Hercules was born under the curse of Hera, the goddess of marriage, an extraordinary demigod destined to live under his weak human brother named Eurystus and do his bidding. Unless he completes ten tasks commanded by Eurystos, he will be able to escape the curse of the goddess of marriage and regain his freedom.

After casting the curse, Hera did not look at Zeus's-like expression, turned and left the place and returned to Samos.

When she landed on the island of Samos, the anger on the goddess's face did not subside, and when she heard that Hera had returned, Zagreos, who was being led by the winter gods to find Hera, saw that her adoptive mother had a very bad face and hurried forward.

This god born by Persephone, under Hera's careful upbringing, the scattered origin in the body began to gradually grow, the original almost illusory godhead also became solid, and the growth of divine power made this god finally get rid of the infant posture. Now he has grown to the size of seven or eight years old, wearing a fitting robe made by his sister Athena, who is the goddess of crafts, and the burgundy eyes on his delicate face are still breathtaking.

"Benevolent and Venerable Hera, what happened? Zagreus threw himself into the arms of the goddess and looked up at his adoptive mother with a concerned look.

"I'm all right, Zagrios. Seeing the arrival of her adopted son, the cute and innocent appearance of Yuxue made the displeasure on Hera's face ease a little, she squatted down and hugged Zagrios, gently patted his back, calmed his emotions, and said softly, "It's just a little disgusting thing, it's all gone, have you drunk today's golden apple juice?"

It is said that it is golden apple juice, but it is actually a small amount of golden apple mixed with the essence extracted from the fruits of other divine plants, although Heber does not care, but the golden apple is precious, Hera can not bear to squander her daughter's property.

Except for the beginning when Zagrios was extremely weak, Hera took out a few for his stabilizing origin and divine body, and then asked the Ninfes to collect the fruits of divine plants, and then combined with a small amount of golden apple juice for Zagrios to drink, the effect was a little slower, but at least it was stable and effective, otherwise one a day, the golden apple tree would have to rebel sooner or later.

"Of course, I drink it every day as you tell me. The little Zhengtai-looking Zagrios nodded very solemnly.

"Well, Zagrios is such an obedient and good boy. The adopted son was so obedient, Hera's beautiful and noble face could not help but show a loving smile, and did not hesitate to praise herself.

Her Highness Athena doesn't allow me to go out, it's too boring for me to stay here every day." Zagrios' burgundy eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, pestering Herasa coquettishly.


Hera looked at the other party's longing eyes, really ruthless to refuse, thinking about it, strictly speaking, Zagrios is also the son of the god, who knows if there will be a sudden bloodline awakening when he grows up.

Thinking of this, Hera couldn't help but shiver, this is not okay, she has to take advantage of the fact that Zagrios has not yet grown up, hurry up to educate him ideologically, and never grow up to become a subordinate god like his father!

"I see. Zagrios was also very cooperative, nodding his head with a serious face, saying that he would never learn from that scumbag.

"Hmm~" Hera nodded in satisfaction, she touched the dragon horn on Zagrios's head, "After listening to the story, go to sleep, sleep is conducive to you absorbing those divine essences, let you grow up quickly." "

Good~" Zagrios nodded obediently, said goodbye to his adoptive mother, and returned to the temple that Heber ordered the gods and nymphs to build for him.

The young god with a dragon horn did not immediately fall asleep, he came to a golden basin in the hall, lightly clicked the golden basin, and the basin was immediately filled with clear water.

"The water that reflects all things shows me the images in the palace of Thebai." "

There was a ripple of clear water in the basin, and the picture emerged, and in the palace of Thebai, in the dormitory of Queen Arcmene, the maids were caring for the two princes who had just been born, they had the same brown curls, and their faces were seven points similar, one with brown eyes, the other with blue eyes, and the one with blue eyes looked much more robust and lively.

Zagreos looked at the sturdy baby with blue eyes, his burgundy eyes lit up, and the clear water in the basin suddenly twisted, turning into two poisonous snakes spitting letters and falling to the ground, scarlet eyes looking at the master who created himself.

"Go, go and kill the bastard who offended Hera's dignity. "


The two poisonous snakes spat out letters, twisted their bodies and crawled out of the temple, followed the current into the sea, and went to the palace of Thebai.

Having done all this, Zagrios stretched out, and according to the instructions of his adoptive mother, lay down on the divine bed in the temple and slept deeply, his body gradually glowed with a soft light, and his body was gradually growing at an imperceptible speed.

In the palace of the city of Thebai, the two vipers sent by Zagreus to take a breath of evil for their adoptive mother, while Hercules and his brother were sleeping, the surrounding servants relaxed their vigilance and quietly sneaked into the palace, their eyes were cold and terrifying, their mouths hissed, and gradually swam up the cradle.

However, Heracles' divine bloodline was even much richer than that of his ancestor Perseus, and the vigilance of the crisis awakened the demigod bloodline who was still a baby, and his blue eyes stared at the two poisonous snakes in front of him, without the slightest fear, but only curiosity and eagerness.

The newborn baby could already roll over and sit up, his small arm already contained amazing strength and speed, and between the electric flint, Hercules was already holding a snake in one hand, and with a smile on his face, he hanged the two snakes alive mischievously.

And Eurystheus on the side had already woken up, but he was an ordinary human being, he didn't know why, he just felt that he was woken up and suddenly began to cry.

Queen Alcmene heard the sound and entered the palace, and found that her son Hercules was holding two poisonous snakes in his hands, and she was immediately frightened, and hurriedly called her husband Amphitryon to help, and when Amphitrion hurriedly came, she found that the two snakes were already stiff and could not move, and they could no longer die.

Amphitryon comforted his wife while looking at Hercules, who was playing with two snake venoms, looking at the other party's blue eyes that were different from himself and his wife, and this extraordinary strength, the king was a little surprised and happy for a while.

He remembered his grandfather Perseus, who was also a demigod with a god bloodline, could it be that Hercules had inherited it from generation to generation and awakened the god bloodline?

Amphitrion can no longer suppress the smile on his face when he thinks of this, the value of a demigod hero to a country is simply beyond imagination, they are all monogamous on the battlefield, the existence of everything, Hercules is still a baby can easily strangle two not small vipers, if carefully cultivated, Amphitryon can be sure that Hercules will become the strongest demigod hero in all of Greece.

Amphitryon, who became more and more excited the more he thought about it, could no longer contain the excitement in his heart, and he told his wife to take care of the two children, and he went to the temple of the sun and the prophetic god Apollo to pray for a good prophecy about Hercules.

However, what Amphitrion did not expect was that in the mouth of Apollo's sacrifice, he learned a news that made him feel very humiliated.

The priests of the temple told Amphitryon that his second son, Hercules, was not his bloodline, but the product of Zeus' bed-sharing with his queen Alcmene, a gift from the king of the gods.

The priest, who was a servant of the gods, could not understand what this big green hat meant to a pampered king, who in his opinion was the honor that the gods had bestowed on Amphitryon, and that the other party should feel very honored.

The priest warned Amphitryon that the king of gods took this son very seriously, and that Amphitrion needed to give him the best teaching, without the slightest neglect, otherwise he and his country would be punished by the king of the gods.

Amphitryon hated the god-king who had defiled his wife, but he knew that he was no different from an ant in the eyes of the gods, and he could become a king, and Amphitryon was naturally very deep, and he pretended to be surprised and glorious on his face and returned to the palace.

"Amphitryon, you're back. By the time Amphitrion returned to the palace, Alcmene had put the two children to sleep again, and when he saw that her husband had returned, the beautiful queen hurried to greet him.

"Hmm. Amphitrion glanced at Alcmene, sat down in a chair in the palace, and gave himself a glass of fine wine to drink to himself.

"Amphitryon, what's wrong with you..." Her husband's sudden coldness made Alcmene a little uneasy, and her heart tightened, could it be...

"The priests of Apollo told me that Hercules was not my blood, but a gift from the king of the gods. Amphitrion said lightly, without the slightest joy or anger in his voice.

The blood on Alcmene's beautiful face gradually faded, and she couldn't help but come out in pain, lying on her husband's lap, and sobbed: " Amphitryon, please believe in my love and loyalty to you, the king of the gods, who changed into your form and tricked me into sleeping with him, and I realized that something was wrong when you returned the next day, but I did not know that it was this crime he committed against me, and I did not dare to tell you the pain in my heart, and I pray that you will forgive me for my unintentional mistakes.

"..."Seeing his beloved wife's hoarse crying, Amphitryon's eyes could not help but show a heavy look, he was silent for a moment, and finally raised his hand, helped his wife up, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Alcmene, I know who you are, and I believe in your feelings, you should be happy, this is a gift from the gods, with Hercules, in the future our army will be unrivaled, and no country will dare to make unreasonable demands on us." "

“...... Amphitryon, are you really willing to forgive me!?" Alcmene looked at her husband in surprise.

Amphitryon pulled a smile on his face and took his wife into his arms, gently stroking her silky long hair, but where Alcmene could not see, a dark light crossed his eyes.

Hercules gradually grew up, and the blood of the god king gradually awakened in his body, making him burly and handsome at a young age, and his brother Eurystheus still looked childish, and he was as strong as an adult at a glance, and he was also infinitely powerful, and he had a very high talent for martial arts, almost a little understanding.

Amphitrion did not dare to go against the will of the god king Zeus, and for this demigod bloodline, he invited many famous teachers to teach Hercules martial arts and the knowledge of musical art.

Heracles' learning of martial arts skills is indeed very rapid, as if he was born for battle, but there are gains and losses, in contrast, his artistic cells seem to be stifled, completely unable to appreciate the beauty of music.

Amphitleon specially found a teacher for Hercules to teach music and singing, his name was Renos, the illegitimate son of Apollo left on earth, his divine blood was very thin, but he inherited the musical talent of his father, and his noble origin and outstanding talent made him highly sought-after, which made him proud and conceited.

The proud and conceited artist Reinos was not a qualified teacher, and when he taught Hercules, who had no musical cell, he would beat him if he was not satisfied. King Amphitrion also acquiesced to this behavior, and as a prince, he can only dance knives and guns, and he should also have outstanding artistic accomplishment.

Although Queen Alcmene faintly felt a little wrong, since confessing to Amphitlion, her guilt for her husband and the resentment of the king of the gods for seducing her made her not close to her son. On the contrary, she doted on her eldest son Eurystheus very much, because this was the crystallization of her love with her husband, so she did not say anything more.

On this day, Hercules was again beaten by Renos for not playing the harp well, although the young Hercules was mature in appearance, his heart was still only a child, and the long-term abuse made the unbearable Hercules finally angry, he forgot to control his power, picked up the harp on the side, and hit his teacher head-on.

Hercules was so powerful that he killed Reinos in one fell swoop.

Looking at the teacher who fell to the ground, the young Hercules fell into a situation of helplessness for the first time.

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