Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 179 All the land that the light shines on is my country! (For subscription)

"Justice, the goddess of justice, and... the three goddesses of timing!"

The golden eyes lifted lightly, and Apollo indifferently glanced at the person who came.

Holding a sword and a balance, the blindfolded goddess of justice sighed softly:

"Apollo, you are also a descendant of the God King, a member of Olympus.

In fact, there is no need to make things too much, go back with me and apologize to the king of gods, everything will turn around.

"Goddess of Justice, are you too naive, or do you think I'm stupid?" Apollo sneered, and the Galaxy Scepter appeared in his palm.

The silver-white dazzling scepter shimmers with the brilliance of stars, interweaving a magnificent Milky Way composed of stars in the light of the sky, circling and surging.

Feeling the waves, the dignified cheek of the Goddess of Justice flashed a sigh of relief.

Behind her, the slender and pretty timing three goddesses drank coldly:

"Mother, don't persuade this stubborn guy, let's take him down.

These three graceful girls with different expressions looked at each other, and their bodies were filled with invisible mighty power at the same time.

Among the three goddesses of timing, the first is a gentle girl with green hair and a bright long skirt. With the urge of 340 divine power, a lot of flowers and green grass appear in her hands, which is the taste of spring.

The second is a red-haired person, she looks hot, mature and fit, and her whole body glows with the blazing heat of summer, like the scorching sun.

The last one was a young woman who looked the oldest and almost lost her appearance as a girl. She was tall, with a sharp temperament, and her beautiful eyebrows carried the chill of autumn.

Spring, summer, and autumn are the seasons symbolized by these three goddesses.

Following their movements, a splendid scene of spring, summer, and autumn appeared in the void, surrounding Apollo in awe.

In the rotation of the time sequence, the radiance of the Milky Way in the sky became a little dim, as if it was restricted by some mighty force.

Apollo couldn't help but be surprised.

The individual ranks of the three goddesses in the time series are all very ordinary main gods, and they will not be stronger than Venus, the god of love and beauty.

However, the divine power that the three teamed up to explode completely surpassed the sect of the rank, reaching a power that is almost comparable to the ultimate power of the Lord God.

"I have long heard that the three goddesses of the sequence of the three goddesses of fate are not inferior to the three goddesses of fate in terms of power and mystery, but there is indeed some reason.

With a chuckle, Apollo shook the Galaxy Scepter in his hand.

The splendid torrent of light is attached to the mighty power of the galaxy, like an invisible giant sword, slashing the world.


The sky and the earth exploded, and the void was torn apart.

The splendid starlight swept through, the universe roared, and the invisible power of timing tore open holes.

The three goddesses of timing could not help showing horror on their faces.

For a long time, the three of them were not well-known among the gods, but they were very confident in their own strength.

With the three of them working together, even the Father God, the greatest god-king of Olympus, they have the confidence to fight against him.

Before they came, they also heard that the sin god to be arrested was strong enough to compete with the god king.

But they are still full of self-confidence, thinking that even if they can't win it easily, it will definitely be fine if they hold back the fierce battle for a while.

It is time to show some achievements to the incompetent gods of Olympus, who has been unknown for a long time.

But why, this blond young god is far more powerful than the legends outside?

Feel the splendid light that strikes from the sky, the majestic and unparalleled might.

The three young girls looked flustered and became in a hurry.

"Alas, although your sisters are powerful, they have been hidden from the world for a long time.

Encountering a weak enemy is nothing, but once encountering a strong enemy, it lacks the ability to adapt. "

Feeling the helplessness of the three daughters, the blindfolded justice woman (dbee) sighed, holding the sword and the scales high at the same time.

Suddenly, a grim and severe icy mighty force permeated from her dignified figure.

The heavy snow fills the air, the chill is monstrous, and the power of the cold and severe winter echoes the divine power of the three goddesses of spring, summer and autumn.

In an instant, these form a complete and flawless whole.

The sequence of spring, summer, autumn and winter rotates like a huge invisible circle, covering the source of the sky.

"Young gods, everything is under order, no one can surpass it, accept the sanctions of order!

Staring at Apollo's golden eyes, this invisible circle revolves, radiating radiance and shrinking.

The surrounding space was slowly compressed, and the awe-inspiring pressure was like mountain peaks, crushing in all directions, without being heavy.

The torrent of light that filled the sky began to shatter every inch under this mighty pressure.

"The source of order?"

Looking closely at Justitia, who was surrounded by the three goddesses of timing, Apollo let out a small hum.

The goddess of justice, who is known for her fairness and justice, has her sword and scales held high, and her whole body is bathed in splendid brilliance.

The majestic and majestic power radiates from her dignified body, intertwined in the void, like a page after page of laws, jumping with an untouchable sacred bearing.

On her body, Apollo felt a strong root aura.

It is like the source of all order and rules in the world, planning all things, judging all things, judging all things.

This includes legal provisions, humanistic morality, as well as the rotation of seasons, the cycle of the sun and the moon, and the natural laws of birth, old age, sickness and death.

As long as you live between this earth and the vast sky, you are destined to be enveloped, restrained, and punished by this mighty force.

"But the reason why the gods are gods is because we are above the rules, hold authority, and make order!

With a long roar, Apollo spread out a pair of burning wings behind him, and the blazing light was like a flame, filling the destruction of the Qi machine, rising into the sky.

The splendid light covers him, and the sacred grandeur supports the grand atmosphere that surpasses all things.

When the thirty-six pairs of burning wings were all spread out.

Blazing fire of light, rendering the void.

Under the splendid flames, the shrinking invisible circles and the invisible clauses covering all things were ignited in the blink of an eye.

The golden light shrouded the sky, and the endless light and heat filled the sky, causing the whole world to tremble.

Every god and every mortal thing looked up at the shroud of light and looked surprised.

Immediately, they heard a divine and mighty voice:

"I say, all the land that the light shines on is my country, and only my laws should be obeyed."

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