Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 167 Minerva, Goddess of Wisdom (Subscription)

"Damn, how is this possible!"

Mars struggled to get up from the ground, his bright armor covered with dust, and looked at the blond boy in the sky in disbelief.

Diana's beautiful face on the other side was also full of surprise.

When did the younger brother become so powerful, Mars is the powerful main god known as the God of War.

Staring at the golden figure in the sky, her beautiful eyes were half surprised and half happy.

"Damn little boy, you must have attacked me just now, let's come again!

Mars, who struggled to get up, picked up the great sword that had fallen on the ground, and charged into the sky with a roar.

The monstrous evil spirit radiated from his whole body, echoing the traces of the sword, the killing of the people and horses, and the ferocity of blood and fire, together to form a fierce war picture, the mighty force of death was condensed in his long body. on the sword.


The blood-colored great sword split the space and pointed directly at where Apollo was.

"Such a picture is familiar to me.

Apollo sighed, and the 'Galaxy Scepter' in his hand pointed forward.


The stars intertwined with the silver-white divine scepter, guiding the majestic light in the sky, and collided with the menacing blood-colored sword.

The crisp sound continued around, accompanied by the sparks that erupted from a distance of 31, and the cracked black void.

And Mars' terrified voice.

I saw the splendid brilliance of the Milky Way stars intertwined with the majestic light, tearing open the war picture of blood and fire, knife and sword, fighting and death dancing in the blink of an eye.

The divine mighty power slammed into Mars's chest.

The armor was shattered, the sword was broken, and the God of War screamed and flew backwards, not knowing where it fell.

"Apollo, when did you become so powerful?"

Flying to her brother's side, Diana's cold eyes looked up and down.

"How can you protect your sister if you're not great?"

Apollo smiled and looked at the beautiful girl with bright silver hair, graceful figure and slender legs in front of him.

Diana tilted her head shyly, and worry flashed in her eyes:

"But what's going on here will soon be known to Juno. She has a magical crystal that can see anywhere in the world, and she will definitely come back to trouble you."5

"Trouble me?" Apollo chuckled lightly, his golden eyes looking at the distant sky.

Gently sniffing the fresh, familiar breath from the girl's body, he said softly:

"Trust me, she can't do anything to me, but it's your sister, go and live with your mother and grandfather for a while."

"You want to be alone?" Diana's silvery moon-like eyes suddenly widened.

In the 20 years since she was born, she and her brother have always lived together, and never thought that there would be a time to separate.

Especially when the younger brother may be in danger.

"No, we are twin spirits, we must be together no matter what."

Diana looked closely at Apollo.

And those golden eyes also looked at her closely, with a pleading expression on her handsome face.

The beating of the silver-haired girl's heart gradually accelerated, and her crystal-clear cheeks slowly turned red.

It was a very familiar and peculiar feeling, which made her a little dazed.

As if it had happened before, no matter the past or present, or the changes of time, she would never be able to refuse the request given by the owner of these eyes.

He was stunned for a long while, until the night dispelled the day.

The moon goddess Luna took over the class of the sun god Thor and drove a silver moon car in the dark night sky.

The bright white moonlight reflected on the girl's bright silver hair, adding a layer of splendor and coldness to her, and she said reluctantly:

"Then you must take good care of yourself.

Apollo nodded with a smile, "Sister, I know you trust me the most."

Diana left the next day, watching her beautiful back, Apollo's golden eyes became deep.

Looking up into the distance, he whispered:

"It's time to do some business, Mars should have returned to Olympus now, let me see if this place has changed from before.

While speaking, he opened the system map.

There are a lot of treasure chests marked on it, and the most concentrated of them is the sacred mountain of Olympus.

"Speaking of which, Gaia is really lazy, and he knows how to modify his memory and fine-tune his appearance when dealing with the gods, so the place names are not changed at all, and Olympus is still called Olympus.

After complaining, Apollo turned into a bright light and went to Olympus, the home of the gods.

Along the way, he found a lot of treasure chests along the way, but most of them were beginners and intermediates, and there was only one advanced.

These treasure chests are nothing good, but the large number of Divine Origin Crystals still makes his divine power grow rapidly, and the cultivation of the etheric divine body is also close to the preliminary completion.

When he was about to get to Olympus, he found that he was only a thin line away from the main god.

So I decided to find a place to be promoted to the main god first and enter Olympus.

And Mars, the god of war who was beaten and flew out, dragged his tattered armor, and it was very difficult to return to Olympus.

Due to the serious injury, the speed of his return was completely beyond Apollo's estimation.

He didn't arrive until Apollo began his ascension to the main god not far from Olympus.

"Master Mars!"

The numerous gods and nymphs of Mount Olympus were surprised to see the god of war in front of them, and they were very shocked.

The illustrious main god of Olympus, the powerful existence in charge of war, didn't he go to inspect the son of the god king named Apollo and complete the progress of punishment?

He encountered some powerful enemy and came back so embarrassed.

The surprised eyes of the gods made Mars even more angry.

Until now, he still didn't understand how he lost.

"Damn blond child, he must have used some despicable means to plot against me, otherwise, how could my God of War Mars be defeated!"

The gods understood what he meant, and turned their heads with a smirk, as if we had not seen anything.

But at this moment, a dazzling young girl with bright eyes came up. She had long pale blonde hair casually draped, and she was wearing bright armor, which set off her slender and graceful figure.

A flawless and beautiful face, always with a symbolic smile, those dazzling eyes, even more profound wisdom as if penetrating everything.

Just glanced at Mars, and she smiled lightly:

"Besides me, who else can beat you so badly?"

Mars' face suddenly turned gloomy like the bottom of a black pot, and his round eyes stared at the glorious girl in front of him.

The goddess of wisdom born from the head of God the Father was the god he hated the most in Olympus.

Even though she is just a delicate female god, she can always beat him to the ground, making his name of the god of war ridiculed by the gods.

One day he can defeat her and defend the dignity of the God of War is his greatest pursuit at present.

But this goal is always far away and there is no hope in sight.

"Minerva, I don't care about you!

Knowing that no matter how much he said, he could only get humiliation, so Mars roared and rushed towards the palace of the God King.

Looking at his hurried back, the goddess of wisdom named Minerva, a flash of brilliance flashed in his dazzling eyes:

"Mars went to monitor Apollo, but came back with such a serious injury, could it have something to do with my young blond brother?"

The face of the handsome and elegant blond boy flashed through his mind, and the girl with pale blond long hair immediately shook her head:

"It shouldn't be. Although Apollo and Diana are both gods with great potential, they were only born less than 20 years ago, and it is impossible to defeat Mars."5

Saying so, she walked towards the foot of Olympus.

Suddenly, she vaguely saw a golden light and shadow flashing in front of her.

"Well, what is this?"

The girl in charge of wisdom, keenly aware of something, chased after it, but there was no gain at all.

If it is an ordinary god, I must think that there is some kind of illusion, and don't think about it any more.

But this goddess of wisdom's glorious white cheeks showed a touch of interest.

"I will never feel wrong, that light is a figure, and it feels very familiar to me. I want to see who it is."

Staring at Olympus up and down, the bright eyes of the goddess of wisdom are full of determination.

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