Perseus returned home, listening to his adoptive father Dictis and his mother Danae talk about the king of the island inviting his family to a birthday banquet, compared to his father and mother's worries, Perseus did not care, over the years, under the old fisherman Trito from time to time, Perseus's martial arts can be said to be unparalleled on this island.

And he has always had a secret that he did not tell his parents, since some time ago, he felt as if there was a strange force flowing in his body, this force made him feel a hundred times more energetic without sleeping, and his strength and speed were far beyond ordinary people, even if he was injured, he could recover quickly.

But Perseus did not make a statement, he was afraid that his changes would cause panic and fear among the people around him, so he had been hiding his strength on weekdays, but if this king really planned to do wrong, Perseus was confident that he could protect his adoptive father and mother.

"Father, you don't have to worry, just go to the banquet boldly, I will be responsible for keeping you safe." Perseus said as he soothed Diktis and Danae.

Danae looked at his son, who had grown very tall, and let go of the uneasiness in his heart a little. Yes, before you know it, Perseus has also grown into a man who stands tall in the sky, and with that person's bloodline, he should not sit idly by....

Early the next morning, Dictis took Danae and Perseus to the royal palace on the island of Sirifoss to attend a banquet for his brother Polydetex.

Above the palatial palace, King Polydetex of Sirifos, dressed in a magnificent purple robe and a golden crown inlaid with the pearl of the deep sea, was bored admiring the dances of the graceful dancers in the hall, and his eyes looked at the door of the hall from time to time to see if his brother Diktis had arrived.

Suddenly, Polidtex's eyes lit up, and he saw his brother walk in from the door of the hall, and his poor dress was so prominent among the luxurious princes and nobles.

Soon a young man came out of Dictis's side, he was tall, handsome, and surrounded by an indescribable nobility, and if it were not for the fact that he was also wearing the coarse cloth clothes that only poor people would wear, Polidetex would really have mistaken this for the prince of some country.

This is Diktis's adopted son?

But soon he was attracted by the figure next to enter the hall.

Her long coarse dress could not hide her dazzling radiance, like a rose blooming among thorns, more beautiful than any woman he had ever seen in his life. Polyde Tex felt as if he had been shot by the arrow of Eros, and a strong desire for possession surged from his heart, possessing her, making her his own and his pearl.

This king who has been pampered for many years has only this one thought left in his mind at this moment, and the rumor is indeed true, such a peerless beauty has been occupied by her brother for more than ten years!

She should wear a long dress woven of gold thread, wear a necklace made of the pearl of the deep sea, eat fresh fruit and beef, drink wine and food, instead of following her lowly fisherman brother to live that precarious life, this is simply a violent thing!

"Dictis, is this your wife? Polidetex stepped down from the throne and greeted his brother "warmly", his eyes kept looking at Danae on the side, and the eager expression made Danae feel uncomfortable and lowered his head to avoid his gaze.

Perseus hurriedly stood in front of his mother, his sharp gaze meeting Polydetex, his eyes full of warnings to this disrespectful king.

Perseus's blood was noble, and the faint coercion generated invisibly made Polidtex irrepressibly a little timid, and he involuntarily took a few steps back, and then became angry.

He was the king of Sirifus, the most noble man in the kingdom, and it was a shame to show his cowardice in front of a commoner today!

"Big brother, Perseus is young and insensible, don't think about him. And Danae is not my wife..." Diktis did like Danae, but he was a kind and sincere person, and he could see that Danae had always had a knot in his heart that he could not let go, so he just chose to accompany her silently, and did not want her to go against his will because of kindness or some other reason.

"Oh, not your wife?" Polidtex was overjoyed when he heard this, and he interrupted Diktis at once, and said excitedly, "I will say, how can you be such a beautiful beauty as a lowly fisherman." The

king of Sirifoss looked at Danae, who was hiding behind Perseus, and said with an expression that he thought was affectionate: "Wonderful Danae, from the first time I saw you, I knew that you are my destined lover, be my queen, you will become the most noble woman in this kingdom, whatever you want, flowers, wine, Jewelry or gold, I can give it to you, your son Perseus, as my child, become the prince of this country and enjoy the supreme glory.


did not have the slightest affection for this domineering and arrogant king, and hearing what he said, he could not help but stand up from behind Perseus, and refused this king's marriage proposal without hesitation: "Respected King of Sirifos, thank you for your favor, but my heart already belongs, and I do not want to be a queen, I just want to weave cloth quietly in a small fishing village and live a peaceful life, please forgive me for refusing your marriage proposal."

Polidtex's face turned gloomy, since he was born, it can be said that he wants the wind to be windy, to rain and rain, in his heart, he can see Danae, that is her blessing, not to mention that he does not dislike her with a son who drags oil bottles, and has made great concessions, but he did not expect that the other party was so ignorant that he dared to refuse his marriage proposal.

Do you really think I'm discussing with you?

The dance scene, which originally had a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere, suddenly became tense and serious, and many princes and nobles were frightened by the situation in front of them, and couldn't help but let out a scream, and retreated in panic, for fear that they would be affected by this sudden war.

"Polydetex, you're going too far!" Even Dictis, who had a good temper, was angered by his brother's domineering behavior, and he quickly stood up and stood in front of Danae and Perseus, "Do you know what you're doing?"

"Hmph, just these soldiers?" Perseus looked at the soldiers who came up with great disdain, he jumped out sharply, his figure was as fast as a cheetah, and in the blink of an eye he came to the two soldiers, and before they could react, they raised their hands and seized the shields and spears in their hands, and raised two feet in a row, and the huge force directly kicked them away, and the soldiers were kicked backwards and flew out, smashed heavily on the wall, and then fell, unconscious.

"Father, go on!" Perseus

threw a spear and shield at his adoptive father, the divine bloodline in the demigod son had begun to awaken, and with the cooperation of Perseus's main attack and Diktis responsible for protecting Danae from harm, the soldiers in the palace were simply vulnerable under Perseus's men, and they were cleaned up like autumn winds sweeping away leaves, and they were all seriously injured and fell to the ground and could not get up.

Having solved the siege of the soldiers, Perseus looked up at the mighty king again, and walked towards him with a blood-stained spear in his hand.

"You... Killing the king is a grave crime, you will have no place in this country, and other countries will not take you in if they know of your crimes!"

Polidetex knew at this time that he was afraid, and the killing intent in Perseus' eyes was so obvious, he kept retreating, and finally reached the point where there was no way to retreat, and suddenly slumped on his throne, trembling and majestic.

"Perseus!" Dictis quickly grabbed Perseus, afraid that his adopted son would do something irreparable under impulse.

Then he looked at his brother again, and his tone was rare and tough: "Polidtex, more than ten years ago, I found the Danae mother and son on the sea, do you know who sent them over?

Diktis dropped his spear and shield in front of Polydetex and left the palace with Perseus and Danae.

The banquet turmoil was temporarily over, and Diktis thought that his warning was on his side, and his confused brother would no longer have thoughts that he shouldn't have.

But he still did not expect that he underestimated the king's paranoia and cunning, and half a month later, Polidetex threatened that he would propose to a princess of a neighboring country, and that he needed to prepare a dowry so that the inhabitants of the island country would pay a horse as a tax.

But Diktis was only a fisherman, and his poor family could not afford to pay this harsh tax, and Polydetex took this opportunity to punish him, and Perseus could not bear the suffering of his adoptive father, so he offered to let the king exempt his adoptive father from taxes in exchange for other things.

This is undoubtedly in the arms of Polydetex, what horse tax and cattle tax, but his excuse, of course he knows that Diktis cannot afford it, and he cannot fight the martial artist Perseus, and this king intends to use power and trickery to break the nasty Perseus.

So Polydetex asked Perseus to sacrifice one of the three sisters of the famous Gorgon on the sea, the head of the monster Medusa, where did the young Perseus know the power of Medusa, immediately agreed to this matter, and then prepared to set out to find Medusa's location.

But before he set out, he made Polidtex a vow not to force his mother to do anything until he returned.

Polidtex naturally agreed with his mouth, as long as Danae nodded, it would not be considered persecution hehe....

Perseus went home and packed his bags and set out to go, but he did not know where Medusa was, and he heard that Athena, the goddess of wisdom, was the teacher and guide of mankind, so he went to the temple of Athena, wanting to pray to the goddess of wisdom to guide him.

As soon as he stepped into the temple, Perseus saw a kneeling figure in the temple, and the back was so familiar, and upon closer inspection, it was not Trito, the old fisherman who had taught him many practical hunting skills.

Perseus stepped forward and asked softly to the old fisherman: "Trito, do you also come to the temple to seek the guidance of the goddess?" The old fisherman

turned around, his old face with a peaceful and solemn smile, and suddenly his body lit up with a faint light, and his originally somewhat tall figure became tall and tall.

Perseus only felt a dazzle for a while, and then the old fisherman Trito had disappeared, and before him appeared a beautiful goddess with a stubborn and stubborn golden glow, and her face was indistinguishable from the statue in the main hall, revealing her identity.

"Goddess Athena!" Perseus looked stupidly at the goddess who suddenly appeared, although he came to the temple to pray for Athena's guidance, but he did not expect that the god had always been by his side, and the old fisherman who taught himself a fighting technique called fishing, which was actually very practical in battle, turned out to be the incarnation of this goddess.

Athena walked down the altar, looked at Perseus faintly, and suddenly swung a punch unexpectedly, and Perseus, who was highly skilled in martial arts, did not even see the trajectory of the punch, and was hit in the abdomen by a huge force, flew out upside down, hit the wall of the temple hard, and then fell to the ground.

"Perseus, you who are so weak that you can't even resist a single punch, why do you think that you can fight the famous three sisters of Goergon?"

"Ahem..." Perseus couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, severe pain spread from his abdomen all over his body, he raised his eyes to look at Athena, his eyes were puzzled and wary of entering a state of battle, and the fortitude and forbearance in them made Athena show a wisp of a smile.

"Perseus, I know the purpose of your visit, but now you are not mature enough, the three sisters of Gorgon, the daughters of the ancient goddess of the sea, their bloodline is powerful and has unparalleled power, two of the three sisters have golden wings and brass claws, the eldest sister Silkina has the power to easily tear bronze, and the second sister Yuri Ellie has the speed comparable to the wind, and sharp fangs, they also have immortal bodies that cannot be killed by a sharp sword. And their favorite sister Medusa, although she has no immortal body, but she is born a different species, and everyone who sees her face will turn into stone, how can you, your weak body, defeat this monster?"

Athena did not care about Perseus' guard, but analyzed his current situation with him, constantly suppressing the boy's self-confidence with words.

"Go back, Perseus, you can run away from this island country with your mother, learn from your adoptive father, be an ordinary fisherman, and live a happy life."

Athena's words silenced Perseus, Athena's words were not wrong, even if Danae did not want to marry the king, with his ability, he could still take his mother away and continue to live incognito.

But for some reason, Athena's punch just now seemed to activate a certain organ in his body, and the strange power that had grown fairly smoothly in his body suddenly boiled in an instant, and the endless power seemed to slowly penetrate out from his marrow, and Perseus's brain became extremely awake in an instant.

Reason and ambition followed, suppressing the fear and escape thoughts in his heart, he endured the severe pain of his body and stood up, his strong arms appeared extremely solid, and the boy looked at the brilliant goddess and slowly spoke.

"Great goddess, I want to kill Medusa, not only for my mother, the three sisters of Gorgon have killed countless strong men on the earth, mothers have lost sons, wives have lost husbands, they are in pain and helpless, countless prayers to the gods, but to no avail, now since fate has chosen me to fight this terrible monster, although I also have fear in my heart, but for the vow I have made, I will definitely fulfill it, even if my body is broken, I am not willing to be a coward!"

The young man's words became more and more intense, his eyes became more and more determined, his eyes gradually glowed with blue brilliance, the bloodline power of the king of gods gradually spread out in his body, the noble quality and rationality stimulated the divine power in his body, making his whole person dazzling.

"It is strange to have a response, those three sisters because their sister Medusa is Poseidon's lover, and they are the backstage on the sea, and they act so unscrupulously."

But Perseus's divine brilliance made Athena couldn't help but shine, how amazing, this noble quality and spiritual power can further stimulate the power in this young man's body, is it a coincidence?

When the light dissipated, only a golden shield and an oracle of Athena remained on the ground.

"Go, go find the long-lived Greier sisters, who will tell you the secret of killing Medusa.

Perseus picked up the shield on the ground and knelt down on one knee facing the statue of Athena.

"Thank you for your teaching and guidance, wise and gracious goddess Athena.

With that, the boy walked out of the temple of the goddess of wisdom, not noticing Athena who was staring at him behind him.

"But it's really generous, such an important artifact as the Aegis Golden Shield is willing to lend him. A

faint laughter sounded in the hall, and the goddess with blond hair and purple eyes appeared at Athena's side.

"It's amazing that you can break through the limits by will alone, what is the reason, is it because of the bloodline of the god king, or the bloodline of a human being?" muttered the goddess of wisdom.

In response to her question, Herb smiled lightly and said, "Maybe both." "

Under the planning of Prometheus, human beings have become a wonderful complex of contradictions, and Perseus, who has the blood of Zeus, undoubtedly has greater potential and growth rate than other humans, young man, the future can be expected, if you accidentally give birth to a backbone, then Zeus will have a headache."

“...... Forget it, time will tell me the answer. Athena temporarily did not understand and simply gave up the entanglement, she believed that through the observation of Perseus, she would find out, the goddess looked at Herb and showed a light smile, "Lend him the golden shield of Aecus, on the one hand, to protect his safety, on the other hand, it is also the revelation of the law of wisdom."

Athena's gaze looked into the distance, and a cold light flashed in her eyes: "The once polluted source of wisdom has also been outside long enough, if she is in peace, I can keep her for a while longer, she should not be mixed with Poseidon, and destroy the city-state under my jurisdiction and harm my people for his sake."

"Perseus, the hero I bring, will take back my glory for me. "

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