Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 169 Venus's Reminiscence (Subscription)

Outside the window is a rich night.

The crimson candles radiated dizzying light, illuminating the narrow room as bright as day.

In front of the long dresser, a lens made of finely ground crystals reflects the flawless and delicate face under the crimson candlelight.

What kind of face is that?

There is no way to express it in words.

The skin is whiter than milk, the nose is small and straight, the lips are fresh and crystal clear, and the ears are delicate like a baby.

And those eyes brighter than the stars in the night sky, with eyebrows as pale as willow leaves and long eyelashes.

These together form a beautiful face that is enough to make all the male gods in the world forget everything.

No need to question, this is the aggregation of all the beauty in the world.

But at this moment, this beautiful face is full of melancholy and absent-mindedness.

Those crystal clear eyes with bitterness, looked at the self who couldn't find any flaws in the mirror, and sighed softly:

"Venus, your beauty is already envied by all the women in the world, why are you still not satisfied, thirsting for that ethereal thing?

After twisting the beautiful long hair on her head, she stood up Yingying, her beautiful eyes staring at the bright white moonlight in the sky.

The cold moonlight shines on her dazzling figure.

In the middle of the night, this god of love and beauty left the dignified and luxurious long dress and changed into a white short robe.

The light and short 340 robe was as soft as water, which could not cover her perfect figure with undulating and plump lines.

A pair of slender jade legs, snow-white tight and elastic, she did not wear shoes, she stood barefoot at the window.

Staring at the moonlight outside for a long time, Venus' eyes were a little blurry.

As the embodiment of love and beauty, Olympus is the most dazzling goddess.

She is praised by men and women in the world, and countless people pray to her for love.

But when the night is quiet, her heart is always full of deep loneliness.

Because she can give the nourishment of love to everyone in the world, but she can't give the person she fantasizes about.

"Who would he be?"

The most beautiful goddess of Olympus frowned.

She has a secret in her heart.

Since her birth, she has always seen herself in a dark corner in her dreams, trapped in prison, hopeless and helpless.

And whenever she cried in despair, a golden light would appear in front of her eyes.

It was an elegant and beautiful figure, with a gentle smile always on the corner of his mouth, dispelling the darkness and guiding the light for her.

She knew that he was the only sun in her life.

But just as mortals can never look directly at the brilliance of the sun.

No matter how she looked, she could never find such a splendid figure.

The goddess of love, after all, can't give her the love she wants.

"Maybe this is my destiny."

Venus whispered softly, his long fingers rubbing against the window, making a rustling sound.

She was about to close the window to rest.

Suddenly, a brilliant golden light swept in from the window.

Venus looked over in astonishment.

In the reflection of the eyes, I saw a narrow room lit by crimson candles, and I did not know when to break into a golden figure exuding warmth and brilliance.

He looked around and crouched down in front of a corner, as if picking up something.

"who are you……"

Venus hurriedly used divine power to summon a robe and put it on graceful body.

But when her eyes, brighter than the stars, saw the other person's cheek clearly, she was stunned.

Under the crimson candlelight, the brilliant light shrouded him, but it couldn't hide his slender figure and the handsome face with a smile.

Venus trembled, and the robe he had just summoned fell to the ground.

But she didn't notice this at all, her beautiful eyes like jewels stared at the blond boy in the bright light in front of her, and her mouth was lightly opened.

She felt like she was dreaming again.

But why is this dream so real?

The brightness of the moonlight is so cold, the scent of the burning crimson candle is so sweet, and the heat from the bright light of the other party is so warm?

If this is a dream, then don't wake up again, okay?

She wanted to walk over and touch the handsome cheek that had appeared in her dreams countless times.

However, the legs and feet were a little weak and almost lost their mobility.

Can only stay there, staring absently. (dbee)

After picking up the treasure chest, Apollo stood up, only to see her abnormal appearance, and he was a little confused.

He didn't feel that the person in front of him still remembered him.

Gaia's power to modify at the highest level, even the top gods such as Hades, Zeus, and Athena, and even half of the original existence, could not resist.

Aphrodite is just a low-level main god, and it is impossible to fight against this mighty power.

Now she is only the Roman god of love and beauty Venus, not his wife Aphrodite.

But the other party's absent-minded appearance still made him feel a warm feeling in his heart.

For this wife, at the very beginning, he actually didn't have too many feelings.

After all, it was just an 'arranged marriage'. My sister wanted him to marry a good wife, and he also thought she was beautiful.

There is no disadvantage, just marry and keep at home.

But as the contact continued, her touching beauty and deep attachment finally touched him.

She may not be his favorite lover, but she is his most indispensable wife and best partner.

"Even if the memory is modified, there are still some things that cannot be forgotten... It's really hard for you."

Feeling the joy and attachment in the eyes of the beautiful figure in front of him, Apollo sighed softly, picked up her fallen robe from the ground, and put it on her gently.

"Sleep at ease, I will soon let you find your past.

Apollo smiled, and a divine power was about to shroud the past, allowing the other party to fall into a peaceful sleep.

Suddenly, the beautiful person in front of me, with fresh lips, cried out:

"Apollo, don't go, don't leave me! 99

She rushed over suddenly, snuggling in Apollo's arms, everything was so familiar.


Apollo looked at her in amazement and suddenly understood something.

"The modification of Gaia's god system was originally completed by the entanglement of blood, and you are not a descendant of her blood. You are from the original god who was in charge of love in the age of ignorance. 35

"Although Gaia actually ascended to the Supreme, she was dragged outside.

Later, it belonged to her Roman world instinct to make changes, but the effect is not as strong as the power derived from blood. "

Venus didn't understand Apollo's words, the familiar golden figure in front of her made many images surging in her mind, but she did not completely recall the past.

But that doesn't matter, she only knows that this is the only thing in her life in front of her.

Hold him and never let go.

Feeling her deep love and thinking, Apollo was completely unable to do anything to break this picture.

A long time passed, but time seemed to stand still.

Until there was a joking laughter from a girl with bright eyes in charge of wisdom:

"Blonde boy, it turns out that you sneaked in to meet the most beautiful Venus of Olympus.

What an infatuated male god, I can't help admiring you.

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