Hermes received a parchment from Heber that recorded the way to obtain the world's favor, and the god of commerce immediately sensed the great benefits and benefits contained in it, and immediately took this roll of parchment to find his mother goddess Maia, the goddess of wind and rain.

And Athena and Herb did not stay long on Samos Island, Athena is the guardian of the heroes of the world, and now there are many demigod heroes on the earth, in addition to giving them basic protection, she will also select some potential key care, if these heroes have the opportunity to rely on faith to seal the gods, then as a mentor, she has a high probability of being able to recruit them as her team.

And Herb now has to rely on Elpis's identity to collect hope on the earth, promote the ontology's understanding of the power of chaos, and help Zoe seize control of the world, and the demigod heroes who can be called the children of luck are also her focus on attention.

Two goddesses with the same goal left Samos hand in hand, leaving Hera at home with her children.

And Zeus, the king of the gods, was not idle, still actively sowing seeds in the world, eager to give birth to offspring with great potential like Perseus again, and under the urging of love, the king of the gods completed several cursed loves.

He fell in love with Semel, the princess of Thebai, the daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia, who was mortal but noble in blood.

Cadmus was originally a prince of Phoenicia, and his sister was Europa, who had been taken captive by Zeus, and after Europa disappeared, their father, King Agnol, was very angry and told the three brothers to come out and find their missing sister.

Later, under the guidance of the sun god Apollo and the goddess of wisdom Athena, Cadmus found a rich territory, killed the poisonous dragon, sowed the poisonous dragon's teeth on the fourth year, and from the poisonous dragon's teeth a bunch of samurai were born, and this group of warriors fought each other, and finally left the most powerful five, and Cadmus built the current kingdom of Thebai with the help of these five dragon tooth warriors.

And Semel's mother, Harmonia, is the descendant of Ares, the god of war, and Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, the goddess of harmony and harmony.

As their daughter Semel did not inherit the divine bloodline, but was only a mortal, but the goddess of love and beauty was her maternal grandmother, Aphrodite gave Semel a blessing, so that this princess also existed as the ultimate beauty of the world, she used snow-white skin like moonlight, delicate and perfect face, peaceful and pure eyes, people saw her, could not help but sigh, is Kronos castrated his father with a sickle again, so that the foamy sea water gave birth to a little Aphrodite。

Zeus fell in love with him, and soon after the girl became pregnant, but by this time Hera had already parted ways with Zeus, and naturally there was no tragedy caused by Hera changing into an old woman to seduce the naïve and ignorant Semel and let her see Zeus's true body.

The child in Semel's womb was successfully born, but Zagrios is now alive and well on the island of Samos and has never been reincarnated into the princess's body, and after ten months of pregnancy, Semel gave birth to a human prince who did not inherit any divine bloodline, named Dionysus.

Zeus was disappointed with this heir who did not inherit his divine bloodline, and after a cursory look, he stopped paying too much attention.

Soon after, the god-king turned his eyes to others, and turned his head to snub the old lover, but Semel was noble, and under the favor of his father and mother, he lived a peaceful and comfortable life in the palace with his child Dionysus.

Later, Zeus took a fancy to the river god Asobos' youngest daughter Aechana, who was one of the most unlucky among the Greek gods, and he had many innocent and lovely daughters, and felt extremely happy and proud of it.

But recently I don't know what the reason is, his daughters have mysteriously disappeared one after another, the river god Asopos asked around about their whereabouts, but did not get a single news, after the first eight daughters disappeared, only the youngest daughter remained, Erlena, who was born to him and the human woman, and the old river god carefully guarded Erlena, for fear of losing this last beloved daughter.

Despite this, he did not stop the greedy and lecherous Zeus, the king of the gods who took advantage of the river god's rest to turn into an eagle and snatch the girl away.

The river god Asopos is constantly chasing in an attempt to save his daughter, and the god king Zeus is troubled by him. Burning with desire, he was unwilling to give up the beautiful girl under his claws, so he threw a lightning bolt and hit one of the river god's legs, taking advantage of the river god Asopos fainting.

The river god Asopos was lame on one leg and could no longer catch up, and the Asobos River, which he was supporting, became very slow from then on.

Zeus took Aegina to an island near Attica, founded a city there, and named the island after Aecna, who gave birth to an heir named Aecos, who turned the island's ants into an army to guard the city, and then made his son Aecos king here.

However, although Aecus contained divine blood, his potential was not high and could not satisfy Zeus, so the king of the gods left their mother and son to find a new lover again.

He incarnated as a man with two sheep's feet, possessed Antiope, princess of Thebes, and gave birth to Amphion and Pythes.

The swan, who transformed into a swan, intersected with the queen of Sparta, Leda, and gave birth to two golden eggs, one of which gave birth to Castor and Clytenestra, and the other to Helen and Polydius.

And then he cheated on Dia, wife of Ixion, king of the Lapitaeans....

I have to say that this king of the gods has worked very hard to create another worthy demigod heir for himself.

Eros in the sacred mountain felt the inexplicable surging divine power in his body recently, and felt very puzzled. The face of this god of love is already between adolescent and youth, pink curly hair, delicate and perfect face, and white wings, and when he grows up, Eros shows a beauty that can compete with his mother god.

The king of the gods drove the clouds to look down on the earth in the air, continuing to choose for himself the mother who would bear the heir of the demigods. Suddenly, his gaze gradually focused on a young woman, Alcmene, the granddaughter of Perseus.

Alcmene was engaged to his cousin Amphiterion from an early age, and married him when he grew up.

For the sake of Perseus and Athena, the goddess of marriage, Hera, personally blessed this marriage, and after Alcmene married Amphitryon, she lived a happy life with her lover in the palace, but she did not know that the eyes of the king of the gods had locked on her, and the gears of fate quietly turned again, which would bring shocking waves to her life.

Zeus in the clouds, looking at the charming and moving Alcmene, felt the blood of Perseus contained in her body, and the red marriage divine light that shrouded her.

The king of the gods stared at his great-granddaughter with a smile on his face, and the anger in his heart at Perseus and Hera's betrayal of him had not dissipated, and now the appearance of Alcmene made the god-king think of revenge.

Perseus turned his back on him, then he caused his descendants to suffer a disgusting fate, and Hera blessed the marriage, and he messed it up.

The king of the gods turned into an eagle, flew down from the clouds, and in the magnificent palace, he turned into the appearance of Alcmene's husband, swaggered in the palace to spend the clouds and rain with Alcmene, and after doing all this, Zeus turned into an eagle and flew away.

The next day, Alcmene's true husband returned, and he spent the Spring Festival with Alcmene again, telling about his thoughts and love.

Alcmene's face turned pale, and only then did she react that it was probably not her husband who spent the night with her yesterday, but she was afraid that Amphitrion would be angry when he knew the truth, so she had to hide the matter.

Soon after, Alcmene became pregnant, but instead of one child, she conceived two children of Zeus and her husband, one god and one man.

Time passed, and on this day, Hera, who had been playing with Zagrios on the island of Samos, suddenly realized that a marriage she had blessed had been tainted by infidelity. The goddess was immediately furious, and after she gave Zagreosto to the winter gods to look after, Hera, wearing gold shoes, followed the telepathy to the palace where Alcmene was located.

The brown-haired and purple-eyed goddess looked coldly at the giving queen Alcmene below, Hera had a little impression of her, the bloodline of Perseus, the patron god of mankind, when Perseus and Athena asked for a blessing for this marriage, she saw that these two people really loved each other, so she gave them a happy marriage, but she did not expect that this marriage was destroyed by others!

!As a goddess of fertility, she could naturally feel that the two children in Alcmene's belly had completely different bloodlines, and one of them even contained a very strong divinity, that is, the descendant of a god, Alcmene cheated on a god?"

The low, gentle voice sounded so familiar, but it only made Hera feel bored like a fly surrounding.

"Zeus?" Hera turned to look at the king of the gods who had also arrived over the country at some point, and his eyes flashed first with surprise, then with understanding, followed by fury, "I don't believe you can't feel that this marriage has been blessed by me, is this your revenge on me, isn't it?

Although it was a questioning sentence, Hera's tone was very determined, she knew Zeus too well, he was no longer the wise and powerful leader he was, but a god-king who was immersed in the lust for power and gradually lost himself, Zeus never missed any opportunity to punish his existence.

"Perseus's bloodline, her ancestors have once obtained the qualification to become the king of kings, so will the demigod bloodline bred by her have more powerful potential?" Zeus did not answer Hera's question, but looked at Alcmene, who was wailing in pain in the delivery room below, with a satisfied smile on his face, "It turns out that I guessed right and bet right, you see this god son, his potential is even greater than Perseus, he will be a qualified king." When

Zeus said this, a dark light flashed in his eyes, this time, he would personally guide the son of God, and would never let him rebel against himself like Perseus.

"How about this child, called Heracles, after all, the Son of God born from your blessed marriage. "

Hercules, meaning the glory of Hera.

Zeus's intimate mockery completely angered Hera, the goddess of marriage, who was originally just disgusted that Zeus had tarnished her blessed marriage, and had no ill feelings towards Zeus's demigod bloodline. But Zeus's naming the child "The Glory of Hera" undoubtedly drew a wave of iron-blooded hatred for the unborn son of God.

Glory to Hera, an illegitimate son born from a faithful marriage blessed by the goddess of marriage, I Hera will also voluntarily be hung on the Caucasus mountain today!

"King of the Gods, since you gave me such a big gift, wouldn't it seem that I was a little stingy if I didn't pay tribute to you. The

goddess raised her hand and waved a divine power, the goddess of fertility, under the control of her fertility divine power, Alcmene in the delivery room let out a cry of pain, a loud baby cry resounded throughout the delivery room, and the human blood of Alcmene and her husband Amphitryon was born first.

The demigod bloodline with Zeus was entangled in the body by the umbilical cord, and it could not be born, and the umbilical cord was tightening little by little, trying to strangle the bloodline of this Zeus.

"Enough, Hera!" Seeing that the demigod bloodline he was optimistic about to be strangled to death by Hera, Zeus was anxious, the king of the gods faintly regretted the provocation of this goddess just now, knowing that her personality was the hottest, "If you don't want the main god position of your two sons to be unsecured, just stop." "

“...... That's also your god son, you actually want to attack them for the sake of a demigod bloodline?" Hera heard the movement of his subordinates, and looked at Zeus, his eyes were even more disappointed.

Zeus's silence explained his choice.

Hera understood what he meant, and after a moment of silence, the goddess waved her hand, withdrew her divine power, and Zeus's demigod bloodline was successfully born.

"Leaving him alive doesn't mean your insult to me can be counted as such, Zeus. Hera

had a cold face, and the red divine light lit up from this Hera's body, and the goddess's expression was majestic at the moment, and the red lips that were more gorgeous than roses spat out the divine words word by word.

"As a product of marital infidelity, he will be cursed by the goddess of marriage, and he will be ruled and enslaved by his brother for the rest of his life, and will not be free. Unless..." The

goddess looked at the gloomy face of the god king, and a sneer was drawn at the corner of her mouth.

"Unless he can complete ten tasks assigned by his brother, he can no longer be bound by the curse and driven by man. "

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