Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 172 The Secret in the Palace of the God King (Subscribe)

Late at night.

In the back hall of the Temple of the Gods, Jupiter, the king of the gods, and Juno, the queen of his gods, sat side by side at the head of the bed.

This is a rare aftermath of their husband and wife.

Since Jupiter, together with his brothers Neptune and Pluto, overthrew their father, the previous god-king, Saturn.

Jupiter, who became the king of the gods, was mostly a goddess or mortal who liked to pursue beauty outside, and was rarely with his queen.

But this rare time, neither of them looked very good-looking.

Under the bright candlelight, the beautiful goddess Juno frowned tightly and asked in a deep voice:

"Has no trace of Apollo been found yet?"

Her beautiful eyes, full of suspicion, stared into her husband's eyes.

Jupiter was a little impatient: "Could it be that you still think that I was covering him up on purpose?"

"Then can you tell me why the gods who rule the world, so many powerful gods, can't find a young god who was born less than 20 years ago for so long?

Zhu 31 Nuo's tone was full of anger.

For too many days, Olympus dispatched a lot of gods, but still couldn't find the blond wild beast.

She felt that this must be her husband, who was always lying, cheating on her.

Besides him, the king of the gods, who could make a living god disappear like this?

He must have promised to punish him on the surface, but he didn't want to hurt the son secretly, so he secretly hid it and waited for him to forget about it.

Jupiter was also helpless.

He also couldn't understand why a god who was born less than twenty years old could defeat his outstanding son Mars, the god of war, and then disappeared without a trace.

Even if he activated the power of the entire divine court and searched the sky, the earth, the ocean and the underworld, he could not find any trace of the other party.

This is so out of line.

Suddenly, he rolled his eyes and said to his god:

"Juno, there is actually a place that we haven't searched yet, if Apollo was hiding there, even if we searched the whole world, we wouldn't be able to find the slightest trace of him.

The glamorous god queen's eyes flashed, and she said with a gloomy face: "You mean..."

"Earth Temple!"

The god king and his wife spit out the place at the same time, and their eyes are full of deep solemnity.

"Although I am the king of the gods, the entire world was created by Mother Earth, so everything is controlled by her.

Whether it was our grandfather, the first god-king Uranus, or our cruel father, Saturn, she was the one who supported the throne of the god-king with one hand, and then pushed it down with the other.

Speaking of this, Jupiter's eyes showed a trace of unwillingness, but more powerlessness.

He looked at his wife in dismay: "After all, she is the real king of the gods.

Juno was also rarely silent.

After a long while, she whispered:

"You said that if Mother Earth really took Apollo away, would she be thinking...

When you were rescued by the mother god from the father god, you were also sent to the temple of the earth, and then the earth mother raised you and helped you win.

At the end, the god queen stopped speaking.

Because of her husband, her face suddenly turned blue and white, very uneasy.

She hurriedly said: "This is just my guess, it should not be accurate.

"No, it is possible."

Jupiter gritted his teeth and looked at the Olympus Mountain below.

"I have really slack off over the years and often leave Olympus, but the most important duty of the so-called god-king is to take care of her in Olympus. 35

"She had the idea of ​​finding a young new god-king to replace me, and it's very possible, not to mention that Apollo is so handsome, he must be very fond of the old woman.

The king of the gods did not know that when he said these words, not far from their husband and wife's place, a golden figure sneaked in quietly, and he couldn't help touching his face.

"I admit that my appearance is very good, but I don't think that old Gaia is worthy of me." Apollo muttered in his heart, and his thoughts were mixed at the same time.

"Gaia really left an incarnation in this world, sitting in the depths of the earth.

However, this avatar should not be very intelligent, and can only do some things that she has ordered. The replacement of the three generations of gods is like a plagiarized script, can she change it a little?

Apollo was a little powerless to complain, and Gaia's Roman pantheon was exactly the same as the original Greek pantheon except for some changes in the names of the gods.

It's too lazy, other people's cottage products do not do this.

"But what is the so-called God King's duty, what is the duty of guarding Olympus?"

Apollo hid his breath to the extreme, and slowly approached Jupiter and the two, wanting to hear more.

Suddenly, he saw the real target of his infiltration this time.

A golden god-level treasure chest.

It was lying quietly in the corner of the Jupiter's room.

"It's also in the Palace of the God King, how come it was directly under the throne that time, and this time it's actually in the bedroom.

Apollo thought of the time when he went to Olympus for the first time.

At that time, in order to get the god-level treasure chest under the throne of Zeus, he glanced at the throne one more time.

Later, Zeus thought that he was ambitious and fearful, which led to a long-term battle between the two.

It's just that Zeus has become Jupiter now, and although the history is similar, there are still changes.

The god king and his wife in the room discussed for a long time, and suddenly got up together and went outside.

When they left, Apollo hurriedly entered the room, picked up the god-level treasure chest on the ground, and rushed outside.

At this moment, Jupiter's expression changed in front of him, his lightning spear suddenly appeared in his hand, and he aimed coldly at the rear:

340 "Who dares to trespass the Palace of the King of God!

Terrible pressure hits.

Apollo was a little surprised, and Jupiter should not have been able to find him.

But he didn't panic, the golden boots under his feet flashed, and the figure suddenly appeared outside the Temple of God.

Under the splendid brilliance, he smiled lightly at Jupiter who was chasing:

"Honorable King of Olympus, the love story between you and your goddess is really wonderful, I will listen to it again next time, no need to send it."5

As he spoke, his figure flashed, looking outside Olympus.

"Damn, where did the gods come from?" Jupiter angrily looked at the back of his leaving, with a terrified expression on his face.

At this time, the goddess Juno came over and said with a frown, "Why does that figure look a little like Apollo?"

"This is impossible, that person is at least a high-level Lord God.

If it weren't for him not knowing that the room below was the most important 'world core' of Olympus, the Mother Earth had given the most important thing to be guarded by the gods and kings of all dynasties.

And I have the power of perception endowed by Mother Earth, and can sense all the movements in that room, otherwise even I would not be able to detect his infiltration.

Jupiter said coldly.

As he spoke, he raised the lightning spear in his hand, and the powerful divine power instantly covered the entire Olympus.

"The gods obeyed, and there were enemies sneaking into Olympus, but all the gods who can fight will send me out to block Olympus, and never let him escape.


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