Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 168: The Shock of the God King (Subscribe)

"Damn Apollo, damn Minerva, sooner or later I want you to look good!

With a stomach full of grievances, Mars staggered to the Palace of the God King, his face full of resentment.

A handsome young man with black pupils, black hair and wings was standing at the gate. He saw his embarrassed appearance from a distance, and jokingly said:

"What's the matter, the dignified God of War has returned from defeat?"

An angry Mars stared at him coldly, his eyes almost bursting with fire:

"Mercury, I see you've been upset for a long time, and today I'm going to tear off those wings from your body!"

"Just like you are now, do you want to beat me too? 35 black-haired youth named Mercury, his eyes froze for a moment.

As the messenger of Olympus and one of the twelve main gods, he hated the idea of ​​others to beat his wings the most since he was born, which was his ban.

Mercury himself couldn't say why, as if someone had done something to his wings a long time ago, which had left him with an indelible wound.

But he didn't remember it at all.

But no matter what, anyone who dares to speak with his wings is provoking his dignity.

In an instant, the messenger of the gods, his handsome face with black hair and black pupils, seemed to be distorted, and appeared in front of Mars with a coldness.

The god of war was shocked.

As half-brothers and gods of the same twelve gods, he naturally knew that Mercury's wings were taboos that he could not talk about.

He just said it casually, and then he regretted it.

But I didn't expect Mercury's reaction to be so great.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The messenger of the gods in charge of 'travel' has deep black pupils, and his silhouettes are intertwined in the void, and he punches Mars all over his body.

These fists are so fast and powerful, even Mars may not be able to parry them normally, not to mention that the God of War is seriously injured at the moment.

Facing the fastest Mercury among the gods, he had no ability to parry.

Before he could react, hundreds of punches had been slapped heavily on his body.

These fists still landed on his injured or vulnerable places, vicious and heavy.

In the blink of an eye, Mars was knocked to the ground, twitching on the ground in pain.

"M... Mercury, I... will... tear off your... wings~~!"

The painful god of war, with red eyes staring at the handsome figure with black hair and black pupils in the sky, let out a roar like a beast.

Hearing that he dared to lift his own wings, Mercury's face became even more annoyed, and he raised his fist to start again.

At this moment, a majestic figure came from the palace of the god king above: "Mercury, stop making trouble, and bring Mars to me.

Only then did the messenger of the gods stop, gave him a vicious glance, and raised Mars rudely, taking him to the great hall above.

The Hall of Gods and Kings, which symbolizes the core of the power of the gods, is tall and majestic. At this moment, it is empty inside, with only two figures sitting on the uppermost throne.

In the center is a tall man with a burly body and a majestic face. He holds a spear that flashes with lightning.

The other sitting on his left was a beautiful and graceful woman.

She was wearing a long and luxurious skirt, with a noble and extraordinary temperament, a pair of white arms exposed, and a pair of beautiful eyes on her beautiful cheeks, always containing a chilling chill.

This is Jupiter, king of the gods Olympus, king of thunder and lightning, and his wife, the queen of gods, Juno.

Seeing Mars who was brought in by Mercury like a beach of ooze, the goddess Juno's glamorous cheeks froze for a moment, and then she shouted angrily:

"Mars, what happened, just asking you to check on Apollo's punishment, how could you, a master god, act like this?"

Hearing his mother's questioning, the God of War raised his head with difficulty and said angrily:

"That goddamn Apollo, he not only disobeyed the orders of God the Father and failed to complete the construction of the city wall, he also set up an ambush against me..."

"Apollo plotted against you?" Juno and Jupiter were both a little surprised.

Mercury even sneered: "Mars, how incompetent you are, the god of war, a dignified master god was seriously injured by a young god who was born less than twenty years ago, no wonder mortals now say secrets. Neva is the real god of war.39

"Bastard, even if you go, it's not much better than me!" Mars roared furiously.

The god-king Jupiter above touched his throne and said solemnly: "You are all my children, the main god of Olympus, stop arguing like this, it's too disgraceful for me.

Only then did Mars and Mercury quiet down.

The god queen Juno said with a chill on her glamorous face:

"No matter how Apollo defeated Mars, he violated the punishment and injured the main god. This is a fact. We should immediately capture him and punish him severely."5

Jupiter frowned. He knew that his wife didn't like his son, and he wanted to get rid of him. This time he wanted to take this opportunity to do it.

But for some reason, thinking of the golden figure, the heart of the god king was always full of disgust, or... fear.

He didn't know why, but the last time he saw the splendid figure of the blond boy, there were huge waves in his soul.

And this time when I heard the news about him again, the disgust and fear in the heart of the god king became stronger.

It seems that there is an innate instinct, so that he must destroy this son.

Jupiter didn't like this feeling, so he nodded slightly:

"々, use your crystal to find him first, and then send someone to get him back to Olympus."

Seeing her husband nodding, the goddess Juno happily took out her crystal and began to search every corner of the world.

"Apollo, wait and die."

The god queen murmured confidently, even if his husband went outside to have an affair, he had never been able to hide this pair of crystals from her.

Let alone a young god who was born less than twenty years ago, even if he defeated Mars with tricks, how powerful can he really be?

But along with the search, the smile on her face gradually disappeared, replaced by a touch of shock and shame.

"What's wrong?" God King Jupiter frowned.

"It's impossible!" The Queen of God angrily slapped the throne next to (alright), her face full of incredible ministers.

"I have searched the sky, the earth, the ocean and the underworld, and found the trace of his sister Diana, but why can't I find him?"

The God King was also surprised, grabbed the crystal from her hand, and carefully searched the sky, the earth, the ocean, and the underworld, but also couldn't find the slightest trace of the target he was looking for.

The Divine King and Divine Empress had extremely ugly expressions, but they did not know that at this moment, a golden figure was moving fast in the Olympus Mountain under their feet.

"Olympus has two god-level treasure chests, one is behind the temple of the gods, and the other is in the temple of beauty.

Looking at the system map, Apollo followed a slightly familiar road to the palace of Venus, the god of love and beauty.

He moved swiftly and stealthily, because he knew that behind him was a beautiful goddess who was wearing battle armor, valiant, and observant.

"Athena, you are still so curious." He sighed,

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