Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 171 The Stone of Horror (Subscribe)

"Hey, you are..."

Under the bright moonlight, Venus stared in amazement at the two figures in the sky who seemed to be talking very much, his flawless cheeks filled with strangeness.

The bright-eyed girl smiled at her and said, "Goddess Venus, please don't remember how fierce I was just now. I am a good sister who loves my brother, so how could I possibly embarrass him."5

Apollo rolled his eyes at this.

The two came to Venus's room, the body of love and beauty tightened the robes on their bodies, found a few chairs, sat down and looked at the golden figure beside them with affection.

Apollo leaned over to her and stroked her beautiful head with his palm.

The two didn't say any love words, just looked at each other, and both understood each other's feelings.

Sitting across from him, Minerva felt uncomfortable.

The goddess of wisdom coughed softly to express her existence.

"Three Four Zeros" When Venus turned his head shyly, Apollo looked up at her, and the girl asked with a smile:

"My blond brother, Mars was injured by you?"

Apollo nodded: "If the Mars you are talking about is the god of war that Olympus is now, that's it. 35

Hearing his affirmative answer, Venus' beautiful jewel-like eyes looked over in surprise.

Mars, the god of war, one of the main gods of Olympus.

It's the guy she hates the most. He likes to find her to show off his strength, and is a arrogant and rude male god.

But I have to admit that he is a very powerful god.

Although under Apollo's gentle eyes, she always has no IQ, but most of the time her head is still very clear.

It seems that his lover was born less than 20 years ago, how did he defeat Mars?

And just now, he seemed to have fought against this goddess of wisdom and suppressed the opponent.

The goddess of wisdom is the top of the twelve main gods of Olympus, far stronger than Mars.

Venus' beautiful eyes, twinkling like stars, looked at the warm and bright young man beside him with surprise and joy.

Apollo rubbed her smooth hair.

Minerva pondered for a moment over there, then whispered:

"Although I don't know how you suddenly became so powerful, Olympus, as the core of the Divine Court, is a very dangerous place, and you shouldn't take risks at this time."

She glanced at Venus beside Apollo, and seemed to want to express, I can understand that your feelings are like glue, but you still need to know how to restrain.

Apollo rolled his eyes again.

And Venus beside him was moved, and softly snuggled up:

"Apollo, you actually took such a big risk for me.

Or listen to the goddess Minerva, and leave Olympus quickly, our days are still long. ""

Apollo had to comfort her with a few words of tenderness, and said solemnly:

"I don't know if you have heard the saying that the most dangerous places are often the safest, and the darkest is under the candlelight. 39

The blonde goddess of wisdom stroked her crystal chin thoughtfully:

"Whoever said this is very philosophical.

After Mars returned, our God the Father must have started searching the world for you.

It is not safe to hide anywhere at this time, but Olympus is the most unlikely place to be searched.

"So I plan to stay in Olympus for a while, and then leave when the search outside relaxes." Apollo said softly.

"It seems that you are not only very powerful, but also very intelligent. I like you more and more, so I won't bother you today."

The bright-eyed girl praised her and stood up as if to go outside.

Apollo just wanted to give her a ride, but the girl who was determined and determined suddenly turned around and said to him with a smile:

"I have a weird feeling that we've known each other for a long time and used to have a good relationship.

"Then you can be bolder, maybe you are my wife who lost her memory." Apollo laughed.

The goddess of wisdom immediately slashed at him:

"Such love words, you should use it to coax a stupid goddess like Venus with no brains."9

Staring at the gradually dissipating night outside, she was covered with dazzling glory, and said with a resolute expression:

"I am a daughter born from my father's head. I came to this world wearing armor and holding a spear. I was born and destined to be pure and lifelong. I did not depend on any opposite sex, and I exchanged independence for strength."

"Pure, independent, powerful... She is really a goddess with unique charm." Looking at her dazzling back, Apollo murmured softly.

"Minerva is indeed a role model for all goddesses. Maybe she is a little worse than me in appearance, but I will never be as dazzling as her..."

Venus snuggled tightly in his arms, her beautiful jewel-like eyes filled with admiration and envy. …

But immediately she stroked Apollo's cheek with a smile, and said sweetly:

"But with you, I don't want to be a person like her... Even the coldest Yinyue should have the sun behind her to give warmth silently.

The night outside the window does not know when, quietly ushered in the dawn.

A splendid ray of morning light shines on the vast earth.

"Ding, you have opened a god-level treasure chest, and obtained Tianyuan Crystal*25, Streamer Boots*2 (three stars), and Hor's Stone*1 (three stars).

Opening the god-level treasure chest obtained from Venus's room, with the sound of the system prompt, Apollo focused his attention on his hand.

"Streamer boots, a three-star primordial artifact.

It is a very practical artifact that can freely appear in any place in the world, whether it is material or non-material, just like the root. "

First, he looked at the two golden boots with bright patterns, and Apollo tried his feet with a satisfied expression on his face.

Immediately, he looked at the white gem called 'Hor Stone'.

This is an ordinary stone that looks ordinary from the outside. When it is touched in the palm of his hand, Apollo feels a gentle heat flow into his body faintly.

"4.4 is a powerful gem, but that's not enough to get a three-star rating, right?

Apollo looked at it seriously, and he believed that the system would not mark it casually.

After a while, he said with surprise on his face: "Under the rich energy is the aura of the root. This is a primitive stone."

"It not only hides rich and pure energy, it can help people improve their divine power, but also contains the root of no attribute, which can help the ninth-order god to ascend to the original. 35

Apollo looked at the white stone in his hand in surprise.

With this stone, he can quickly complete the accumulation of divine power, reach the top of the main god, and then directly absorb the root and advance to the original.

For the next period of time, Apollo was in the Temple of Beauty, accompanying Venus while absorbing the Stone of Horror.

With the help of this gem, his divine power quickly entered the high level of the main god.

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