Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 178 Super Primitive Protoss (Subscribe)

When Pandora spoke up, the Hanged Man, shrouded in the sky, hurriedly took the opportunity to trigger the power of the 'Original Sea', breaking through a gap in the blazing brilliance.

"Want to run! 35

Apollo snorted softly, and thirty-six pairs of wings flashed brilliantly behind him.

The burning bright torrent blasted open layers of curtains, hitting the heart of the Hanged Man.

This 'Left Hand of God' stumbled to the ground, but soon struggled to get up and fled into the distance.

Apollo was about to pursue, when Pandora whispered:

"Leave him first, he will appear in this world, as long as his Lord's calculation, he still has a little use.

Apollo stopped and looked deeply at her flawless cheek:

"You are very familiar with the 'Omniscient Almighty'?"

"Because of Him, I exist." Pandora said in a low voice with reminiscence.

Apollo smiled: "Could it be that you are his daughter?"

"You can guess again." Pandora smiled lightly.

"Go back to the original thing, you said you had to tell me the key to how to take the world from Gaia?"

The flawless face condensed by illusory light and shadow nodded and said:

"I don't know if you have thought about a question, the supreme personality lies in the world and the gods.

Then why did Chaos sit and watch Gaia usurp his world and pantheon, but didn't make a move to stop her?

"Chaos seems to be suppressing something important and can't get out.

But that's not true either, nothing is more important than the world and pantheon that are his supreme roots. ' Apollo replied in a deep voice.

Pandora's mouth curled into a smile:

"Then you should also notice that although the world and the gods have been usurped, Chaos has not fallen from the highest rank.

This is why Chaos is not in a hurry and still chooses to suppress the things in the depths of his chaos. ""

"Gaia's usurpation is not complete, and now she and Chaos share this world and god system." Apollo's golden eyes flashed.

"Yes, this is the truth." Pandora nodded.

Staring into the sky, the mysterious woman said in a low voice:

"At the beginning of ignorance a long time ago, when Chaos was promoted to high, he coerced Gaia, Tartarus and other primordials to form a world for him.

His chaotic origin has a unique ability, and all things within the chaotic package, whether living or dead, will become the support of his strength.

So back then, although all of you gods had nothing to do with him directly, the world in which he lived was shrouded in chaos, and you were all members of his divine system.

The origin of the world has nothing to do with him, but the world is covered by chaos, so the world belongs to him~~. 35

Apollo said solemnly: "And now Gaia has usurped the gods with his blood connection.

But this Roman world is still covered by chaos, so the gods and the world are still the ones of Chaos.

Pandora smiled and nodded:

"You are right, so there are actually two supreme rulers in this world now, and Gaia only superficially has the upper hand.

And as long as there is a chance, Chaos can recapture everything she has usurped.

"You came to tell me how to help Chaos regain the world? 35 Apollo looked at her.

"Why, don't you think it's more disadvantageous to help Chaos? 35

"It's a little unhappy, I work hard, and he just needs to lie comfortably in the depths of chaos. 55

"Then you are wrong, Chaos has been uncomfortable, and betrayal has a price.

Although he ascended to the highest level, his life has never been easier.

It is good for everyone to let him continue to suppress things in the depths of chaos stably.

Pandora's beautiful eyes showed a hint of depth.

"Oh, more than one person said in front of me that he was a betrayal, what exactly did he betray?" Apollo asked curiously.

"If several different people tell you that he is a traitor, they may not be referring to the same thing.

Because Chaos betrayed a total of two times, two different objects and groups.

Pandora's cheeks flashed memories.

Apollo was even more curious: "Which two groups?"

"This starts from the era before ignorance."

"Generally speaking, you, the main gods after three generations of the gods, are called the gods of Olympus.

Before the era of the second generation of the gods, it was the Titans.

And more in front, such as the five primordial, Moros, Uranos brothers, they are called primitive gods, active in the age of ignorance.

But most of the gods do not know that before the primitive gods, there was an era of gods, and the gods at that time were called...'99

"Super primitive Protoss! 35

"Super-primitive Protoss," Apollo asked after reading the term carefully, "Fanes on Dionysus, is the king of the super-primitive Protoss?"

"The Almighty King Phanes was indeed the king of the gods at that time. 99

Pandora nodded and continued:

"However, just like the three generations of god-kings Uranus, Cronus, and Zeus, they have never completely mastered the entire world.

The god-king of Phanes is only in name.

In the era of the super primitive Protoss, there was no shortage of powerful gods who were comparable to him, and there were more than one supreme existence overlooking them. 95

Apollo asked with questions: "々. How did such a powerful super-primitive Protoss perish, just because of Chaos' betrayal?

He was not supreme at that time, so he should not have such ability.

"This starts with the arrival of the 'Omniscient Almighty' from the foreign realm..."

Speaking of this, Pandora suddenly looked up and looked into the distance.

He said to Apollo: "Someone came to trouble you, these things will be discussed next time."

Apollo was stunned, wanting to curse.

I hate half of this kind of words, just like some unscrupulous writers who like to break the chapter at key points when they read online articles in their predecessors.

Pandora didn't know what was in his heart, and said quickly:

"Gaia's usurpation of this world has six core points, called the 'boundary core'


They are distributed in six key locations in the world, and you need to have enough gods or the power of the original level to guard the suppression. What you have to do is to destroy these six 'world cores'


"But it's useless to just destroy a single 'core', because the six 'core' are a whole, and as long as one survives, you can quickly repair (okay) the others that are destroyed."5

"To completely destroy them, it is necessary to destroy all six 'realm cores' in a relatively short period of time, so that the power of chaos will be drawn back and smash Gaia's usurpation.

Pandora's tone was very fast, and just after the words were finished, the face intertwined with light and shadow disappeared.

Only the cloth-shaped 'bounded' character that was precipitated after Prometheus died was left in place.

Apollo reached out and put it away.

At the same time, he looked up into the sky.

Under the reflection of the golden eyes, in the vast sky, a dignified goddess holding a sword and a scale, and covering her eyes with a white cloth, walked indifferently.

Behind her, followed by three beautiful girls with different expressions, all with serious expressions.

Feeling the terrifying fluctuations left after the battle around the Caucasus Mountains, the dignified goddess blindfolded with white cloth flashed shock on her face.

Immediately, she was facing the gathering place of light and announced loudly:

"Apollo, you violated the order of the divine court.

I have been ordered by the king of gods to arrest you and return to Olympus for trial.

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