Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 157: The End of the God King, Athena's Pleading (Subscribe)

"How could this be, Zeus is still alive, but Moros is disturbed, and the breath of Phanes has disappeared."

Standing in the valley, Pallas's unremarkable face frowned, full of surprise.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth and raised his head: "This is nothing, Moros' awakening can still contain most of Chaos's power, giving me a chance..."

Before his words could fall, the trembling giant net of destiny at the end of the world suddenly stopped shaking.

And the blurred figure of the source of the giant net, who had opened his eyes, yawned lightly, and continued to sleep.

Pallas' face froze.

After coming over for a while, he murmured: "This is definitely a problem, who is designing me? 35

Suddenly, he turned his eyes to the dark night realm in the depths of the underworld, gritted his teeth coldly and said, "Could it be you?

outside of Thrace.

Hercules stretched lazily, rubbed his eyes and said, "Phoebus, have I fallen asleep again, did something happen just now?

After giving him a deep look, Forpers smiled lightly: "It's nothing, let's go back.

"How do I remember that there seemed to be a pair of eyes in the sky earlier?" Hercules rubbed his head in confusion.

"That's because you drank too much." Phobos walked ahead, looking at Thrace with golden eyes.

At this moment, in front of the high platform in the center of the city-state, Dionysus, the god of wine, also woke up in a daze.

Seeing the golden figure standing beside him, his face was slightly shocked: "Brother Apollo, why are you here?"

Then he staggered and stood up, staring around in a daze, feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it.

Only then did he remember what he had to do before he fell asleep, and said to the silent Apollo, "Brother Apollo, there was a blond bastard who looked like you before, who came to me for the wine that lied to me.

"No way, who made your wine the best in the world." Apollo smiled and confirmed that Dionysus' memory was also sealed.

Standing up, Dionysus suddenly noticed not far away, and said in amazement: "Father, why are you here, and..."

Zeus got up with a pale face, and gave the son a smile that was uglier than crying, "Father God and your brother Apollo will come to see you and taste your wine by the way."

Dionysus nodded in surprise, and immediately started brewing fine wine.

At this time, a dazzling, tall and beautiful girl flew from the sky, wearing bright armor, with a bright smile that belonged to her.

"Sister Athena, are you here too?" Dionysus looked at the person who came.

Athena smiled at him.

Walking to Zeus again, sensing the weak breath of the king of the gods, she suddenly said faintly:

"The great king of Olympus, the recent change has shaken the immortal mountain of Olympus, you should go back and have a look, and it is best not to leave Olympus casually if there is nothing in the future.

Suddenly, an icy chill filled the body of the goddess of wisdom, which locked Zeus firmly.

The king of the gods trembled.

It was only when he realized that his daughter's strength had already reached the pinnacle of the ninth rank of the Lord God unknowingly.

And he is only at this rank now, and he was injured and his combat power was impaired.

This made him feel a little apprehensive.

At this time, the goddess of wisdom suddenly sighed and stared at the distant sky:

"A few days ago, I went to the ocean to visit the goddess Amphitrite, and was reminded by her that it was suddenly my mother Metis' birthday in a few days... For so many years, this daughter of mine has never thought of her mother's birthday, I'm so unworthy to be her daughter, I'm guilty. 35

Athena suddenly raised her slender palm, and on her flawless face, a distinct palm print was printed with a 'pop'.

Even though she was only hitting herself, at this moment Zeus felt that the slap was hot on his heart.

He felt an unprecedented terrifying chill, and from the bright eyes of his daughter in front of him, burst into lock on him.

At the same time, the name that no one dared to mention in front of him over the years made him tremble.


Muttering the name, his figure suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning, rushing into the sky.

Looking at the back of his departure, Athena's pale golden eyes gradually returned to normal, and she glanced at Dionysus, who was concentrating on making wine, and she said to Apollo in a pleading tone:

"His end has come, please leave me his last life... I will make him pay the price he deserves for everything he did in the past."

Apollo looked at the goddess of wisdom, and suddenly approached her.

The pale fingertips caressed the faint palm print on her cheek, and a gentle divine power erased the mark for her.

"I agree to your request, don't hurt yourself in this way in the future, the goddess of wisdom also wants a beautiful appearance." In the bright light, he smiled.

Athena froze there, staring at the golden figure in front of her for a long time.

It wasn't until Dionysus came over with his masterpiece that she whispered, "Thank you."

"The wine of Dionysus is indeed the only fine product in the world."

On the way back to Olympus, Apollo recalled the taste of the previous cup and said to Athena beside him.

The goddess of wisdom also nodded, looking at the golden figure beside her with bright eyes, she said solemnly:

"I have already understood almost what happened today, Pallas is the manipulator of the whole thing 307, and he may no longer be the original Pallas.

Halfway through the sentence, her beautiful cheeks showed a deep apology: "I apologize to you for what Nikki did.

"If you don't tell me, I almost forgot her," Apollo reached out and scratched, pulling out the Goddess of Victory who was imprisoned by him.

After the previous Great War in Thrace, he simply locked her in a storage space created by magic.

In the empty wilderness, looking at the two figures in front of him, the blond girl with white wings, her eyes were full of guilt.

"Athena, I'm sorry for you. But you have to believe me, I have never betrayed you, and I have never thought of using your name to deal with anyone, but there are some things that I can't control myself at all." She wailed.

The goddess of wisdom walked to her close friend, looked at her haggard cheeks, and sighed softly:

"I believe that wasn't your intention, you just couldn't get rid of your father's control over you.

Nikki lowered her head, tears from the corners of her eyes: "His magic is so terrifying, I obviously feel that I have the autonomy to think, but I just act according to his wishes unknowingly.

"This kind of magic is very interesting. I also have a magic here, maybe I can restrain it."

Apollo looked at the blond goddess with white wings lightly, and his golden eyes were deep.

"But to perform this magic, you must first 'believe' in me."

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