess shuddered as they watched the outside world swept away by the aftermath.

In the vast ocean, the small islands collapsed suddenly, many volcanoes erupted fiery magma under the stimulation, and the huge tsunami swept the world.

In the boundless land, many mortals stared at the sky in horror, praying loudly for the name of the gods they believed in, but they did not know that their gods were also afraid.

The confrontation between light and chaos lasted only a moment, and the surging waves had already spread to the end of the world, and even spread out of the world, stimulating the chaos wrapped around the world.

In the deep chaos, the supreme consciousness that was initially touched, slowly awakened more.

The eyes that were intertwined with light and darkness in the sky showed some agility.

And at this moment, with the entanglement of the fate thread in Hercules, the shrouded world fate net gradually shrinks.

In the invisible source of red silk thread, the stalwart figure who was forced to fall asleep, his eyes gradually opened the gap in confusion.

"The breath of Moros!"

In the Thracian city-state, originally seeing that Apollo was fighting with the power of chaos, he was hesitating whether to take the opportunity to kill Zeus and wake up his best friend Dionysus, his eyes suddenly flashed.

In the sky, the chaotic power that was fighting with the power of light also began to surging, as if there was some hesitant choice.

The eyes intertwined with light and darkness in the sky have gradually shifted their target to the end of the world, aiming at the fate that is about to wake up...

Outside of Thrace, Hercules, who exuded a strong sense of destiny, suddenly opened his eyes.

Phobos looked at him closely.

However, a familiar female voice came from the latter's throat: "Tell Apollo, let him use the 'pillar of stars' to seal the breath of Dionysus, be quick.

"Pillars of the Stars, 35 Forpers' face froze, "You know that exotic 'Omniscient Almighty'?

"Of course I know him." Hercules squeezed a mysterious smile on his face.

In the Thracian city-state, Apollo's golden eyes flickered, and he took out the cross pendant that the Messiah gave him.

"This is interesting, Pandora is related to the 'Omniscient Almighty', He seems to have expected everything to happen, the Messiah just handed this thing to me just before that, is he really 'Omniscient and Almighty' or because of …”

Apollo blinked.

A small cross pendant, printed on the forehead of Dionysus.

"What are you going to do?" Dionysus was stunned, watching the golden figure in front of him vigilantly, his body suddenly swayed.

I saw the cross pendant, bursting with gorgeous light.

Slowly, the stalwart and sacredness in his eyes subsided, and the mighty power that was at the top of the original body also converged and disappeared.

In an instant, he turned back into the chaotic Dionysus of the past, drunk with alcohol, and fell into a drowsiness.

"It really works, but it probably won't last for a hundred years at most." Apollo carefully looked at the pendant in his hand.


Named the 'pillar of stars', it not only has a strong pure energy, but also hides a powerful seal that can be effective against existences below the highest level.

It seems to be left specifically for today's situation.

As the breath of Dionysus was sealed, the power of chaos in the sky completely receded, covering the depths of the great net of destiny at the end of the world.

"What state is Chaos in, is it so mechanical?" Looking at the sky, Apollo couldn't help but be suspicious.

For so many years, Chaos, the God of Chaos, has rarely appeared, and now he is alarmed, and it is also such a program-like mechanical appearance.

This is obviously not the state a normal god should be in, let alone such a supreme being.

"Do you want to move, or... can't move?"

PS: The last update will be very late, everyone will watch it tomorrow.

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