Time passed in a hurry, the gods seemed to be tired of tossing, did not do things everywhere, the sky and the earth ushered in a rare short calm, the sun and the moon alternately rotated in the sky.

Now the alternation of day and night no longer needs to be personally produced by the sun god Apollo and the moon goddess Artemis, because of the birth of the two leader stars of the sun and the moon, under the proposal of Patos and Hecate, the four sun and moon gods jointly discussed and formulated the trajectory of the sun and moon in the sky, and they exerted their divine power to depict the traction trajectory in the sky, so that the two leader stars themselves moved according to the trajectory and brought light to the earth.

From then on, the sun rose from the east and set to the west every day, staying until the evening, and then replaced by the moon in the west, relying on this method, several sun and moon gods were freed from the heavy work of surveying the sky.

And so the days went by.

On this day, in the powerful and rich kingdom of Argos, the king Acresius was sitting on his throne, and the guards with spears on either side were standing solemnly, and above the main hall, the maid who was responsible for taking care of the food and living of Princess Danae was kneeling in the center of the hall, her body trembling uncontrollably, her expression was so flustered, tears could not stop flowing from her eyes.

"I asked you to take care of Danae's diet and daily life, guarding her from any man near her, can you tell me why, in just one year, my daughter gave birth to a child without my knowledge!

Recently, the kingdom of Argos is holding a grand sacrifice to Hephaestus, the guardian of the kingdom, in gratitude to the gods for the country's inexhaustible copper mines and iron-smelting technology.

This banquet was extremely grand, and the old king, who had not seen his daughter for a long time, also had some nostalgia in his heart, and wanted to say that he would take advantage of this rare festival to visit his daughter locked in the copper tower in the tower.

But when he ascended the tower, he heard a burst of infant laughter from the tower, the old king Acresioston was struck by lightning, Apollo's prophecy began to emerge in his mind, the fear of death made him lose his former wisdom and reason, Acresius ordered that the people drugged Danae and the maid in the tower, and when the maid woke up, looking at the angry old king, he knew that the matter had been revealed.

The maid no longer hid it, and knelt on the ground and told the old king what she knew: "Wise King of Argos, I did not intend to deceive you. I have been caring for the princess in the tower for more than a year, and for sure, I have never seen a man come to the tower, but Princess Danae was unexpectedly pregnant, and under my questioning, the princess finally told me the truth.

I will arrest him and his family..."

"Your Majesty!" before Acresius could finish his words he was interrupted by a frightened maid, "said Princess Danae, her lover, a handsome man who came out of the golden rain! But this child of Princess Danae, it is very likely ... It is very likely that it is a gift from the gods, and if you hurt them and anger the gods, then you and your people will suffer misfortune

!" "What!" When Acresios heard this, he seemed to have been hammered on his head, and suddenly collapsed on his throne.

God...... Why is it a god... No matter how strong Argos is, he can't fight against the gods.

Finally, after a long silence, the old king raised his head and ordered the guards on both sides in a deep voice: "Take her down, and pass on my orders, let people build a chest, put the princess Danae and her illegitimate son into the box, and throw them into the raging sea, and if they are really favored by the gods, they will naturally be safe."

"Yes!" The

guards on both sides received orders from the king to carry the maid down, and then instructed the skilled craftsmen of the kingdom to build a huge wooden box, and locked up the princess Danae and the baby, and threw them into the sea, which the waves soon swept and carried into the distance.

In the holy light shrouded Mount Olympus, the god king Zeus sat on his golden throne, watching everything that happened through the clouds, and he did not intervene in the face of what happened to his lover and heir, and the challenging and tempered life he set for this demigod heir had already begun at this time.

The scepter in the hand of the king of the gods lit up and contacted his brother Poseidon in the sea: "Poseidon. "

“...... Zeus, what is the matter to say, I'm busy!" Poseidon's voice was a little angry and corrupted, and he was very dissatisfied with the good thing interrupted by Zeus.

“...... Poseidon, my lover and demigod heir are suffering in the raging sea, and I want you to guard them and send them to safety. Zeus did not care about Poseidon's tone, and said lightly, with the unquestionable domineering domineering of the king of the gods in his voice, "Go now."

With that, he cut off the connection and continued to observe the Danae mother and son with their eyes.

“...... Grass (a plant)!" Poseidon had no choice but to curse and get up from the bed and put on his own robes.

A pair of jade-like arms stretched out from Poseidon's back and wrapped around his solid arms.

"Are you leaving so soon?" the coquettish voice in the languid voice was as seductive as the low groan of a siren.

"It's a bit of a hurry, I'll come back to see you when I'm done, my lovely Medusa."

Poseidon turned his head and entered into a beautiful face that was enchanting and seductive, and the dark green snake hair spit lightly, licking Poseidon's handsome face, expressing his inner reluctance for his master.

"Okay, then you come back early, I'm waiting for you here. Medusa pouted and said coquettishly to Poseidon.

"Good. Poseidon smiled fondly, kissed Medusa's cheek, lifted his Seagod Trident and walked out.

Through the perception of divine power, Poseidon soon found Danae mother and son, the wooden box floating in the rough waves, the merciless waves crashing against it, almost swallowing it.

Poseidon waved the trident of the god of the sea in his hand, summoned the gentle waves to wrap the large wooden box, and came to an island called Serifus, the younger brother of the king of the island country, Diktis, who was driving a fishing boat to fish at sea, after seeing this wooden box, the exquisite craftsmanship made him realize that this is by no means something that ordinary people can have, and he hurriedly salvaged the wooden box on the fishing boat.

The moment Diktis took out the crowbar and opened the wooden box, Danae, the beautiful princess holding the baby, appeared in front of him.

At this time, the sea water surged into the fishing boat, gathered into a human figure, and the voice of Poseidon, the god of shaking the earth, came from it.

"Dictis, O son of Serifus, before you is the son of the favor of the gods, take care of him and raise him, and you will be rewarded by the gods. "

As a citizen of the island nation, how could Diktis not recognize Poseidon the sea king, and after receiving his oracle, Diktis quickly knelt down reverently, saying that he would definitely take care of the mother and son according to the instructions of the gods.

After Poseidon's figure dissipated, Diktis quickly took the unconscious Danae and the baby in her arms out of the wooden box, settled them on a small bed in a fishing boat, and then hurried to drive the fishing boat back to the island of Serifos.

Zeus, king of the gods, saw that Danae mother and son were safe, and then he summoned Hermes and asked him to summon Athena, who was spreading knowledge and skills to the world and educating mankind at his command.

"Great King of the Gods, I wonder what you summoned me for?" asked the goddess of bright eyes as she entered Zeus's temple.

"Athena, there is an heir of me and the princess of the earth, who will be my chosen leader for all mankind, but he is still too weak, so I need you to go to the earth and be his mentor, to protect him, to guide him, to walk the path he should take. "

Although Danae's child has great potential, but that half of the human bloodline is ultimately dragging his feet, he needs to grow up like a human being under the washing of time, and as he grows older, the divine bloodline in his body will gradually germinate, giving him power far beyond ordinary people.

And Zeus' task for Athena is to protect the life of this god son when he is still in a fragile infancy, impart his knowledge, hone his skills, and stimulate the divine bloodline in his body, so that he can confidently pass the tests he has set for him and become the great hero that everyone expects.

Athena's eyes flashed when she listened to Zeus's words, how long had it been since she divorced Hera, first Demeter, and now a mortal princess?

But...... Zeus has not been unlucky with mortal women in the past, and has also given birth to several demigod heirs, but he has never cared about it, how can he suddenly be so attached to this god son now, and even have to teach him personally to make him the leader of all mankind?

Athena knew that all this was by no means that simple, but these thoughts were only fleeting in her mind, and she did not allow her to think more, and she hurriedly showed absolute obedience to the order of the god-king without question.

"I see, Great King of the Gods, but I don't know what the name of this demigod of yours is, and where is he now?"

Their mother and son are now on the island of Sirifos, in the middle of the sea, and he is the child of my princess Danae, who is with Argos, and his name is..." Zeus remembered the rain of gold that he had given Danae, and a smile appeared on his face, "Let it be called Perseus." Perseus

, for the meaning of "golden light", commemorate his relationship with the princess of the world.

Athena was ordered by Zeus to come to the island of Sirifos, where she hid her godly body and became an old fisherman on the island, secretly observing Perseus to see what was so special about the son of the god-king.

Princesses Danae and Perseus, with the help of Dictis, have since settled on the island.

Under her deliberate concealment, people did not know that Perseus was the bloodline of the god-king, and Dictis only regarded Perseus as a gift from the god of the sea, Poseidon, and this good-hearted man educated Perseus as his own son, and Athena just watched from the sidelines and did not intervene too much.

In this way, although Perseus has the blood of the god king, but without special exercise, he only appears to be taller and smarter than children of the same age, although outstanding, but not overly eye-catching, Perseus's childhood was spent in such a relatively happy and stable state.

But as the king of Zeus' chosen kings, Perseus's life could not be so calm, and finally, when Perseus grew up to sixteen years old and was about to reach adulthood, his life ushered in a major change.

Although Dictis was the younger brother of the king of Siriforth, his brother Polydetex had a very similar relationship with this brother, and he controlled the wealth of the entire island, but he refused to share it with his brother, but sent him to live on the island with other poor people, and lived by fishing at sea.

But the king of Siriforth, I don't know where he heard, his brother Diktis hid in the home of a peerless beauty, her demeanor is unmatched, just a look, can make people fascinated.

Polidtex, who was born with the best of everything and far surpassed his brother, suddenly felt very dissatisfied in his heart, if there really is such a beauty, it should also belong to him, the noble king, and why does his lowly fisherman brother occupy such a peerless beauty?

So the king immediately ordered his brother to send a message saying that he was about to hold a birthday banquet, and invited his brother's whole family to participate in it, especially indicating that he must come with the whole family.

Diktis received a letter from his brother at home, looking a little solemn and hesitant.

"What's wrong, Diktis, why are you looking troubled?" Danae, who was weaving, saw Diktis' tightened brows, and couldn't help but stop the movement in his hand and asked worriedly.

Over the years, Danae has long woken up from the original sweetness, the handsome, high-ranking king of the gods, and the sweet words that used to be nothing more than coaxing the young and ignorant self.

Except for the joy and sweetness at the beginning, from his pregnancy to giving birth to Perseus, and then to the misfortune of falling to this small island, now more than ten years have passed, Danae has never heard the slightest news of this king of gods.

He was a god, and if he really wanted to see her, it would not be difficult. Danae understood that she was just a flower picked casually in the other party's long life, and she gave up her illusions and began to live her child's life steadily.

Diktis was a good man, he was sincere, down-to-earth, steady, kind, and over the years, Perseus under his teaching, he also became a boy of outstanding character, Danae was grateful for everything he had given, although the two did not have the truth of husband and wife, but they were also watching over each other and respecting each other.

Now seeing that Diktis seemed to be troubled by what was going on, Danae couldn't help but ask.

"My brother, I sent a letter asking us to go to his birthday party as a family, he hasn't contacted me for decades, and now suddenly there is news that something is not right. Diktis did not hide from Danae and told her of his worries.

"Is it the king of this island nation?" Diktis had mentioned his background, and his brother did not seem to be a good man, "The king's order, if you don't go, you will probably be punished." Danae

couldn't help but feel worried, the two of them said nicely, one was a princess and the other was the king's brother, but in fact they were both outcasts, no different from commoners, and had no ability to resist the king of this country.

“...... Don't worry, Danae, maybe it's just that my brother hasn't seen me for too long and misses me, and we'll go and offer his blessing and come back. Speaking of this, Dick Tieston paused, glanced at Danae, who was still beautiful and moving more than ten years later, and added a bit of mature charm, and added, "It's good to dress modestly, Polidtex also knows my conditions, there is no need to force face." "I just hope it's not what I think."

"Good. Danae nodded and continued to weave the cloth in his hand.

On the beach of the island, a tall, handsome blonde boy is dragging a large fish one meter long from the sea to land.

"Perseus, I've caught a big fish again today. The old fisherman stood on the fishing boat and looked at Perseus carrying the big fish and said with a smile.

"Haha, Trito, thanks to the skills you taught me, I feel that my fishing catching skills have improved again, come to my house tonight to eat grilled fish!" Perseus laughed loudly, greeting the old fisherman who had watched him grow up and taught himself many fishing skills.

"Hahaha, well, I'll definitely come in the evening. The old fisherman named Trito smiled and nodded.

"I must come, then I will go home first, so that my father and mother will not worry." Perseus waved his hand and dragged the big fish towards the house.

The old fisherman smiled and looked at his distant back, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

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